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  Nr. 4306 de sambata, 9 august 2008 
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laur din Bucuresti (...@yahoo.com, IP: 59.40.239...)
2008-08-09 07:57
o solutzie mai simpla

Dvs propunetzi :

"Georgia, ca stat membru al Parteneriatului pentru Pace, poate cere - asa cum a si facut-o deja - convocarea in regim de urgenta a Consiliului Aliantei Atlanticului de Nord pentru consultari. Cu siguranta ca va urma o discutie cu final deschis deoarece din Parteneriatul pentru Pace face parte si Rusia. Numai ca lucrurile se pot complica datorita faptului ca Rusia are, la randul sau, o cale de atac proprie, posibil de convocat si ea, tot in regim de urgenta: Consiliul NATO-Rusia."

Intrucat nu asa : "Rusia nu va indrazni vreodata sa sprijine deschis nici Abhazia si nici Osetia, deoarece ar fi posibil ca Alianta sa replice prin trimiterea in zona a unor elemente din forta sa de reactie rapida ca un fel de forta de interpunere sau de mentinere a pacii. "

Pai daca georgienii daca voiau sa mentzina pacea nu mai bine il invitau peShalikashvili sa nu declanseze atacul ?

Parerea mea , da ce stiu eu

cat despre faptul ca NATO si UE ar tb sa sara in barca lui Shalikashvili ...... Hmmmmm sa nu uitam cu cinE avem de-a face ....

Sahalikasvili = Un dictator cu proptele CIA intrat iremediabil pe topogan si care in disperare de cauza recurge la razboi pentu a-si prelug perioada de uzurpare a puterii asa dupa modelul huntei militare din Argentina - Falkland .

Credetzi ca asta e parerea mea ? Nu e parerea The Guardian .
Stiu o sa zicetzi ca e o fitzuica de stanga . De stanga de stanga da e din UK si acolo in materia de jurnalism nu se minte cu nerusinare.Acolo daca sexed up un raport sa anuntze ca Saddam Husein poate lovi cu arme de distrugeree in masa in 45 de minute cat ai fi tu de prim minitru ales si tot trebuei sa itzi dai demisia ca sa nu fii scuipata ca o mase stricata pe usa pe usa din dos .Acolo minciuna fatzisa are piciore scurte si propaganda nu tzineloc de probe .

Deci ce zicea mai an (inainte de alegereile fraudate si contestate ) The Guardian ?

"A faded rose The Guardian, Friday November 9 2007

Four years after mass demonstrations brought down a post-Soviet regime in Georgia and installed a young American-trained lawyer as president, Mikhail Saakashvili is facing much the same display of popular discontent himself. His reaction was harsher than the treatment he received at the hands of Eduard Shevardnadze, the man he deposed. Riot police have tear-gassed demonstrators, beaten with them with truncheons, attacked them with rubber bullets and water cannons. Journalists have been beaten up, two television stations taken off the air and a state of emergency has been imposed. The Rose revolution appears to be shedding its petals.
Mr Saakashvili blamed Russia for the biggest political crisis he has faced since coming to power. But he always does, and this time neither Nato nor the EU, both of whose organisations Georgia has pressed hard to join, were buying it. Nato's secretary general Jaap de Hoop Scheffer said the imposition of emergency rule and closure of media outlets in Georgia was "not in line with Euro-Atlantic values" and both the European commission and France said attacks on the press were unacceptable.

It may be in Russia's interest to ferment trouble in the unstable Caucasian mountain state, particularly against such a vituperative foe of a resurgent Russia as the Georgian president. Moscow openly supports two breakaway parts of Georgia, Abkhazia and South Ossetia (although Russian troops are officially designated as peace keepers in the former). The two countries regularly expel each others diplomats. Russia has cut air and trade links with Tbilisi, and expelled ethnic Georgians from Moscow.

None of this precludes the possibility that Mr Saakashvili's problems could also be domestic. Much of it stems from the emergence as a political opponent of a former defence minister and insider, Irakli Okruashvili. Two days after accusing the president of corruption, and of suggesting he kill a political opponent, Mr Okruashvili was arrested and charged himself. He then recanted, was bailed, fled the country, and renewed his attack. To call Mr Okruashvili pro-Russian, when he is linked to an associate of Boris Berezovsky, the London-based exile wanted on charges in Russia, is stretching it.

Last night Mr Saakashvili backed down to the opposition by announcing an early presidential election in January. It means that those who accuse him of creeping authoritarianism, ordering political arrests, and seizing property illegally can register their protest. But this episode should also make the west more circumspect in the Caucasus. At the very least, the coming election should be closely observed. "

Pe scurt :"His reaction was harsher than the treatment he received at the hands of Eduard Shevardnadze, the man he deposed. Riot police have tear-gassed demonstrators, beaten with them with truncheons, attacked them with rubber bullets and water cannons. Journalists have been beaten up, two television stations taken off the air and a state of emergency has been imposed. The Rose revolution appears to be shedding its petals."

Adica un dictator dement cu spume la gura si intrat iremediabile pe copca caruia criza militara ii vine manusa ca un ultim pretext de a se agatza disparat de putere . Iar asta nu e parerea mea e parerea opozitzie lor

Ca mie mi se cam falfaie de "patriotismul" uneu tzari super-sarace dar care isi permite sa trimita 3000 de militari la cuca macaii in Irak ca armata de ocupatzie si sa ii mentzina acolo CHIAR SI ATUNCI CAND ERA DE PRESUPUS CA VA AVEA NEVOIE DE TOTAT FORTZA S AMILITARE PENTRU A RECASTIGA RAPID SI EFICIENT CONTROLUL ASUPRA INTREGUKUI SAU TERITORIU NU ASA ?


Intrebarea e de ce trebuie sa se implice NATO si UE in obtzinerea acestui altceva ? Si ce legatura are acest ALTCEVA indelung planificat (media a raportat de 3-4 zile concentrarile de trupe georgiene ) cu interesele Romaniei NATO ?

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