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  Nr. 4207 de vineri, 11 aprilie 2008 
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Zamolxis (...@gmail.com, IP: 86.121.162...)
2008-04-11 22:09
Doza de dementa a HUNGARISMULUI vazuta de altii!

The Norwegian writer Bjornstjerne Bjornson (1832 – 1910)
”As a young man, I used to admire and love the Hungarian people while it was oppressed and suffered. Later yet, I have deeply studied the (minorities) subject and I became convinced about the Hungarians’ occurrences against the other minorities, so I started to detest their chauvinism.
I’m convinced now that outside Hungary everybody will share my opinions, and believe me that those occurrences will bring Hungary to its own ruin, sooner or later.”

The Prime minister of Austria, Count von Fickelmont wrote in 1852 :"No doubt that we are ready to admire those brave PEOPLE WITHOUT HISTORY who came from Asia, without old traditions, WITHOUT A COUNTRY, who were able to conquer a territory and stand on, to shape a nation, TO BORROW A LANGUAGE AND LAWS FROM THE OTHERS FOR THEIR OWN ADMINISTRATION, and to subjugate other peacefuly developed people..They would have deserved our admiration much more if they will understand that their actual position is just temporary and one day they should give it up because THEY REMAINED INFERIOR TO THE OTHER NEIGHBOURING PEOPLE."

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