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  Nr. 4265 de luni, 23 iunie 2008 
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2008-06-23 14:00:40


Bravo, Bulgaria! Ce nu inteleg: de ce asa-numitul ziar Ziua foloseste expresia "asa-numita" in exprimarea "asa-numita saptamana a intolerantei"? Aceea chiar este o saptamana a intolerantei, nu se pretinde a fi altceva.

2008-06-23 14:51:08

N-au alte probleme mult mai stringente??

Omul din Himalaya
2008-06-23 17:48:10

Re: Ia mai lasa-ne cu "political correctness"

one way
2008-06-24 08:57:00

Foc din cer

La cateva zile dupa primele casatorii ale " fericitilor" , FOC DIN CER

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Firefighters from neighboring states arrived to
help Monday after an "unprecedented" lightning storm sparked more than
800 wildfires, from Big Sur to wine country to Humboldt County.
Thousands of firefighters battled the blazes on the ground and from the
air and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said he was alarmed by the number of
fires that kept erupting.

He said he was told late Sunday evening that the state had 520 fires,
and he found it "quite shocking" that by morning the number had risen
above 700.

Moments later, a top state fire official standing at Schwarzenegger's
side offered a grim update: The figure was actually 842 fires, said Del
Walters, assistant regional chief of the California Department of
Forestry and Fire Protection. All but a couple were in the northern
part of the state.

"This is an unprecedented lightning storm in California, that it lasted
as long as it did, 5,000 to 6,000 lightning strikes," Walters said. "We
are finding fires all the time."

The assistance, mostly firefighting aircraft, arrived Monday from
Nevada and Oregon after being requested over the weekend.
Schwarzenegger said he had enlisted the help "because you can never
prepare for 500 or 700 or 800 fires all at the same time."

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