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  Nr. 4268 de joi, 26 iunie 2008 
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alwis46 (...@yahoo.com, IP: 86.121.237...)
2008-06-26 10:42
Socrate !

Asta este o stire buna sau rea ?

Hundreds arrested in major US child prostitution raid
26/06/2008 06h59
The crest of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
©AFP/File - Mandel Ngan

WASHINGTON (AFP) - US police arrested 389 people on child sex trafficking charges in a major sweep across several states, The New York Times reported Thursday.

The five-day operation spanned 16 cities and involved hundreds of local, state and federal agencies dealing with missing children, many of them runaways, and identifying networks behind child trafficking for the sex trade, the report said.

Twenty-one sexually exploited children were rescued from the street, it added.

So far 433 exploited children have been rescued as a result of the initiative, the report quoted federal officials as saying.

Part of the rise in child sex trafficking is linked to the use of the Internet in advertising, authorities say.


Socrate din Bucuresti (...@yahoo.com, IP: 82.76.163...)
2008-06-26 11:15
Usoara intrebare Grea numai pentru un stirist TV .Re: Socrate !

La 2008-06-26 10:42:02, alwis46 a scris:

> Asta este o stire buna sau rea ?
> Hundreds arrested in major US child prostitution raid
> 26/06/2008 06h59
> The crest of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
> ©AFP/File - Mandel Ngan
> WASHINGTON (AFP) - US police arrested 389 people on child sex
> trafficking charges in a major sweep across several states, The New
> York Times reported Thursday.
> The five-day operation spanned 16 cities and involved hundreds of
> local, state and federal agencies dealing with missing children, many
> of them runaways, and identifying networks behind child trafficking
> for the sex trade, the report said.
> Twenty-one sexually exploited children were rescued from the street,
> it added.
> So far 433 exploited children have been rescued as a result of the
> initiative, the report quoted federal officials as saying.
> Part of the rise in child sex trafficking is linked to the use of the
> Internet in advertising, authorities say.
> http://www.afp.com/english/news/stories/newsmlmmd.936a2a72f8397977d000cbd97ea2798d.1f1.html

Socrate din Bucuresti (...@yahoo.com, IP: 82.76.163...)
2008-06-26 11:22
Usoara intrebare Grea numai pentru un stirist TV .Re: Socrate !

Scuze. Completare raspuns:
O stire eminamente pozitiva. Arata ca fenomenul este cunoscut de autoritati si ca autoritatile iau masuri. Populatia nu are de ce sa se teama, este aparata de autoritati.
Cum ar arata stirile negative ?
Pisat marunt, zi de zi, cu cei 433 de copii exploatati si cu alte cazuri de prostitutie infantila, cu imagini socante. Exact ce fac televiziunile noastre.

La 2008-06-26 11:15:53, Socrate a scris:

> La 2008-06-26 10:42:02, alwis46 a scris:
> > Asta este o stire buna sau rea ?
> >
> > Hundreds arrested in major US child prostitution raid
> > 26/06/2008 06h59
> > The crest of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
> > ©AFP/File - Mandel Ngan
> >
> > WASHINGTON (AFP) - US police arrested 389 people on child sex
> > trafficking charges in a major sweep across several states, The New
> > York Times reported Thursday.
> >
> > The five-day operation spanned 16 cities and involved hundreds of
> > local, state and federal agencies dealing with missing children, many
> > of them runaways, and identifying networks behind child trafficking
> > for the sex trade, the report said.
> >
> > Twenty-one sexually exploited children were rescued from the street,
> > it added.
> >
> > So far 433 exploited children have been rescued as a result of the
> > initiative, the report quoted federal officials as saying.
> >
> > Part of the rise in child sex trafficking is linked to the use of the
> > Internet in advertising, authorities say.
> >
> >
> > http://www.afp.com/english/news/stories/newsmlmmd.936a2a72f8397977d000cbd97ea2798d.1f1.html
> >
> >
> >

Ion Caramache (...@aol.com, IP: 64.12.116...)
2008-06-26 13:43
Usoara intrebare Grea numai pentru un stirist TV .Re: Socrate !

La 2008-06-26 11:22:35, Socrate a scris:

> Scuze. Completare raspuns:
> O stire eminamente pozitiva. Arata ca fenomenul este cunoscut de
> autoritati si ca autoritatile iau masuri. Populatia nu are de ce sa se
> teama, este aparata de autoritati.
> Cum ar arata stirile negative ?
> Pisat marunt, zi de zi, cu cei 433 de copii exploatati si cu alte
> cazuri de prostitutie infantila, cu imagini socante. Exact ce fac
> televiziunile noastre.

O stire eminamente pozitiva:

Brothel bus" makes last stop in Miami Beach
Wed Jun 25, 2008 6:11pm EDT
MIAMI (Reuters) - A "brothel bus" that detectives said cruised Miami Beach offering lap dances and drinks has taken its last ride, police said on Wednesday.
Riders were offered oral sex for $100, according to Miami Beach police who impounded the limousine bus and arrested its operator early on Sunday.
The sleek black bus cruised the South Beach neighborhood popular among tourists and club-goers, offering rides and unlimited drinks for $40.
Aboard, undercover detectives said they found a fully stocked bar and several young women who stripped down to reveal G-strings stuffed with cash and offered to perform sex acts.
Suspected operator Christine Morteh, 29, was arrested on charges of offering to commit prostitution, transportation for the purpose of prostitution and operating a business without a license. She was released from jail on $5,000 bond.
Employees and customers also were charged as part of a citywide prostitution crackdown that resulted in 75 arrests.

O stire eminamente negativa:
Autobuzul respectiv nu poate circula in Mamaia din cauza taxei Mazare de plaja.
In Romania nici-un angajat si nici-un consumator nu pot fi acuzati de asemenea practici.

Socrate din Bucuresti (...@yahoo.com, IP: 82.76.163...)
2008-06-26 15:06
Caramache Usoara intrebare Grea numai pentru un stirist TV .Re: Socrate !

Domnule Caramache, hai sa lasam ironiile si sa vorbim serios.

Sa incerc o analiza a stirilor dvs.
Stirea dvs. " eminamente " pozitiva este intradevar o stire. Bordeluri si baruri deocheate s-au mai vazut, dar bordel in autobuz mai rar. De fapt aceasta este senzatia - bordel pe roti. Chiar asa, este o stire pentru presa scrisa din Miami, si nu de transmis pe un post national TV cum ar fi CNN sau NBC. De aceea a si fost publicata. La televiziunile noastre, orice bordel depistat este prezentat cu lux de amanunte si imagini. Din pacate asa ceva nu este o stire TV de interes national. Ce-l intereseaza pe nea Vasile de la Adunatii din Munte ca a fost inchis un bordel in Ferentari ? Ar merita cel mult un rand intr-un ziar local. Ce-l intereseaza pe John Adams din Alaska o astfel de stire TV? Mai mult, transmisa la TV - audienta de masa - poate da idei si altor proxeneti.

Trecem la stirile eminamente negative.
Barierele lui Mazare sunt intr-adevar o stire chiar daca nu de senzatie. Arata ca orice tembel isi poate permite orice si ca Romania este tara tuturor posibilitatilor . Re-instalarea lor este intradevar o stire de interes national, ca sa stii sa te orientezi catre bulgari.
Cea de a doua stire nu este stire. Toata lumea stie cum merg traburile in Romania.

Si eu si dvs. face,m parte din publicul telespectator. Legea a fost facuta pentru noi. Ca stiristii TV urla ca din gura de sarpe, nu este problema noastra. Aseara, dna Stoicescu era sa-l sfasie pe dl. Ghise. Problema noastra este sa avem informatii complete, ceea ce inseamna si informatii negative si informatii pozitive.

La 2008-06-26 13:43:15, Ion Caramache a scris:

> La 2008-06-26 11:22:35, Socrate a scris:
> > Scuze. Completare raspuns:
> > O stire eminamente pozitiva. Arata ca fenomenul este cunoscut de
> > autoritati si ca autoritatile iau masuri. Populatia nu are de ce sa se
> > teama, este aparata de autoritati.
> > Cum ar arata stirile negative ?
> > Pisat marunt, zi de zi, cu cei 433 de copii exploatati si cu alte
> > cazuri de prostitutie infantila, cu imagini socante. Exact ce fac
> > televiziunile noastre.
> O stire eminamente pozitiva:
> Brothel bus" makes last stop in Miami Beach
> Wed Jun 25, 2008 6:11pm EDT
> MIAMI (Reuters) - A "brothel bus" that detectives said cruised Miami
> Beach offering lap dances and drinks has taken its last ride, police
> said on Wednesday.
> Riders were offered oral sex for $100, according to Miami Beach police
> who impounded the limousine bus and arrested its operator early on
> Sunday.
> The sleek black bus cruised the South Beach neighborhood popular among
> tourists and club-goers, offering rides and unlimited drinks for $40.
> Aboard, undercover detectives said they found a fully stocked bar and
> several young women who stripped down to reveal G-strings stuffed with
> cash and offered to perform sex acts.
> Suspected operator Christine Morteh, 29, was arrested on charges of
> offering to commit prostitution, transportation for the purpose of
> prostitution and operating a business without a license. She was
> released from jail on $5,000 bond.
> Employees and customers also were charged as part of a citywide
> prostitution crackdown that resulted in 75 arrests.
> O stire eminamente negativa:
> Autobuzul respectiv nu poate circula in Mamaia din cauza taxei Mazare
> de plaja.
> In Romania nici-un angajat si nici-un consumator nu pot fi acuzati de
> asemenea practici.

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