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  Nr. 4294 de sambata, 26 iulie 2008 
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2008-07-26 23:34:36

Reflections concerning postators who insult intellectuality.

Reflections concerning postators who insult intellectuality.
As a matter of fact these sfertodoctori hate all what is the value in Romania, is as he is word of press, his another politics lines.
As a matter of fact they mature in atmosphere celui the base maul romanism, were he of the still more selected centuries of the in of the communism when like sfertodocti urau the brain workers.
A brain workers, deontologs is an insult for the common folly the si the envy who l he knew it on Avramescu from his press from what writes don't maybe to don't respect a such personality.
But these monsters have romanismului insults all.
The communist activist tells as the is else important fat than culture again fascist a headmost tell also as the when hears of culture duke hand to his gun.
Now, submediocrity paniced when national consciousness as Liiceanu, Plesu, Dinescu, Avramescu try to induct the public opinion of the disaster of politic class romanesi of his si does the wall around Presedent,this a?one among politicians want the change of the political system .
If the people shall have brains and with actualul youth have all the such chances sfertodoctors shall chat up and Romania is shall changed.
Antill then be due to support the aggressiveness underculturals, who carry hate as a matter of fact democracy and which shall as his system Iliescu, Geoana and Vadim to is perpetual.
Shut up once shades ale the folly and ale passed the communist!

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