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  Nr. 4194 de joi, 27 martie 2008 
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Nikon din Romania (...@yahoo.com, IP: 77.124.84...)
2008-03-26 22:21
Vine potopul

si odata cu el ne vom topi si noi......
Eheiiii,prezicerile bibliei fratilor.........

Olga Khan din Phoenix, AZ, USA (...@yahoo.com, IP: 24.255.44...)
2008-03-26 23:04
Re: Vine potopul

La 2008-03-26 22:21:51, Nikon a scris:

> si odata cu el ne vom topi si noi......
> Eheiiii,prezicerile bibliei fratilor.........

Iti construiesti arca de refugiu??? Eu nu-mi fac probleme, din Antarctica pana-n Romania sau Arizona e cale cam egala si se vor lovi de altceva acele valuri distrugatoare pana sa ajunga .......

Robin din http://www.ziualibera.blogspot.com/ (...@yahoo.ca, IP: 216.113.168...)
2008-03-26 23:13
Re: Vine potopul - Not really!

La 2008-03-26 22:21:51, Nikon a scris:

> si odata cu el ne vom topi si noi......
> Eheiiii,prezicerile bibliei fratilor.........

Povestea e mai veche: http://nsidc.org/iceshelves/larsenb1999/wilkins.html
si tine de 10-15 ani.

In acelasi timp:

From 1986 to 2000 central Antarctic valleys cooled 0.7 C per decade with serious ecosystem damage from cold. - Nature 415: 517-20

Both satellite data and ground stations show slight cooling over the last 20 years. - Journal of Climate 13: 1674-96

Side-looking radar measurements show West Antartctic ice is increasing at 26.8 gigatons/yr. Reversing the melting trend of the last 6,000 years. - Science 295: 476-80

Antarctic peninsula has warmed several degrees while interior has cooled somewhat. Ice shelves have retreated but sea ice has increased. - Science 296: 895-99

During the last four interglacials, going back 420,000 years, the Earth was warmer than it is today. Nature 399: 429-36

Less Antarctic ice has melted today than occured during the last interglacial. - Geology 27: 179-82

Antarctic sea ice has increased since 1979. - Geophysical Research Letters 31: 10.1029/2003 GLO18732

Trend toward more sea ice may be accelerating. - International Journal of remote Sensing 24: 2277-87

Smekerezada din Amintiri (...@yahoo.com, IP: 87.65.128...)
2008-03-26 23:58
hey ! vezi cum tii teancul ala de jurnale, sus deasupra capului, ... sa nu se ude !!

La 2008-03-26 23:13:36, Robin a scris:

> Povestea e mai veche:
> http://nsidc.org/iceshelves/larsenb1999/wilkins.html
> si tine de 10-15 ani.
> In acelasi timp:
> From 1986 to 2000 central Antarctic valleys cooled 0.7 C per decade
> with serious ecosystem damage from cold. - Nature 415: 517-20
> Both satellite data and ground stations show slight cooling over the
> last 20 years. - Journal of Climate 13: 1674-96
> Side-looking radar measurements show West Antartctic ice is increasing
> at 26.8 gigatons/yr. Reversing the melting trend of the last 6,000
> years. - Science 295: 476-80
> Antarctic peninsula has warmed several degrees while interior has
> cooled somewhat. Ice shelves have retreated but sea ice has increased.
> - Science 296: 895-99
> During the last four interglacials, going back 420,000 years, the
> Earth was warmer than it is today. Nature 399: 429-36
> Less Antarctic ice has melted today than occured during the last
> interglacial. - Geology 27: 179-82
> Antarctic sea ice has increased since 1979. - Geophysical Research
> Letters 31: 10.1029/2003 GLO18732
> Trend toward more sea ice may be accelerating. - International Journal
> of remote Sensing 24: 2277-87

Arcturus (...@gmail.com, IP: 24.82.154...)
2008-03-27 01:07
Re: Vine potopul

Prezicerile lu' peste ...

Si eu prezic ca o sa avem parte de uragane si tornade.

La 2008-03-26 22:21:51, Nikon a scris:

> si odata cu el ne vom topi si noi......
> Eheiiii,prezicerile bibliei fratilor.........

california din http://ziualibera.blogspot.com/ (...@yahoo.com, IP: 68.110.77...)
2008-03-27 03:11
Nu vine nici un potop!

Daca la apa de referi. Ca abundenta e, dar de altceva...

La 2008-03-26 22:21:51, Nikon a scris:

> si odata cu el ne vom topi si noi......
> Eheiiii,prezicerile bibliei fratilor.........

zwilling carol din israel (...@012.net.il, IP: 77.124.84...)
2008-03-27 12:10
Re: Vine potopul//ia vezi si pe asta...

La 2008-03-26 22:21:51, Nikon a scris:

> si odata cu el ne vom topi si noi......
> Eheiiii,prezicerile bibliei fratilor.........


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