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  Nr. 4343 de luni, 22 septembrie 2008 
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cutzu (...@hotmail.com, IP: 213.214.42...)
2008-09-21 23:16
Just google :)

si ia te uite ce gasim :) ce bine e cand ceri opinia echidistanta a cuiva cu care colaborezi in mod curent :))
Bate Vantu frunza-n dunga, pe Unteanu nu-l alunga ;)

Ion Caramache (...@aol.com, IP: 205.188.116...)
2008-09-22 13:03
Re: Just google :)

De mult il banuiam ca obiectivul CrUnteanu miroase de deontologie obiectiva analist jurnalistica. Chiar asa, de ce nu dezvaluie analistul corespondent CrUnteanu mishmasurile care il fac incompatibil cu meseria sa. Vaa amintiti de manipulatorul similar de opinie publica Bogdan Chireac, cu cine si ce afaceri ivirtea dumnealui? Pai la fel este si profesionistul CrUnteanu.
&#8220;We see this fund as a way to help families get back on their feet after devastating loss,&#8221; said Cristian Unteanu, Delegated-Administrator of the Vintu Foundation. &#8220;Through the IFJ we will be able to identify those most in need.&#8221;
The Vintu Foundation and the IFJ have also launched a journalism prize for Europe targeted at young journalists to encourage professionalism and high quality in media. The steps of the selection procedure as well as the jury will be the responsibility of well-known journalists who are IFJ members.
&#8220;The campaign for quality in journalism is about setting standards and this prize will help us identify and recognise those colleagues who are creating excellence at all levels of journalism,&#8221; said Unteanu.

For further details from the IFJ:
Rachel Cohen
32 2 235 22 07 / rachel.cohen@ifj.org

For further details from the Vintu Foundation:
Cristian Unteanu
GSM: 32 476 49 98 70 / TEL/FAX: 32 2 230 83 77

http://avadani.hotnews.ro/sov-lanseaza-un-fond-de-asistenta-umanitara-pentru-familiile-jurnalistilor.html >>>

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