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upsidown (...@gmail.com, IP: 86.121.3...)
2008-05-03 13:37
o orgie de pseudo-stiinta si minciuni

Articolul asta e o adunatura de minciuni si dezinformari. De la afirmatia ca aspartamul "in SUA si alte cateva tari este interzis cu desavarsire", COMPLET FALS, pana la afirmatiile despre ce cred "specialistii" despre aspartam:

"Acesta provoaca peste 80 de simptome organismului uman, multe de o gravitate deosebita. Iata cateva: cefalee, spasme cerebrale, coronariene si musculare, vertij, greturi, eruptii, depresii, astenii, iritabilitate, insomnii, tulburari de vedere si auz, palpitatii, senzatia lipsei de aer, atacuri de panica, pierderea gustului, tulburari de memorie, dureri articulare si multe altele.
La fel, aspartamul se face vinovat de aparitia tumorilor cerebrale, a sclerozei multiple, epilepsiei, retardului mintal, limfoamelor, malformatiilor, diabetului, expune organismul la gripa, boli pulmonare, infectii urinare, intestinale si altele."

Iata de fapt ce cred specialistii:

"The Expert Panel’s evaluation concluded the following:


Aspartame is safe at current levels of consumption, which remain well below established ADI levels, even among high user sub-populations. No credible evidence was found that aspartame is carcinogenic, neurotoxic or has or any other adverse effects when consumed even at levels many times the established ADI levels.


* Based on results of several long term studies, aspartame does not have carcinogenic or cancer-promoting activity.

* Results of extensive investigation in studies that mimic human exposure do not show any evidence of neurological effects, such as memory and learning problems, of aspartame consumption.

* Overall the weight of the evidence indicates that aspartame has no effect on behavior, cognitive function, neural function or seizures in any of the groups studied.

* Aspartame has not been shown to have adverse effects on reproductive activity or lactation.

* Studies conclude that aspartame is safe for use by diabetics and may aid diabetics in adhering to a sugar-free diet.

* There is no evidence to support an association between aspartame consumption and obesity. On the contrary, when used in multidisciplinary weight control programs, aspartame may actually aid in long-term weight control.

* The studies provide no evidence to support an association between aspartame and brain or hematopoietic tumor development."

Si iata ce zic American Food & Drug Administration's (FDA) si respectiv European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) despre afirmatia ca aspartamul ar fi daunator:

"The Ramazzini study,[68][69] published in Environmental Health Perspectives, raised concerns about the levels of aspartame exposure. While a review by the American Food & Drug Administration's (FDA) of the Razzamini study was still pending,[70] the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) issued a press release about the report fairly promptly.

The EFSA's press release about the Ramazzini study,[71] published on 5 May 2006, concluded that the increased incidence of lymphomas/leukaemias reported in treated rats was unrelated to aspartame, the kidney tumors found at high doses of aspartame were not relevant to humans, and that based on all available scientific evidence to date, there was no reason to revise the previously established Acceptable Daily Intake levels for aspartame.[72] FDA later submitted its findings based on the evidence, and replied[73]:“ Based on the available data (…) we have identified significant shortcomings in the design, conduct, reporting, and interpretation of this study. FDA finds that the reliability and interpretation of the study outcome is compromised by these shortcomings and uncontrolled variables, such as the presence of infection in the test animals"

Iar New Zealand Food Safety Authority (NZFSA) zice asa (August 2007) despre studiile Ramazzini:

"These studies were conducted in a way that could not possibly have provided any information about the toxicity of aspartame – or in fact anything else in the rats’ diet. The animals used were allowed to live until they died naturally, meaning that all the study did was show the results of ageing, which as we all know is a natural process that leads, inevitably, to death.

In fact, the only conclusion that can be drawn from the results is that aspartame appears to be safe because the studies showed that those rats fed it (even at very high doses) lived as long (if not longer) as untreated rats, despite consuming up to more than 100 times the ADI every day of their lives. If aspartame was as horrendously toxic as is being claimed, it would be logical to expect the rats dosed with it to have shortened life-spans. The conclusions drawn by the researchers were clearly not backed up by their own data."

Acest articol este complet iresponsabil, iar autorul lui ar trebui dat afara imediat. "Genocid alimentar"?!! Probabil ca autorul a avut o semnificativa lipsa de iod in copilarie. (Iar sarea fara iod se gaseste in orice supermarket - ultima oara cand am cumparat sare n-am gasit decat din asta.)

HERUT din Piata Romana 1989 (...@yahoo.com, IP: 63.99.16...)
2008-05-03 14:27
Re: o orgie de pseudo-stiinta si minciuni

Dumneata te imbeti cu apa rece, domnule sau doamna !

FDA-ul si celelalte "organizatii" nu mai prezinta nici un fel de incredere datorita faptului ca saub umbrela lor au trecut mii si zeci de mii de substante si "medicamente" care au facut si inca mai OMOARA cetateni americani (si nu numai). D-ta traiesti departe de America si nu stii ce se intimpla aici. Nu exista zi de la Dumnezeu in care sa nu apara pe micile ecrane clipuri publicitare in care pacienti aflati sub diferite tratamente cu diferite medicamente sunt rugati sa se adreseze avocatilor specializati in MIZERIILE FDA-ului pentru a chema in court pe producatorii medicamentelor care le-a cauzat fie moartea fie suferinta incurabila, impreuna cu cei care au aprobat aceste mizerii. FDA-ul este cea mai criminala organizatie a Americii, ea fiind specializata numai si numai pe "facut bani". Stii d-ta cit costa aprobarea unui medicament " Pai, sa-ti spun eu. Spre exemplu, amaritei aspirine Byern i s-a perceput nu mai putin de 25 de milioane de dolari. Viagrei, mi se pare i s-a perceput nu mai putin de 15 milioane, iar lista continua. Aceasta mafie a mortii, FDA-ul, are un income care trece de 2 bilioane anual. Bani care se duc direct la inarmare sau sustinere de military R&D.

D-ta si altii ca d-ta care aveti "intelectul" prajit la aragazul lui google va repeziti sa va aratati "muschii" facind pe interesantii cu ordinariile emise de ordinarii care le produc. Mersi ! Cine va mai crede ? De ce nu ati fost la fel de "dibaci" sa gasiti si ceea ce zic altii ? Spre exemplu :

Aspartame Toxicity Information Center

Aspartame / NutraSweet Toxicity Reaction Samples
Aspartame / NutraSweet / Equal / Neotame

^Poisoning^, ^Toxicity Reactions^, ^Health Damage^ brought to you by

Monsanto / NutraSweet / Kelco / Benevia
^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please print out this list and read *ALL* of the way
through it over time. I know it's long, but it can
help you recognize the various cases of aspartame
toxicity and *help others*. Then copy and share
this and other documents from the Aspartame Toxicity
Information Center web page with as many others as

The names have been removed to protect confidentiality, but many of
these posts can be found in various archives and WWW search engines.
Please note that this document is only a tiny percentage of adverse reactions
to aspartame that have been posted to the Internet over the last few
years. The toxicity reactions posted to the Internet are only a
very small percentage of the total toxicity reactions reported to
various groups. Two independent organizations track aspartame-
caused health problems: 1) the Aspartame Consumer Safety Network
(ACSN), P.O. Box 780634, Dallas, Texas, 214-352-4268,
marystod@airmail.net, and 2) Mission Possible International,
9270 River Club Parkway, Duluth, Georgia 30155,
770-242-2599, bettym19@mindspring.com Please contact these
organizations for more information.

If you have experienced health damage from aspartame and your health
improved after removing it from your diet, please forward your
aspartame toxicity reaction to:

Mark Gold
Aspartame Toxicity Information Center
12 East Side Dr., Suite 2-17
Concord, NH 03301

Extensive resources for nutrition, general wellness and healing can
be found on the main web page:


News organizations looking for information and contacts (local
case histories, physicians, scientists, etc.) should email
mgold@holisticmed.com and I will put you in touch with the
appropriate organizations."


Baga la cap si lasa prostiile ca nu va mai crede ABSOLUT NIMENI !


Liviu2002j din Bucuresti (...@yahoo.com, IP: 86.121.130...)
2008-05-04 12:43
D-le/d-na eu cred ca v-ati trezit "cu fundu-n sus" ...

Si ce este mai nasol este ca ati facut-o in Romania !!! In Bucurestiul asta unde tinerii se indoapa cu "cipsuri" si tot felul de dulciuri indesate pana la refuz cu chimicale dupa care mai beau si litrii intregi de porcarii dulcegi ... In Romania unde unii au ca ideal in viata mersul la McDonald !!!

Ma rog, daca primiti ceva bani pentru "lini-stirea" pe care o incercati asta este alta treaba ... Dar au mai ramas si pe aici destui oameni cu capul pe umeri care nu se incred in reclamele de la tv si care mai citesc etichetele "produselor". Apropo', nu cumva sunteti unul din cercetatorii de la Institutul nostru "alimentar", care ca si FDA-ul american ofera zeci de certificate de buna purtare unor produse care nu sunt altceva decat niste bombe chimice ?! Scrieti-ne va rugam mai multe despre acel "parteneriat" public-privat al institutului alimentar, care sunt actionarii si care sunt taxele percepute pentru fiecare certificat dat din care se face bugetul institutului !!!

P.S. Unde spuneti ca ati gasit sare NEIODATA ?!!! La un "supermarket" ?!!! Care ?

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