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  Nr. 4341 de vineri, 19 septembrie 2008 
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Conseil (...@ccithermal.com, IP: 66.207.109...)
2008-09-19 21:15
Care batranel?... zice ca e "doar un pic mai in virsta":

London (ANI): Jennifer Aniston has been spotted relaxing on a Mexican beach with a mystery man. The 'Friends' star was spotted wearing a skimpy bikini and looked very comfortable as she talked over lunch. According to reports, the mystery bloke looked **** a little older **** than the star's most recent boyfriend, singer John Mayer, who she split with last month following a four-month romance.
Since her split from actor Brad Pitt, Aniston has had a string of relationships but none have lasted long, reports the Sun. Jennifer has also recently been rumoured to have enjoyed dates with 300 star Gerard Butler. Pitt, on the other hand, has gone on to have a relationship with actress Angelina Jolie and has three kids with her.
Jen recently proclaimed: "I'm grateful that the public is still interested in my life and my movies and I hope that I can justify their interest. People are so kind, ultimately. And I'm happy, so don't worry about me."

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