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  Nr. 4202 de sambata, 5 aprilie 2008 
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alwis46 (...@yahoo.com, IP: 86.121.237...)
2008-04-06 12:03
Si alt tip de viza...

Si totusi, nu dau curs invitatiei de mai jos, nu ma omor dupa traiul pe pamanturile americanesti, am facut o tatonare doar asa...de amorul artei.
Dorinta mea este, si cred ca dorinta va ramane, sa fiu cetatean al Luxembourg.

Daniel M. Constantinescu, you are receiving this email since you have registered on one of USAFIS organization websites on 2007-09-24 06:45:00.

If you want to PERMANENTLY remove yourself from receiving any email communication, Please Use this link....

If you can't see this email, please use this link.....
The good news is - you got it
Daniel M. Constantinescu,
Apply now - we have good news for you!
According to the information you have provided when registering at one of Usafis organization's websites, you get your chance to complete your American Green Card Lottery form.
Now, all you have to do is register with Usafis.
Just one click and a world of endless opportunities will be waiting for you!
Good news? Make it even better.
Register today!

Dan Gold

Hu Ciu Tzi din from Chinatown (...@flash.ro, IP: 195.160.204...)
2008-04-06 15:19
Si alt tip de viza... / Apropo Luxembourg care fuse, anul trecut, impreuna cu Sibiul capitala cultu

-rala a Europei, primarul Sibiului care fuse in Luxembourg, spuse la TV ca Sibiul e mult mai frumos, ii dau dreptate, vazui Sibiul de nenumarate ori, vazui si Luxemburgoul de citeva ori la televizor!

Singurul lucru frumos acolo e nivelul ridicat al salariilor si al nivelului de trai!

La 2008-04-06 12:03:17, alwis46 a scris:

> Si totusi, nu dau curs invitatiei de mai jos, nu ma omor dupa traiul
> pe pamanturile americanesti, am facut o tatonare doar asa...de amorul
> artei.
> Dorinta mea este, si cred ca dorinta va ramane, sa fiu cetatean al
> Luxembourg.
> Daniel M. Constantinescu, you are receiving this email since you have
> registered on one of USAFIS organization websites on 2007-09-24
> 06:45:00.
> If you want to PERMANENTLY remove yourself from receiving any email
> communication, Please Use this link....
> If you can't see this email, please use this link.....
> The good news is - you got it
> Daniel M. Constantinescu,
> Apply now - we have good news for you!
> According to the information you have provided when registering at one
> of Usafis organization's websites, you get your chance to complete
> your American Green Card Lottery form.
> Now, all you have to do is register with Usafis.
> Just one click and a world of endless opportunities will be waiting
> for you!
> Good news? Make it even better.
> Register today!
> Sincerely,
> Dan Gold
> Usafis.org

Mos Grigore din Chicago (...@worldnet.att.net, IP: 66.167.65...)
2008-04-06 16:38
Re: Si alt tip de viza...

Foarte bine faci ca esti batrin! In tzara asta e bine sa vii inainte de 40 cel mult.

Eu am venit la 43 si mi-a fost destul de greu.....dar am avut bafta!

La 2008-04-06 12:03:17, alwis46 a scris:

> Si totusi, nu dau curs invitatiei de mai jos, nu ma omor dupa traiul
> pe pamanturile americanesti, am facut o tatonare doar asa...de amorul
> artei.
> Dorinta mea este, si cred ca dorinta va ramane, sa fiu cetatean al
> Luxembourg.
> Daniel M. Constantinescu, you are receiving this email since you have
> registered on one of USAFIS organization websites on 2007-09-24
> 06:45:00.
> If you want to PERMANENTLY remove yourself from receiving any email
> communication, Please Use this link....
> If you can't see this email, please use this link.....
> The good news is - you got it
> Daniel M. Constantinescu,
> Apply now - we have good news for you!
> According to the information you have provided when registering at one
> of Usafis organization's websites, you get your chance to complete
> your American Green Card Lottery form.
> Now, all you have to do is register with Usafis.
> Just one click and a world of endless opportunities will be waiting
> for you!
> Good news? Make it even better.
> Register today!
> Sincerely,
> Dan Gold
> Usafis.org

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