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  Nr. 4190 de sambata, 22 martie 2008 
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XL5 (...@yahoo.com, IP: 193.231.107...)
2008-03-23 15:51
Danish cartoons !

Intrucit vad ca unii forumisti se intreaba de ce-au aparut ( si reaparut ) caricaturile in Danemarca , lasind sa se inteleaga ca exista o conspiratie organizata ( evident ) de americani , m-am gindit sa postez urmatoarele informatii referitoare la caz ( vezi Wikipedia ) .
Mai intii cauza aparitiei lor in 2005 ( scuzati ca nu am tradus in romaneste ) :
" On September 17, 2005, the Danish newspaper Politiken ran an article under the headline "Dyb angst for kritik af islam" ("Profound anxiety about criticism of Islam"). The article discussed the difficulty encountered by the writer Kåre Bluitgen, who was initially unable to find an illustrator who was prepared to work with Bluitgen on his children's book Koranen og profeten Muhammeds liv (English: The Qur'an and the life of the Prophet Muhammad ). Three artists declined Bluitgen's proposal before one agreed to assist anonymously.
According to Bluitgen:
One (artist declined), with reference to the murder in Amsterdam of the film director Theo van Gogh, while another (declined, citing the attack on) the lecturer at the Carsten Niebuhr Institute in Copenhagen.
In October 2004, a lecturer at the Niebuhr institute at the University of Copenhagen had been assaulted by five assailants who opposed his reading of the Qur'an to non-Muslims during a lecture.
The refusal of the first three artists to participate was seen as evidence of self-censorship and led to much debate in Denmark, with other examples for similar reasons soon emerging. Comedian Frank Hvam declared that he would (hypothetically) dare to urinate on the Bible on television, but not on the Qur'an. The translators of an essay collection critical of Islam also wished to remain anonymous due to concerns about violent reprisals . "
Vedeti ca nu este vorba de nici o conspiratie " sionista " pentru a-i atita pe musulmani ci de o polemica asupra libertatii de exprimare , pornita ( printre altele ) de la o carte pentru copii !
Referitor la cele 12 caricaturi aparute in Jyllands-Posten , nici una nu contine ceva ofensator la adresa Profetului ( unele nici nu-l reprezinta macar ) . Cele 3 caricaturi ofensatoare ( cea cu Mahomed pedofil intre altele ) au fost prezentate de imami in cursul protestelor si nu au aparut in nici un ziar din Vest ! Ei pretind ca le-au primit de la surse anonime !
Acum despre cauza republicarii lor in 2008 :
" On February 12, 2008, Danish police arrested three men (two Tunisians and one Danish national originally from Morocco) suspected of planning to assassinate Kurt Westergaard, the cartoonist who drew the Bomb in the Turban
cartoon. Westergaard has since been under police protection. He said he is angry that a "perfectly normal everyday activity (drawing political cartoons) which I used to do by the thousand was abused to set off such madness."
The next day, February 13, 2008, Jyllands-Posten, and many other Danish newspapers including Politiken and Berlingske Tidende, reprinted Westergaard's Bomb in the Turban cartoon, as a statement of commitment to freedom of speech. The liberal newspaper Politiken had been critical of the original publication of the cartoons, but reprinted this one now as a gesture of solidarity in the face of a specific threat . "
Iarasi vedem ca nu este vorba de nici un complot americano-sionist . Evident ca asemenea argumente rationale si logice nu-i vor clinti din obsesiile lor pe adeptii teoriilor conspiratiei .

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