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  Nr. 4215 de luni, 21 aprilie 2008 
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Aladin din york (...@optonline.net, IP: 69.123.119...)
2008-04-21 16:34
Mingea e in terenul israelului !

Mult hulitul carter, v-a adus un mesaj de pace. Ce puteti sa faceti cu el e talentul vostru, daca-l aveti. Mie teama ca asa cum cineva spunea ,ca hamasul nu va renunta la provocari pt.ca doar o stare de razboi fac banii sa curga, se pare ca nici la voi nu e altfel,iar suvoiul de bani ce curge e mult mai consistent.

Nikon din Romania (...@yahoo.com, IP: 87.69.128...)
2008-04-21 16:47
Re: Mingea e in terenul israelului !

La 2008-04-21 16:34:12, Aladin a scris:

> Mult hulitul carter, v-a adus un mesaj de pace. Ce puteti sa faceti
> cu el e talentul vostru, daca-l aveti. Mie teama ca asa cum cineva
> spunea ,ca hamasul nu va renunta la provocari pt.ca doar o stare de
> razboi fac banii sa curga, se pare ca nici la voi nu e altfel,iar
> suvoiul de bani ce curge e mult mai consistent.
Cuvinte impleticite domnule,fara nicio logica,decat dai dovada unei afinitati fata de rau.......si nedreptate.

roy din secrapadeziua.blogspot.com (...@hotmail.com, IP: 89.139.170...)
2008-04-21 18:57
Re: aiurea!

Amicii tai din Hamas au anuntzat ca resping propunerile lui Carter, Carter s-a anuntzat dezamagit.

Mai ai si alte lozincii?

La 2008-04-21 16:34:12, Aladin a scris:

> Mult hulitul carter, v-a adus un mesaj de pace. Ce puteti sa faceti
> cu el e talentul vostru, daca-l aveti. Mie teama ca asa cum cineva
> spunea ,ca hamasul nu va renunta la provocari pt.ca doar o stare de
> razboi fac banii sa curga, se pare ca nici la voi nu e altfel,iar
> suvoiul de bani ce curge e mult mai consistent.

dorinP din Kanata (...@hotmail.com, IP: 216.208.140...)
2008-04-21 19:15
Re: aiurea!

La 2008-04-21 18:57:59, roy a scris:

> Amicii tai din Hamas au anuntzat ca resping propunerile lui Carter,
> Carter s-a anuntzat dezamagit.
> Mai ai si alte lozincii?

De unde scoti domnule informatia asta? De la Megaphone?

Uite stirea de la Reuters.

Hamas says accepts Palestinian statehood
Mon Apr 21, 2008 11:27am EDT

DAMASCUS (Reuters) - Hamas accepts the establishment of a Palestinian state on land occupied by Israel in 1967 but would not recognize the Jewish state, Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal said on Monday.

Commenting on efforts by former U.S. President Jimmy Carter to persuade Hamas to back peace talks between Israel and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Meshaal said Hamas would "respect Palestinian national will even if it was against our convictions".

Meshaal's remarks appeared in line with comments made by Carter in Jerusalem on Monday following talks in Damascus with the Hamas leader on Friday.

dorinP din Kanata (...@hotmail.com, IP: 216.208.140...)
2008-04-21 19:32
Re: aiurea!

La 2008-04-21 18:57:59, roy a scris:

> Amicii tai din Hamas au anuntzat ca resping propunerile lui Carter,
> Carter s-a anuntzat dezamagit.
> Mai ai si alte lozincii?
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ce spune Associated Press

Carter: Hamas is willing to accept Israel as its neighbor
By KARIN LAUB – 2 hours ago


dorinP din Kanata (...@hotmail.com, IP: 216.208.140...)
2008-04-21 19:57
Re: aiurea?

La 2008-04-21 18:57:59, roy a scris:

> Amicii tai din Hamas au anuntzat ca resping propunerile lui Carter,
> Carter s-a anuntzat dezamagit.
> Mai ai si alte lozincii?
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Like gang warfare
By Gideon Levy

On both sides of the fence locking in the Gaza Strip, there is a war of desperation going on. Hamas is fighting against the insufferable siege that the Gaza Strip has been under for many months, and the Israel Defense Forces is mostly preoccupied with avenging Hamas' actions. Both sides are busy with displays of power and retaliation. It was sufficient to hear last week the commander of an IDF company, which lost three of its men, who called on his troops to kill as many terrorists as possible and to destroy the area from which the attacks came, to understand that the differences between the two opposing sides are increasingly becoming distorted.

The ethical differences are also being blurred. For example, if the B'tselem report is correct, and the IDF has resumed using flechette tank shells, then killing is being done without distinction, precisely as Hamas does. Both sides avoid any dialogue with the other, Israel conducts the scandalous international boycott of Hamas and anyone who tries to end this unbearable cycle, such as former U.S. president Jimmy Carter, is immediately and shamefully condemned by Israel.

The balance between the two sides is far from equal. All the scare tactics of the Israeli defense establishment - the statements that Hamas is growing stronger, is acquiring arms and equipment and the (exaggerated) descriptions that it is organizing along the lines of Hezbollah - do not alter the unequivocal fact that a war of attrition is taking place in the south between a regular army, with nearly every weapon possible in its arsenal, and a primitive organization, with few arms and a ridiculous order of battle. This must not be forgotten. The combined attack Saturday at Kerem Shalom, which was both sophisticated and daring, does not alter the fact that the the balance of power is far from even. This is expressed, in part, in the numbers of dead: The Palestinians managed to killed three soldiers in an ambush near the border fence? In response, Israel killed 20 Palestinians soon after, including a reporter and several youths. This is how gang warfare is fought.

roy din secrapadeziua.blogspot.com (...@hotmail.com, IP: 89.139.170...)
2008-04-21 21:45
Re: Dorin P si megafonul

L-am vazut asta seara pe Carter la canalul 10 israelian declarand ca propunerile lui au fost respinse de Hamas si ca este dezamagit. am reprodus exact cuvintele lui.

Declaratzia Hamasului la care se refera Reuters este legata de tratativele pe care le poarta cu egiptenii si nu in urma discuztiilor cu Carter.

Carter le propusese o incetare unilaterala a focului pe o saptamana si l-au refuzat. Deasemenea le-a propus un anumit mechanism pentru schimbul de prizonieri si deasemenea l-au refuzat.

Cand nu stii care este situatzia, nu te baga in chestiile astea. Politica in ME este foarte complicata si nu o data declaratziile au exact 15 minute de glorie dupa care se sterg in eternitate.

La 2008-04-21 19:15:36, dorinP a scris:

> De unde scoti domnule informatia asta? De la Megaphone?
> Uite stirea de la Reuters.
> http://www.reuters.com/article/politicsNews/idUSL2177218720080421

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