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  Nr. 4214 de sambata, 19 aprilie 2008 
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ARIK WEINBERGER (...@yahoo.com, IP: 92.82.12...)
2008-04-19 10:05
jimmy carter are necazuri in tara sfanta

ajunge cu predicile acestui batran senil si ramolit!!! vezi-ti de arahidele tale din georgia, si lasa-te de pelerinaj in tara sfanta, viteazule!!!!!!!

alex dalaion din Caraorman (...@gmail.com, IP: 89.47.119...)
2008-04-19 10:28
Re: jimmy carter are necazuri in tara sfanta

Uitatzi-va aici: Acest forumist sigur nu e antisemit! Limbaj furunculos," prosemit."

La 2008-04-19 10:05:39, ARIK WEINBERGER a scris:

> ajunge cu predicile acestui batran senil si ramolit!!! vezi-ti de
> arahidele tale din georgia, si lasa-te de pelerinaj in tara sfanta,
> viteazule!!!!!!!

dorinP din Kanata (...@hotmail.com, IP: 76.68.245...)
2008-04-19 15:21
Avnery letter to Carter

La 2008-04-19 10:05:39, ARIK WEINBERGER a scris:

> ajunge cu predicile acestui batran senil si ramolit!!! vezi-ti de
> arahidele tale din georgia, si lasa-te de pelerinaj in tara sfanta,
> viteazule!!!!!!!

Parearea ta este reprezentativa pentru grupul de activisti vigilenti care-si fac veacul pe forumul ziua.
Din fericire nu toti gindesc ca voi.


Dear Mr. President Jimmy Carter

I am writing to you on behalf of Gush Shalom, The Israeli Peace Bloc, to congratulate you on your wise and courageous decision to meet in Damascus with Hamas leaders and talk with them on the ways to promote peace in our region. I believe this is an act whose time had come - or rather, is already long overdue - and I would have liked the Government of Israel to avail itself of your position, your prestige and your tireless energy, in order to help end the suffering and bloodshed among both peoples.

As an increasing number of people are coming to realize, the policy of boycotting Hamas, starting on the day that the movement won the democratic elections held among the Palestinians, has failed utterly and caused terrible suffering and bloodshed among both peoples. The Government of Israel, with the support of the present US Government, has undertaken large and small military operations; constantly sought to foment civil war among Palestinians; and imposed an inhuman economic boycott of the Gaza Strip, which exactly today reaches a cruel new peak with the denial of fuel to a million and half people. Not only did all these acts fail to break Hamas' power; on the contrary, they resulted in increasing its popular support and severely weakening Mahmud Abbas (Abu Mazen) who is increasingly perceived as a collaborator, unable to bring his people any real achievement.
t would have been best for all of us, Mr. President,were you able to go to Damascus with a full mandate from the Government of Israel and from you successor in the White House, to promote to the best of your ability the solution to the conflict in our region and the end to both peoples' suffering. But even in the absence of an official government mandate, know that you are going to Damascus with the warm regards and full support of the peace seekers in Israel.

Sincerely yours

Uri Avnery
Former Member of the Knesset
On behalf of Gush Shalom
(The Israeli Peace Bloc)

tibicarom (...@yahoo.de, IP: 88.64.83...)
2008-04-20 17:37
Atentie dle Solomovici

La 2008-04-19 10:05:39, ARIK WEINBERGER a scris:

> ajunge cu predicile acestui batran senil si ramolit!!! vezi-ti de
> arahidele tale din georgia, si lasa-te de pelerinaj in tara sfanta,
> viteazule!!!!!!!

tibicarom (...@yahoo.de, IP: 88.64.83...)
2008-04-20 17:51
Re: jimmy carter are necazuri in tara sfanta

Atentie dle Solomovici!
La un articol bun e pacat sa constat deformari prin erori ortografice care pot fi interpretate ca deficiente de cultura. In speta e vorba de HONORIS CAUSA si APARTHEID (vezi originalele din articol).
Concerning Mr.ARIK WEINBERGER's letter, I'd like to express my congratulations for his position - the only rational and promising one. Protracted violence and reciprocal accusations only lead to exponential growth of the same sort up to the final catastrophe.

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