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  Nr. 4222 de sambata, 3 mai 2008 
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zwilling carol din israel (...@012.net.il, IP: 77.124.84...)
2008-05-02 22:45
informativ pt.d-nul Tesu

Police secrecy over Olmert probe leads to questions

Senior Israel Police officials and investigators maintained a veil of secrecy Thursday over the circumstances of the impromptu questioning of Olmert.

Police intended to keep word of the questioning secret from the public, yet the leak to Channel 2 TV caught the upper echelons of the police and the spokesmen off guard. Repeated inquiries from the press were met with no comment.

In the absence of an adequate explanation as to the reasons behind the surprise investigation, one can only speculate as to why the police chose this particular course of action:

Have there been any significant surprise developments in one or more of the current investigations ongoing against the prime minister?

Have witnesses given incriminating statements to police against Olmert or his aides with reference to one or more of the investigations against him, which would then prompt authorities to seek out the premier for his version of events?

Do investigators suspect Olmert, a sitting prime minister, may take steps to interfere with the investigation against him - steps which would include coordinating testimony or destroying evidence? If the premier is made aware of which pieces of evidence the police are in possession of, would the police move quickly in questioning him before he would have the opportunity to tamper with or destroy such evidence?

Police sources hinted Thursday that, due to the leak, investigators are likely to postpone the questioning. In years prior, police have carried out "investigation drills" in which they announce, by way of the news media, their intention to question a particular public figure. Do police want to keep tabs on those being investigated so as to observe their reactions to news of Olmert's imminent questioning? Will the questioning be eventually cancelled?

Given the police silence on the matter, it is unclear whether the evidence being used by investigators forms the basis of an investigation in which Olmert is the prime suspect, or whether his statements are needed to incriminate somebody else.

evreu mandru din israel din Israel (...@yahoo.com, IP: 84.109.85...)
2008-05-03 10:14
Re: informativ pt.d-nul Tesu

Cred ca in curand scapam de el, nu cred ca Barak isi mai poate permite sa fie parte din acest guvern. Singura solutie pana la alegeri, Tsipi Livni - prim ministru...

La 2008-05-02 22:45:34, zwilling carol a scris:

> Police secrecy over Olmert probe leads to questions
> Senior Israel Police officials and investigators maintained a veil of
> secrecy Thursday over the circumstances of the impromptu questioning
> of Olmert.
> Police intended to keep word of the questioning secret from the
> public, yet the leak to Channel 2 TV caught the upper echelons of the
> police and the spokesmen off guard. Repeated inquiries from the press
> were met with no comment.
> In the absence of an adequate explanation as to the reasons behind the
> surprise investigation, one can only speculate as to why the police
> chose this particular course of action:
> Have there been any significant surprise developments in one or more
> of the current investigations ongoing against the prime minister?
> Have witnesses given incriminating statements to police against Olmert
> or his aides with reference to one or more of the investigations
> against him, which would then prompt authorities to seek out the
> premier for his version of events?
> Do investigators suspect Olmert, a sitting prime minister, may take
> steps to interfere with the investigation against him - steps which
> would include coordinating testimony or destroying evidence? If the
> premier is made aware of which pieces of evidence the police are in
> possession of, would the police move quickly in questioning him before
> he would have the opportunity to tamper with or destroy such evidence?
> Police sources hinted Thursday that, due to the leak, investigators
> are likely to postpone the questioning. In years prior, police have
> carried out "investigation drills" in which they announce, by way of
> the news media, their intention to question a particular public
> figure. Do police want to keep tabs on those being investigated so as
> to observe their reactions to news of Olmert's imminent questioning?
> Will the questioning be eventually cancelled?
> Given the police silence on the matter, it is unclear whether the
> evidence being used by investigators forms the basis of an
> investigation in which Olmert is the prime suspect, or whether his
> statements are needed to incriminate somebody else.

roy din secrapadeziua.blogspot.com (...@hotmail.com, IP: 89.139.79...)
2008-05-03 10:39

Tzipi Livni e o mare dezamagire pentru mine. Faptul ca a urcat tonul contra lui Olmert si pe urma a ramas in patru labe in guvern... spune ceva despre ea.

Si Barak care una a spus inainte de a fi ales si alta dupa aceea... Si a ramas in guvern dupa comisia Vinograd... Ce auto-gol!

Nu uit cum a purtat tratative cu Arafat cand guvernul lui era super minoritar cu 30% sprijin in Knesset. Pana si in perioada de tranzitzie pana la alegeri a incercat sa fac un dil cu Arafat la Taba, desi era clar ca era ceva complet antidemocratic.

Solutzia este alegeri acum, cat mai rapid.

La 2008-05-03 10:14:53, evreu mandru din israel a scris:

> Cred ca in curand scapam de el, nu cred ca Barak isi mai poate permite
> sa fie parte din acest guvern. Singura solutie pana la alegeri, Tsipi
> Livni - prim ministru...
> La 2008-05-02 22:45:34, zwilling carol a scris:
> > Police secrecy over Olmert probe leads to questions
> >
> > Senior Israel Police officials and investigators maintained a veil of
> > secrecy Thursday over the circumstances of the impromptu questioning
> > of Olmert.
> >
> > Police intended to keep word of the questioning secret from the
> > public, yet the leak to Channel 2 TV caught the upper echelons of the
> > police and the spokesmen off guard. Repeated inquiries from the press
> > were met with no comment.
> >
> > In the absence of an adequate explanation as to the reasons behind the
> > surprise investigation, one can only speculate as to why the police
> > chose this particular course of action:
> >
> >
> > Have there been any significant surprise developments in one or more
> > of the current investigations ongoing against the prime minister?
> >
> >
> > Have witnesses given incriminating statements to police against Olmert
> > or his aides with reference to one or more of the investigations
> > against him, which would then prompt authorities to seek out the
> > premier for his version of events?
> >
> >
> > Do investigators suspect Olmert, a sitting prime minister, may take
> > steps to interfere with the investigation against him - steps which
> > would include coordinating testimony or destroying evidence? If the
> > premier is made aware of which pieces of evidence the police are in
> > possession of, would the police move quickly in questioning him before
> > he would have the opportunity to tamper with or destroy such evidence?
> >
> >
> >
> > Police sources hinted Thursday that, due to the leak, investigators
> > are likely to postpone the questioning. In years prior, police have
> > carried out "investigation drills" in which they announce, by way of
> > the news media, their intention to question a particular public
> > figure. Do police want to keep tabs on those being investigated so as
> > to observe their reactions to news of Olmert's imminent questioning?
> > Will the questioning be eventually cancelled?
> >
> >
> > Given the police silence on the matter, it is unclear whether the
> > evidence being used by investigators forms the basis of an
> > investigation in which Olmert is the prime suspect, or whether his
> > statements are needed to incriminate somebody else.
> >
> >

roy din secrapadeziua.blogspot.com (...@hotmail.com, IP: 89.139.79...)
2008-05-03 10:47

Daca guvernul ramane as prefera pe Mofaz decat pe Livni. Dichter e prea mic pentru job.

La 2008-05-03 10:39:34, roy a scris:

> Tzipi Livni e o mare dezamagire pentru mine. Faptul ca a urcat tonul
> contra lui Olmert si pe urma a ramas in patru labe in guvern... spune
> ceva despre ea.
> Si Barak care una a spus inainte de a fi ales si alta dupa aceea... Si
> a ramas in guvern dupa comisia Vinograd... Ce auto-gol!
> Nu uit cum a purtat tratative cu Arafat cand guvernul lui era super
> minoritar cu 30% sprijin in Knesset. Pana si in perioada de tranzitzie
> pana la alegeri a incercat sa fac un dil cu Arafat la Taba, desi era
> clar ca era ceva complet antidemocratic.
> Solutzia este alegeri acum, cat mai rapid.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> La 2008-05-03 10:14:53, evreu mandru din israel a scris:
> > Cred ca in curand scapam de el, nu cred ca Barak isi mai poate permite
> > sa fie parte din acest guvern. Singura solutie pana la alegeri, Tsipi
> > Livni - prim ministru...
> >
> > La 2008-05-02 22:45:34, zwilling carol a scris:
> >
> > > Police secrecy over Olmert probe leads to questions
> > >
> > > Senior Israel Police officials and investigators maintained a veil of
> > > secrecy Thursday over the circumstances of the impromptu questioning
> > > of Olmert.
> > >
> > > Police intended to keep word of the questioning secret from the
> > > public, yet the leak to Channel 2 TV caught the upper echelons of the
> > > police and the spokesmen off guard. Repeated inquiries from the press
> > > were met with no comment.
> > >
> > > In the absence of an adequate explanation as to the reasons behind the
> > > surprise investigation, one can only speculate as to why the police
> > > chose this particular course of action:
> > >
> > >
> > > Have there been any significant surprise developments in one or more
> > > of the current investigations ongoing against the prime minister?
> > >
> > >
> > > Have witnesses given incriminating statements to police against Olmert
> > > or his aides with reference to one or more of the investigations
> > > against him, which would then prompt authorities to seek out the
> > > premier for his version of events?
> > >
> > >
> > > Do investigators suspect Olmert, a sitting prime minister, may take
> > > steps to interfere with the investigation against him - steps which
> > > would include coordinating testimony or destroying evidence? If the
> > > premier is made aware of which pieces of evidence the police are in
> > > possession of, would the police move quickly in questioning him before
> > > he would have the opportunity to tamper with or destroy such evidence?
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Police sources hinted Thursday that, due to the leak, investigators
> > > are likely to postpone the questioning. In years prior, police have
> > > carried out "investigation drills" in which they announce, by way of
> > > the news media, their intention to question a particular public
> > > figure. Do police want to keep tabs on those being investigated so as
> > > to observe their reactions to news of Olmert's imminent questioning?
> > > Will the questioning be eventually cancelled?
> > >
> > >
> > > Given the police silence on the matter, it is unclear whether the
> > > evidence being used by investigators forms the basis of an
> > > investigation in which Olmert is the prime suspect, or whether his
> > > statements are needed to incriminate somebody else.
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

zwilling carol din israel (...@012.net.il, IP: 77.124.84...)
2008-05-03 13:11

La 2008-05-03 10:47:13, roy a scris:

> Daca guvernul ramane as prefera pe Mofaz decat pe Livni. Dichter e
> prea mic pentru job.

Mofaz??/Ce mare branza a facut acesta in cei 6 ani in bitahonul nostru,ai uitat rezultatele razboiului din 2006?
Toti din conducatorii nostri prezenti sau candidati la PM sunt niste imputenti ce trebue sa foloseasca "Viagra".Cei capabili sa ne conduca nu se ofera ca stiu ca masa Israeliana e handicapata si nu ii voteaza......sorry.....

> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> La 2008-05-03 10:39:34, roy a scris:
> > Tzipi Livni e o mare dezamagire pentru mine. Faptul ca a urcat tonul
> > contra lui Olmert si pe urma a ramas in patru labe in guvern... spune
> > ceva despre ea.
> >
> > Si Barak care una a spus inainte de a fi ales si alta dupa aceea... Si
> > a ramas in guvern dupa comisia Vinograd... Ce auto-gol!
> >
> > Nu uit cum a purtat tratative cu Arafat cand guvernul lui era super
> > minoritar cu 30% sprijin in Knesset. Pana si in perioada de tranzitzie
> > pana la alegeri a incercat sa fac un dil cu Arafat la Taba, desi era
> > clar ca era ceva complet antidemocratic.
> >
> > Solutzia este alegeri acum, cat mai rapid.
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > La 2008-05-03 10:14:53, evreu mandru din israel a scris:
> >
> > > Cred ca in curand scapam de el, nu cred ca Barak isi mai poate permite
> > > sa fie parte din acest guvern. Singura solutie pana la alegeri, Tsipi
> > > Livni - prim ministru...
> > >
> > > La 2008-05-02 22:45:34, zwilling carol a scris:
> > >
> > > > Police secrecy over Olmert probe leads to questions
> > > >
> > > > Senior Israel Police officials and investigators maintained a veil of
> > > > secrecy Thursday over the circumstances of the impromptu questioning
> > > > of Olmert.
> > > >
> > > > Police intended to keep word of the questioning secret from the
> > > > public, yet the leak to Channel 2 TV caught the upper echelons of the
> > > > police and the spokesmen off guard. Repeated inquiries from the press
> > > > were met with no comment.
> > > >
> > > > In the absence of an adequate explanation as to the reasons behind the
> > > > surprise investigation, one can only speculate as to why the police
> > > > chose this particular course of action:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Have there been any significant surprise developments in one or more
> > > > of the current investigations ongoing against the prime minister?
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Have witnesses given incriminating statements to police against Olmert
> > > > or his aides with reference to one or more of the investigations
> > > > against him, which would then prompt authorities to seek out the
> > > > premier for his version of events?
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Do investigators suspect Olmert, a sitting prime minister, may take
> > > > steps to interfere with the investigation against him - steps which
> > > > would include coordinating testimony or destroying evidence? If the
> > > > premier is made aware of which pieces of evidence the police are in
> > > > possession of, would the police move quickly in questioning him before
> > > > he would have the opportunity to tamper with or destroy such evidence?
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Police sources hinted Thursday that, due to the leak, investigators
> > > > are likely to postpone the questioning. In years prior, police have
> > > > carried out "investigation drills" in which they announce, by way of
> > > > the news media, their intention to question a particular public
> > > > figure. Do police want to keep tabs on those being investigated so as
> > > > to observe their reactions to news of Olmert's imminent questioning?
> > > > Will the questioning be eventually cancelled?
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Given the police silence on the matter, it is unclear whether the
> > > > evidence being used by investigators forms the basis of an
> > > > investigation in which Olmert is the prime suspect, or whether his
> > > > statements are needed to incriminate somebody else.
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

roy din secrapadeziua.blogspot.com (...@hotmail.com, IP: 89.139.79...)
2008-05-03 14:34

Daca ai fi urmarit cu atentzie raportul Vinograd ai fi vazut ca Mofaz a fost contra hotararilor lui Olmert si Peretz si de aceea au inceput sa-l ocoleasca. Mofaz a cerut intrare terestra in Liban de la inceputul razboiului.

La 2008-05-03 13:11:57, zwilling carol a scris:

> Mofaz??/Ce mare branza a facut acesta in cei 6 ani in bitahonul
> nostru,ai uitat rezultatele razboiului din 2006?
> >
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > La 2008-05-03 10:39:34, roy a scris:
> >
> > > Tzipi Livni e o mare dezamagire pentru mine. Faptul ca a urcat tonul
> > > contra lui Olmert si pe urma a ramas in patru labe in guvern... spune
> > > ceva despre ea.
> > >
> > > Si Barak care una a spus inainte de a fi ales si alta dupa aceea... Si
> > > a ramas in guvern dupa comisia Vinograd... Ce auto-gol!
> > >
> > > Nu uit cum a purtat tratative cu Arafat cand guvernul lui era super
> > > minoritar cu 30% sprijin in Knesset. Pana si in perioada de tranzitzie
> > > pana la alegeri a incercat sa fac un dil cu Arafat la Taba, desi era
> > > clar ca era ceva complet antidemocratic.
> > >
> > > Solutzia este alegeri acum, cat mai rapid.
> > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > >
> > > La 2008-05-03 10:14:53, evreu mandru din israel a scris:
> > >
> > > > Cred ca in curand scapam de el, nu cred ca Barak isi mai poate permite
> > > > sa fie parte din acest guvern. Singura solutie pana la alegeri, Tsipi
> > > > Livni - prim ministru...
> > > >
> > > > La 2008-05-02 22:45:34, zwilling carol a scris:
> > > >
> > > > > Police secrecy over Olmert probe leads to questions
> > > > >
> > > > > Senior Israel Police officials and investigators maintained a veil of
> > > > > secrecy Thursday over the circumstances of the impromptu questioning
> > > > > of Olmert.
> > > > >
> > > > > Police intended to keep word of the questioning secret from the
> > > > > public, yet the leak to Channel 2 TV caught the upper echelons of the
> > > > > police and the spokesmen off guard. Repeated inquiries from the press
> > > > > were met with no comment.
> > > > >
> > > > > In the absence of an adequate explanation as to the reasons behind the
> > > > > surprise investigation, one can only speculate as to why the police
> > > > > chose this particular course of action:
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > Have there been any significant surprise developments in one or more
> > > > > of the current investigations ongoing against the prime minister?
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > Have witnesses given incriminating statements to police against Olmert
> > > > > or his aides with reference to one or more of the investigations
> > > > > against him, which would then prompt authorities to seek out the
> > > > > premier for his version of events?
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > Do investigators suspect Olmert, a sitting prime minister, may take
> > > > > steps to interfere with the investigation against him - steps which
> > > > > would include coordinating testimony or destroying evidence? If the
> > > > > premier is made aware of which pieces of evidence the police are in
> > > > > possession of, would the police move quickly in questioning him before
> > > > > he would have the opportunity to tamper with or destroy such evidence?
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > Police sources hinted Thursday that, due to the leak, investigators
> > > > > are likely to postpone the questioning. In years prior, police have
> > > > > carried out "investigation drills" in which they announce, by way of
> > > > > the news media, their intention to question a particular public
> > > > > figure. Do police want to keep tabs on those being investigated so as
> > > > > to observe their reactions to news of Olmert's imminent questioning?
> > > > > Will the questioning be eventually cancelled?
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > Given the police silence on the matter, it is unclear whether the
> > > > > evidence being used by investigators forms the basis of an
> > > > > investigation in which Olmert is the prime suspect, or whether his
> > > > > statements are needed to incriminate somebody else.
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

katty1 din Suedia (...@yahoo.se, IP: 83.254.193...)
2008-05-03 18:38

La 2008-05-03 10:39:34, roy a scris:

> Tzipi Livni e o mare dezamagire pentru mine. Faptul ca a urcat tonul
> contra lui Olmert si pe urma a ramas in patru labe in guvern... spune
> ceva despre ea.

Ce Tzipi Livni ca prim ministru, cel mai bine e sa fie pus roy in functia de prim ministru. Atunci poate o sa dispara si el de pe forumul asta. Va primi un obict al munci mai nobil si mai util.

roy din secrapadeziua.blogspot.com (...@hotmail.com, IP: 217.132.252...)
2008-05-03 21:38
Re: katza

Imi pare bine ca ma apreciezi atat de mult.

Dar daca voi fi numit PM o sa rog Mossadul sa-tzi faca bau-bau in computer!

La 2008-05-03 18:38:38, katty1 a scris:

> La 2008-05-03 10:39:34, roy a scris:
> > Tzipi Livni e o mare dezamagire pentru mine. Faptul ca a urcat tonul
> > contra lui Olmert si pe urma a ramas in patru labe in guvern... spune
> > ceva despre ea.
> Ce Tzipi Livni ca prim ministru, cel mai bine e sa fie pus roy in
> functia de prim ministru. Atunci poate o sa dispara si el de pe
> forumul asta. Va primi un obict al munci mai nobil si mai util.

nastratin123 (...@netzero.com, IP: 208.104.142...)
2008-05-03 22:02
Re: katza

Roy ,ia-i cazut cu tronc lui Katza ,se gandeste mereu la tine ,baga de seama ca Ahmed e gelos face urat cand cineva ridica voalul.

La 2008-05-03 21:38:59, roy a scris:

> Imi pare bine ca ma apreciezi atat de mult.
> Dar daca voi fi numit PM o sa rog Mossadul sa-tzi faca bau-bau in
> computer!
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> La 2008-05-03 18:38:38, katty1 a scris:
> > La 2008-05-03 10:39:34, roy a scris:
> >
> > > Tzipi Livni e o mare dezamagire pentru mine. Faptul ca a urcat tonul
> > > contra lui Olmert si pe urma a ramas in patru labe in guvern... spune
> > > ceva despre ea.
> >
> >
> > Ce Tzipi Livni ca prim ministru, cel mai bine e sa fie pus roy in
> > functia de prim ministru. Atunci poate o sa dispara si el de pe
> > forumul asta. Va primi un obict al munci mai nobil si mai util.
> >

katty1 din Suedia (...@yahoo.se, IP: 83.254.193...)
2008-05-03 22:15
Re: katza

La 2008-05-03 21:38:59, roy a scris:

> Imi pare bine ca ma apreciezi atat de mult.
> Dar daca voi fi numit PM o sa rog Mossadul sa-tzi faca bau-bau in
> computer!

Mai bine ia-l pe nastratin ordonanta sa te apere si sa-ti faca pantofii. Ne iei o mare piatra de pe inima. Cum sa-l lasi oran pe icea prin straini.

roy din secrapadeziua.blogspot.com (...@hotmail.com, IP: 217.132.252...)
2008-05-03 22:46
Re: katza

Nu, nu... Mie imi place cand dai in fandaxie si in apoplexie computerologica. O sa am grija sa fi vizitata.

De fotografiat nu-i nevoie, avem suficiente poze la dosar si de ale tale si de ale lui Mariana.

La 2008-05-03 22:15:56, katty1 a scris:

> >
> Mai bine ia-l pe nastratin ordonanta sa te apere si sa-ti faca
> pantofii. Ne iei o mare piatra de pe inima. Cum sa-l lasi oran pe icea
> prin straini.

katty1 din Suedia (...@yahoo.se, IP: 83.254.193...)
2008-05-03 22:55
Re: katza

La 2008-05-03 22:46:32, roy a scris:

> Nu, nu... Mie imi place cand dai in fandaxie si in apoplexie
> computerologica. O sa am grija sa fi vizitata.
> De fotografiat nu-i nevoie, avem suficiente poze la dosar si de ale
> tale si de ale lui Mariana.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Si care-i baiul. Bagati-le in .... daca chiar iti fac trebuita dosarele.Vad ca, continui sa vorbesti in numele nui grup. Nu io roy ci noi, ha, ha, ha, niste ....

roy din secrapadeziua.blogspot.com (...@hotmail.com, IP: 217.132.252...)
2008-05-03 23:01
Re: katza

Imi pare bine ca esti tare multzumita.

Asa te vreau, voioasa ca o utecista de frunte. Cum spunea Maria Tanase: Hai lelitzo cu Roosevelt!

La 2008-05-03 22:55:18, katty1 a scris:

> La 2008-05-03 22:46:32, roy a scris:
> > Nu, nu... Mie imi place cand dai in fandaxie si in apoplexie
> > computerologica. O sa am grija sa fi vizitata.
> >
> > De fotografiat nu-i nevoie, avem suficiente poze la dosar si de ale
> > tale si de ale lui Mariana.
> > -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Si care-i baiul. Bagati-le in .... daca chiar iti fac trebuita
> dosarele.Vad ca, continui sa vorbesti in numele nui grup. Nu io roy
> ci noi, ha, ha, ha, niste ....

cata2 din Romania (...@yahoo.com, IP: 79.114.66...)
2008-05-04 02:10
Re: Pt.roy .

La 2008-05-02 22:45:34, zwilling carol a scris:
Mofaz a cerut intrare terestra in Liban,sun vorbele tale??
Atunci Mofaz este un criminal demonstrat,mars la tribunal la Haga cu el.
> Police secrecy over Olmert probe leads to questions
> Senior Israel Police officials and investigators maintained a veil of
> secrecy Thursday over the circumstances of the impromptu questioning
> of Olmert.
> Police intended to keep word of the questioning secret from the
> public, yet the leak to Channel 2 TV caught the upper echelons of the
> police and the spokesmen off guard. Repeated inquiries from the press
> were met with no comment.
> In the absence of an adequate explanation as to the reasons behind the
> surprise investigation, one can only speculate as to why the police
> chose this particular course of action:
> Have there been any significant surprise developments in one or more
> of the current investigations ongoing against the prime minister?
> Have witnesses given incriminating statements to police against Olmert
> or his aides with reference to one or more of the investigations
> against him, which would then prompt authorities to seek out the
> premier for his version of events?
> Do investigators suspect Olmert, a sitting prime minister, may take
> steps to interfere with the investigation against him - steps which
> would include coordinating testimony or destroying evidence? If the
> premier is made aware of which pieces of evidence the police are in
> possession of, would the police move quickly in questioning him before
> he would have the opportunity to tamper with or destroy such evidence?
> Police sources hinted Thursday that, due to the leak, investigators
> are likely to postpone the questioning. In years prior, police have
> carried out "investigation drills" in which they announce, by way of
> the news media, their intention to question a particular public
> figure. Do police want to keep tabs on those being investigated so as
> to observe their reactions to news of Olmert's imminent questioning?
> Will the questioning be eventually cancelled?
> Given the police silence on the matter, it is unclear whether the
> evidence being used by investigators forms the basis of an
> investigation in which Olmert is the prime suspect, or whether his
> statements are needed to incriminate somebody else.

evreu mandru din israel din Israel (...@yahoo.com, IP: 84.109.85...)
2008-05-04 08:55
Re: Pt.roy .

De ce criminal, Israelul a fost atacat din Liban, a recunoscut-o insusi Nasrallah.

La 2008-05-04 02:10:14, cata2 a scris:

> Mofaz a cerut intrare terestra in Liban,sun vorbele tale??
> Atunci Mofaz este un criminal demonstrat,mars la tribunal la Haga cu
> el.

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