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2008-08-07 19:02:25

US Government RATS Did The Anthrax Attacks

By Karl Schwarz

Yes, Dr. Bruce E. Ivins is now 'Suspect Number One' for the 2001 anthrax attacks on America. He supposedly killed himself (with relatively slow-acting tylenol-codeine) rather than face criminal indictment, trial and possible execution. Among the strangeness surrounding his 'suicide', Ivins died even before the formal complaint was finished that was to be filed against him.

Case closed? Not even close.

Odds are the 'rats' in our US government are trying to close off the trail so people will quit cornering them again and again with the truth of their obvious attempts not to investigate the anthrax attacks and bring the true guilty parties to justice.

Odds are these same US government rats were the perpetrators of that anthrax attack for a few simple reasons:

1. The weaponized anthrax used was the type of Ames Strain that is only available at a very few places, including the Fort Detrick MD CBW weapons research lab.

2. Once that fact is established (and it is), it narrows the list down even more.

There is also a good chance that Dr. Ivins was eliminated so this story will fade away and people will stop demanding action and the truth.

Remember that the anthrax attack occurred while Bush was trying to push through Patriot Act I and begin his attack on Afghanistan.
Two possible blockades to getting Patriot Act 1 passed were Senator Tom Daschle and Senator Tom Leahy - both of whom received 'anthrax letters' at their DC offices on Capital Hill. Both were pushing amendments to the Patriot Act I to protect US civil liberties which were about to be trampled by Bush in his ramrod version of that grievously un-Constitutional bill.

This was all transpiring while BushCo was getting the troops and naval ships into position to attack Afghanistan on October 7, 2001. There was a pipeline deal to steal, the same one that Obama and Zbig think they will get done once Barky takes the throne.

This entire fiasco regarding the Anthrax attack on the US is far from being resolved. The FBI has apparently been told to not dig to the bottom of the barrel and solve the case once and for all. A full, unimpeded investigation of the matter would probably indict Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Tony Blair, several in Tel Aviv, and a gaggle of DoD subcontractors all working in unison to make the threat of Global 'Terror' seem real. Real enough, that every time DC says "BOO!" the majority of Americans either jump under their beds or freeze like deer in the headlights.



2008-08-07 22:39:12

Miciuni sfruntate

FBI-ul avea nevoie de un om de paie care sa poata fi acuzat, deci in loc de a cauta adevaratii vinovati, l-au dus pe Bruce Ivins la sinucidere. Cum?
Urmarire, supraveghere si hartzuire minut cu minut, inscenand incidente pe strada, inghiontindu-l, injurandu-l si batjocorindu-l incontinuu, tratament aplicat foarte probabil in conjunctie cu tortura cu microunde .
Bietul om, iubit de vecini, cunoscuti si colegi, plangea la birou cu capul in maini, in ultimele saptamani.
O victima a sistemului de justitie criminal al carui job este sa acopere crimele guvernului fin umbra al SUA.


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