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  Nr. 4365 de vineri, 17 octombrie 2008 
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Zenn din Gringostan (...@yahoo.com, IP: 167.206.164...)
2008-10-17 17:23
Haider May Have Been Assassinated

Confirming what many suspect, a VW spokesman claims that someone with access to the Austrian politician’s car keys could have sabotaged the vehicle’s safety features

News Brief – October 17, 2008

Auto manufacturers have underlined what many suspect, that Austrian politican Jorg Haider’s car may have been sabotaged before he crashed.

Haider died when his Volkswagen Phaeton veered off the road in the early hours of Saturday morning last week after attending a celebration party for Austria's right wing leaders.

However, the makers of the VW Phaeton limo he was driving insist their car is one of the safest in the world and he should have survived the crash.

VW spokesman Peter Thul claimed that someone with access to Haider’s car key could have manipulated the car’s electrics.

The car giants have sent their own experts to examine the wreckage and search for signs it may have been sabotaged.

“It is a fact that Haider was going too fast but such a speed on that curve is not a problem for the car’s physics” , said the VW spokesman.

“The Phaeton and Audi A8 are the safest of all. You’d need the key to manipulate the electronics, so someone at a garage would have to tamper with it.

Thousands of right-wingers from across Europe are expected to attend his funeral in Klagenfurt on Saturday.

All police leave in Austria has been cancelled in anticipation of clashes between mourners and left wing protestors.

Experts in reconstructing traffic accidents say that the three-month-old Phaeton V6 was capable of a top speed of 150mph and could reach a speed from 0 to 60mph an hour in 9,4 seconds.

In independent tests it scored top marks for the level of safety offered after an accident.

Haider was controversial within Austria and abroad for his anti-immigration stance and the U.S. had criticized him for comments that "could be interpreted as xenophobic or anti-Semitic."

Zenn din Gringostan (...@yahoo.com, IP: 167.206.164...)
2008-10-17 17:25
Putin deosebit de cazul Hariri, da' acelasi rezultat. Nu-i asa bai Mossad?

La 2008-10-17 17:23:28, Zenn a scris:

> Confirming what many suspect, a VW spokesman claims that someone with
> access to the Austrian politician’s car keys could have
> sabotaged the vehicle’s safety features
> News Brief – October 17, 2008
> Auto manufacturers have underlined what many suspect, that Austrian
> politican Jorg Haider’s car may have been sabotaged before he
> crashed.
> Haider died when his Volkswagen Phaeton veered off the road in the
> early hours of Saturday morning last week after attending a
> celebration party for Austria's right wing leaders.
> However, the makers of the VW Phaeton limo he was driving insist their
> car is one of the safest in the world and he should have survived the
> crash.
> VW spokesman Peter Thul claimed that someone with access to
> Haider’s car key could have manipulated the car’s
> electrics.
> The car giants have sent their own experts to examine the wreckage and
> search for signs it may have been sabotaged.
> “It is a fact that Haider was going too fast but such a speed on
> that curve is not a problem for the car’s physics” , said
> the VW spokesman.
> “The Phaeton and Audi A8 are the safest of all. You’d need
> the key to manipulate the electronics, so someone at a garage would
> have to tamper with it.
> Thousands of right-wingers from across Europe are expected to attend
> his funeral in Klagenfurt on Saturday.
> All police leave in Austria has been cancelled in anticipation of
> clashes between mourners and left wing protestors.
> Experts in reconstructing traffic accidents say that the
> three-month-old Phaeton V6 was capable of a top speed of 150mph and
> could reach a speed from 0 to 60mph an hour in 9,4 seconds.
> In independent tests it scored top marks for the level of safety
> offered after an accident.
> Haider was controversial within Austria and abroad for his
> anti-immigration stance and the U.S. had criticized him for comments
> that "could be interpreted as xenophobic or anti-Semitic."

Omul din Himalaya din Bucuresti (...@rol.ro, IP: 62.231.78...)
2008-10-17 17:33
Re: Haider May Have Been Assassinated

Pai ori i-au umblat la "electrica", ori i-au taiat centura de siguranta? Zice ca ar fi trebuit sa supravietuiasca, adica elementele de siguranta ar fi trebuit sa previna rani atat de grave, nu ca neaparat n-ar fi trebuit sa se rastoarne. Volkswagen nu vrea sa-si piarda clientii. Daca va mai uitati si voi pe Discovery veti vedea ca se pot produce accidente mortale si la viteze mult mai mici daca ai ghinion, indiferent cate stele are la NCAP masinuta. De ce nu-i acuzati pe medici ca l-au omorat in salvare, desi ranile sale nu ar fi fost atat de grave?

Eufrosin din Romania (...@bugmenot.com, IP: 86.106.54...)
2008-10-17 17:41
Re: Haider May Have Been Assassinated

Bre, faptul ca liderii partidelor de dreapta incep sa dispara fortat (Fortuyn, Haider) sau sa fie agresati fizic (Le Pen), alti incomozi au accidente de masina nemaiauzite (Printesa Diana), ar trebui sa poti deslusi un sablon, un mod de operare.
Din punctul asta de vedere, moartea lui Haider este extrem de suspecta.
Nu-i vad pe socialisti si alti nemernici asortati sa dispara la rata asta!

La 2008-10-17 17:33:57, Omul din Himalaya a scris:

> Pai ori i-au umblat la "electrica", ori i-au taiat centura de
> siguranta? Zice ca ar fi trebuit sa supravietuiasca, adica elementele
> de siguranta ar fi trebuit sa previna rani atat de grave, nu ca
> neaparat n-ar fi trebuit sa se rastoarne. Volkswagen nu vrea sa-si
> piarda clientii. Daca va mai uitati si voi pe Discovery veti vedea ca
> se pot produce accidente mortale si la viteze mult mai mici daca ai
> ghinion, indiferent cate stele are la NCAP masinuta. De ce nu-i
> acuzati pe medici ca l-au omorat in salvare, desi ranile sale nu ar
> fi fost atat de grave?

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