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Debran (...@web.de, IP: 83.191.182...)
2008-07-22 22:50
Cardak si Kalenic

Sunt doua mici localitati sarbesti, aflate la cateva zeci de kilometri de Belgrad, unde se afla doua lagare- uitate de autoritatile sarbesti si trecute sub tacere aproape deplina de massmedia internationala-, in care vegeteaza cateva sute din cei peste 600.000 sarbi refugiati pe teritoriul Serbiei din Slavonia, Krajina, Bosnia si din Kosovo.

Cine a auzit de ele??? Dar cine nu a auzit de Omarska si de musulmanul Fikret Alic, fotografiat de Ed Vulliamy de la "Guardian" la 5 august 1992 din spatele unui tarc imprejmuit cu sarma ghimpata...??? Asa se scrie istoria!

JohnGreen1 din Abidos (...@yahoo.ca, IP: 216.16.250...)
2008-07-22 22:56
Re: Cardak si Kalenic

La 2008-07-22 22:50:46, Debran a scris:

> Sunt doua mici localitati sarbesti, aflate la cateva zeci de kilometri
> de Belgrad, unde se afla doua lagare- uitate de autoritatile sarbesti
> si trecute sub tacere aproape deplina de massmedia internationala-, in
> care vegeteaza cateva sute din cei peste 600.000 sarbi refugiati pe
> teritoriul Serbiei din Slavonia, Krajina, Bosnia si din Kosovo.
> Cine a auzit de ele??? Dar cine nu a auzit de Omarska si de musulmanul
> Fikret Alic, fotografiat de Ed Vulliamy de la "Guardian" la 5 august
> 1992 din spatele unui tarc imprejmuit cu sarma ghimpata...??? Asa se
> scrie istoria!
Mai amanuntit:

"His emaciated, terrified face became an icon of the Bosnian civil war. When Fikret Alic was filmed at a Serb-controlled prison camp 10 years ago this week, the world watched in horror.
As he stared at the ITN cameras through the barbed wire fence at Trnopolje, Alic prayed that the pictures would prompt Western governments to act and end the bloodshed.
The horrific images went round the globe and led to renewed diplomatic manoeuvres, culminating in the 1995 Dayton peace accord which ended the four-year conflict started by the Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic.
Ten years after he was filmed in the camp, Alic is married to Aida, and they have a two-year-old son, Amir. The couple live in a modest three-room flat in Hjorring, Denmark, and work at an abattoir. They dream of returning to a more peaceful Bosnia. Alic says: 'We'd like Amir to be able to start school there, at the very least.'
Alic only escaped death in Trnopolje by securing female clothing and mingling with women bussed out of the camp. 'During the journey we were stopped several times,' he said. 'Once I was almost discovered as Serbian soldiers dragged the women off the bus to rape them.'
With the help of human smugglers who secured forged identity papers, Alic fled to Denmark, where he was granted asylum.
Danish doctors found him in a terrible state. His weight had fallen from 13.5 stone to 7 stone. Six of his ribs were broken, as was his lower jaw.
All his teeth had been kicked out or had fallen out owing to malnutrition; his nose was broken; he had a fractured skull and more than 100 scars from stabs, cuts and burns.
Last week Alic, unrecognisable as the 22-year Croat prisoner of the Serbs 10 years ago, said that time would heal, but the scars remain.
In an interview with the German news magazine Stern, he recalled how each day at least 10 people died in the barracks where he and thousands of others were held. Their bodies 'were simply piled up in a corner and stayed there, until the smell of decay was bearable no more'.
'We were beaten with chains and clubs, and tortured with electric shocks or burning cigarettes,' he said. 'Some prisoners had their throats cut before our eyes, while others were shot.
'That was when the Serbs threw tear-gas grenades through the windows and if we wanted to save ourselves from the smoke-filled barracks through the windows and doors, they opened machine-gun fire on us.'
He said that 'death would have been a welcome friend to me at that time. I even tried to provoke the henchmen by laughing at them when they tortured us. When that didn't help, I begged them several times to shoot me. But they only said it wasn't worth them wasting a bullet on me.'
Alic had been at the camp for nine days when journalists stumbled upon him. Just days after the picture's publication, Serbian soldiers killed seven men in the camp whom they had recognised.
The picture of Alic and his fellow prisoners was used as evidence in war crimes tribunals in The Hague. But it also sparked a debate, which divided intellectuals across the political spectrum, over the claims that the Serbs were running Nazi-style concentration camps.
Five years after its publication on 7 August, 1992, the image led to a high-profile libel case between ITN, which had taken the pictures, and the monthly periodical LM (formerly Living Marxist ) which, in an article entitled 'The Picture that Fooled the World', claimed the report was construed to give the impression the camp was a concentration camp run by Serbs for Bosnians and Croats rather than just a collection centre for refugees. It claimed that Alic was emaciated because of a childhood bout of tuberculosis.
The Observer's Ed Vulliamy, who had accompanied the ITN team and helped break the story of the horrors of the camp, gave evidence in the trial, arguing that those who had died in Trnopolje and Omarska camps were those 'most horribly insulted' by the LM report.The case was won by ITN, and the magazine later declared itself bankrupt.
In 1998, six years after his escape, a largely physically healed but still mentally scarred Alic returned to his homeland. 'I wanted to see for myself exactly what had happened,' he told the magazine. There it was that his life took a turn for the better, when he met and fell in love with Aida. They married soon afterwards. 'She's the best thing that has ever happened in my life,' he said of his 24-year old wife. 'She has helped me immensely to start to enjoy life again.'
Two years ago Amir was born. The couple are bringing up the boy to speak their mother tongue of Serbo-Croat. 'When he was born, I cried with happiness,' Alic added.
Alic's lack of bitterness is astounding. His initial anger towards his perpetrators, he said, has been damped down as war crimes tribunals have got under way.
'First, I wanted to kill our torturers with my own hands, but then the arrest and conviction of the 'Butcher', Dusan Tadic - who came from the same area as me - helped me to get a grip.'
'But I still have nightmares,' he added. 'I wake up in the night dripping with sweat and I still have a lot of physical pain.' "

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