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  Nr. 4166 de sambata, 23 februarie 2008 
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Seherezada din din 1001 de Zile (...@yahoo.com, IP: 88.176.22...)
2008-02-24 12:42
Alwis, ... despre raport Filderman ...<<prea putin citat...>> , ... stii DE CE ??

La 2008-02-24 09:27:06, alwis46 a scris:

> Acest Raport este prea putin citat de cei care ating problema
> evreiasca din Romania anilor celui de-al doilea razboi mondial.
> Este mai usor pentru unii sa mearga pe linia acuzatoare ca Romania
> si-a masacrat cetatenii de origine evreiasca decat sa accepte faptul
> ca numarul celor salvati de la moarte de Romania este de de foarte
> multe ori mai mare decat al celor morti in acei ani.
> Concluzia generala a Raportului Dr. W. Filderman : "In nici o tara
> dominata de nazisti, n-a supravietuit o asa mare proportie a
> populatiei evreiesti".
problema este ca acel studiu sau raport, ... nu a putut fi produs, iar fraza folosita si pusa pe seama lui Filderman, pare extrem de neverosimila pentru a face parte dintr-un raport la Congresul International de Statistica Stockholm, 1956 ....

in schimb in iulie 2001, domnii Buzatu si Coja au organizat la Bucuresti un simpozion: ``Has there been a Holocaust in Romania?`` , iar in sprijinul argumentelor lor negationiste , au invocat marturii inventate ale unor evrei credibili:

<<In support of their affirmations, the participants raised several ``arguments.`` They started by presenting excerpts from what they claimed was the 1955 testimony of the former leader of the Federation of Jewish Communities in Romania, Wilhelm Filderman, before a Swiss court. >>

Acest document NU A PUTUT fi produs si existenta lui este indoielnica ...
Ia privit mai jos, traseul ``de la Ana la Cajafa`` :

<<The alleged testimony had been mentioned for the first time in a 1994 volume in an editor`s note written by American historian Kurt Treptow, who was residing in Romania. Treptow, whose pro-Legion
and pro-Antonescu sympathies were well known, had long benefited from support on the part of the Romanian authorities.

Coja wrote that it was from this tome that he had first learned about
the existence of the Swiss ``testimony``.

According to Treptow, the document could be found in
the archives of the Buzatu-managed Iasi Center for European History and Civilization.

However, Buzatu was eventually forced to admit that the alleged ``testimony`` had been simply lifted from an article published in the tabloid Baricada. The tabloid`s editors claimed to have received it
from Matei Cazacu, a historian of Romanian origins born in France.

Upon being contacted by the Theodor Wexler, the vice president of the Filderman Foundation, Cazacu declined any knowledge of the ``document`` >>

katty1 din Suedia (...@yahoo.se, IP: 83.254.193...)
2008-02-24 12:49
Re: Alwis, ... despre raport Filderman ...<<prea putin citat...>> , ... stii DE CE ??

> problema este ca acel studiu sau raport, ... nu a putut fi produs, iar
> fraza folosita si pusa pe seama lui Filderman, pare extrem de
> neverosimila pentru a face parte dintr-un raport la Congresul
> International de Statistica Stockholm, 1956 ....

Da,spuselelui Filderman PAR neverosimile, in schimb minciunile sfrunatate dovedite ulterior, ale lui mister Vitel Da. La Congresul ala de la Stockholm trebuia sa veniti mai bine pregatiti cu ceva liste de morti ca oamenii aceea au avut si ei o identitate nu sint pur si simplu o cifra, asa cum nemernici precum Wiesel au transformat toata literatura holocaustoligca.

> in schimb in iulie 2001, domnii Buzatu si Coja au organizat la
> Bucuresti un simpozion: ``Has there been a Holocaust in Romania?`` ,
> iar in sprijinul argumentelor lor negationiste , au invocat marturii
> inventate ale unor evrei credibili:
> <<In support of their affirmations, the participants raised several
> ``arguments.`` They started by presenting excerpts from what they
> claimed was the 1955 testimony of the former leader of the Federation
> of Jewish Communities in Romania, Wilhelm Filderman, before a Swiss
> court. >>
> Acest document NU A PUTUT fi produs si existenta lui este indoielnica
> ...
> Ia privit mai jos, traseul ``de la Ana la Cajafa`` :
> <<The alleged testimony had been mentioned for the first time in a
> 1994 volume in an editor`s note written by American historian Kurt
> Treptow, who was residing in Romania. Treptow, whose pro-Legion
> and pro-Antonescu sympathies were well known, had long benefited from
> support on the part of the Romanian authorities.
> Coja wrote that it was from this tome that he had first learned about
> the existence of the Swiss ``testimony``.
> According to Treptow, the document could be found in
> the archives of the Buzatu-managed Iasi Center for European History
> and Civilization.
> However, Buzatu was eventually forced to admit that the alleged
> ``testimony`` had been simply lifted from an article published in the
> tabloid Baricada. The tabloid`s editors claimed to have received it
> from Matei Cazacu, a historian of Romanian origins born in France.
> Upon being contacted by the Theodor Wexler, the vice president of the
> Filderman Foundation, Cazacu declined any knowledge of the
> ``document`` >>

roy din secrapadeziua.blogspot.com (...@hotmail.com, IP: 213.8.118...)
2008-02-24 13:17
Re: Alwis, ... despre raport Filderman ...<<prea putin citat...>> , ... stii DE CE ??

Ei, ne bucura faptul ca esti de acord ca declaratzia lui Filderman pare neverosimila. Comunica-i si lui Alwis parerea ta.

La 2008-02-24 12:49:12, katty1 a scris:

> > problema este ca acel studiu sau raport, ... nu a putut fi produs, iar
> > fraza folosita si pusa pe seama lui Filderman, pare extrem de
> > neverosimila pentru a face parte dintr-un raport la Congresul
> > International de Statistica Stockholm, 1956 ....
> >
> Da,spuselelui Filderman PAR neverosimile, in schimb minciunile
> sfrunatate dovedite ulterior, ale lui mister Vitel Da. La Congresul
> ala de la Stockholm trebuia sa veniti mai bine pregatiti cu ceva liste
> de morti ca oamenii aceea au avut si ei o identitate nu sint pur si
> simplu o cifra, asa cum nemernici precum Wiesel au transformat toata
> literatura holocaustoligca.
> > in schimb in iulie 2001, domnii Buzatu si Coja au organizat la
> > Bucuresti un simpozion: ``Has there been a Holocaust in Romania?`` ,
> > iar in sprijinul argumentelor lor negationiste , au invocat marturii
> > inventate ale unor evrei credibili:
> >
> > <<In support of their affirmations, the participants raised several
> > ``arguments.`` They started by presenting excerpts from what they
> > claimed was the 1955 testimony of the former leader of the Federation
> > of Jewish Communities in Romania, Wilhelm Filderman, before a Swiss
> > court. >>
> >
> > Acest document NU A PUTUT fi produs si existenta lui este indoielnica
> > ...
> > Ia privit mai jos, traseul ``de la Ana la Cajafa`` :
> >
> > <<The alleged testimony had been mentioned for the first time in a
> > 1994 volume in an editor`s note written by American historian Kurt
> > Treptow, who was residing in Romania. Treptow, whose pro-Legion
> > and pro-Antonescu sympathies were well known, had long benefited from
> > support on the part of the Romanian authorities.
> >
> > Coja wrote that it was from this tome that he had first learned about
> >
> > the existence of the Swiss ``testimony``.
> >
> > According to Treptow, the document could be found in
> > the archives of the Buzatu-managed Iasi Center for European History
> > and Civilization.
> >
> > However, Buzatu was eventually forced to admit that the alleged
> > ``testimony`` had been simply lifted from an article published in the
> > tabloid Baricada. The tabloid`s editors claimed to have received it
> > from Matei Cazacu, a historian of Romanian origins born in France.
> >
> > Upon being contacted by the Theodor Wexler, the vice president of the
> > Filderman Foundation, Cazacu declined any knowledge of the
> > ``document`` >>
> >
> >

katty1 din Suedia (...@yahoo.se, IP: 83.254.193...)
2008-02-24 13:20
Re: Alwis, ... despre raport Filderman ...<<prea putin citat...>> , ... stii DE CE ??

La 2008-02-24 13:17:05, roy a scris:

> Ei, ne bucura faptul ca esti de acord ca declaratzia lui Filderman
> pare neverosimila. Comunica-i si lui Alwis parerea ta.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Esti incurabil omule,unde am spus eu asta? Am spus ca daca elucubratiile lui Wieselcare desi dovedite sint luate de voi ca sacrosant ,de ce nu ar fi valabile si declaratiile lui Filderman? Hai pa royule, corabia minciunilor si exagerarilor incepe sa se scufunde.

roy din secrapadeziua.blogspot.com (...@hotmail.com, IP: 213.8.118...)
2008-02-24 13:26
Re: Alwis, ... despre raport Filderman ...<<prea putin citat...>> , ... stii DE CE ??

Ia citeste mai bine ce ai scris. Nu ai scris "Da, spusele lui Filderman par neverosimile..."

Te-am citat, mincinoaso, nu esti in stare sa-tzi recunosti propriul text!

La 2008-02-24 13:20:13, katty1 a scris:

> La 2008-02-24 13:17:05, roy a scris:
> > Ei, ne bucura faptul ca esti de acord ca declaratzia lui Filderman
> > pare neverosimila. Comunica-i si lui Alwis parerea ta.
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Esti incurabil omule,unde am spus eu asta? Am spus ca daca
> elucubratiile lui Wieselcare desi dovedite sint luate de voi ca
> sacrosant ,de ce nu ar fi valabile si declaratiile lui Filderman? Hai
> pa royule, corabia minciunilor si exagerarilor incepe sa se scufunde.

katty1 din Suedia (...@yahoo.se, IP: 83.254.193...)
2008-02-24 13:30
Re: Alwis, ... despre raport Filderman ...<<prea putin citat...>> , ... stii DE CE ??

La 2008-02-24 13:26:28, roy a scris:

> Ia citeste mai bine ce ai scris. Nu ai scris "Da, spusele lui
> Filderman par neverosimile..."
> Te-am citat, mincinoaso, nu esti in stare sa-tzi recunosti propriul
> text!
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

N-am facut altceva decit sa reproduc cuvintele Seherezadei. Nu te mai lega de detalii neimportante ca sa te fofilezi de la raspuns. In fond nu te-a obligat nimeni sa ataci asa ca ai optiunea de a te abtine. Lasa trucurile ieftine ca nu tine !!

roy din secrapadeziua.blogspot.com (...@hotmail.com, IP: 213.8.118...)
2008-02-24 14:12
Re: Alwis, ... despre raport Filderman ...<<prea putin citat...>> , ... stii DE CE ??

Aha... Spui "Da", dar nu este important ce ai scris... Ma faci sa rad.

Poate ne faci atentzi la fiecare detaliu ce fel de tip de detaliu este (important sau neimportant)?

La 2008-02-24 13:30:51, katty1 a scris:

> La 2008-02-24 13:26:28, roy a scris:
> > Ia citeste mai bine ce ai scris. Nu ai scris "Da, spusele lui
> > Filderman par neverosimile..."
> >
> > Te-am citat, mincinoaso, nu esti in stare sa-tzi recunosti propriul
> > text!
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> N-am facut altceva decit sa reproduc cuvintele Seherezadei. Nu te mai
> lega de detalii neimportante ca sa te fofilezi de la raspuns. In fond
> nu te-a obligat nimeni sa ataci asa ca ai optiunea de a te abtine.
> Lasa trucurile ieftine ca nu tine !!

CALUGARU din Manastire (...@yahoo.com, IP: 70.230.153...)
2008-02-24 15:28
Re: Alwis, ... despre raport Filderman ...<<prea putin citat...>> , ... stii DE CE ??

La 2008-02-24 12:42:26, Seherezada a scris:

Acest document NU A PUTUT fi produs si existenta lui este indoielnica ...
Ia privit mai jos, traseul ``de la Ana la Cajafa`` :


Cajafa ?, iubitel ? Cine-i tipu' ?

p.s. - iubitel !, ai facut riduri ?

Ai vazut filmul "Black book" ?

iubitel !

Seherezada din din 1001 de Zile (...@yahoo.com, IP: 81.64.183...)
2008-02-24 16:35
Re: Alwis, ... despre raport Filderman ...<<prea putin citat...>> , ... stii DE CE ??

La 2008-02-24 15:28:14, CALUGARU a scris:

> Cajafa ?, iubitel ? Cine-i tipu' ?
> p.s. - iubitel !, ai facut riduri ?
> Ai vazut filmul "Black book" ?
> iubitel !
> -----------------------

auzi ''cretinel'' ???

ai o mare lipsa, ... iti lipseste un ''L'' si esti nearticulat ...
Hai , valeaaaaaa !

Atamild (...@t-online.de, IP: 87.167.203...)
2008-02-24 16:42
Re: Alwis, ... despre raport Filderman ...<<prea putin citat...>> , ... stii DE CE ??

La 2008-02-24 16:35:32, Seherezada a scris:

> La 2008-02-24 15:28:14, CALUGARU a scris:
> > Cajafa ?, iubitel ? Cine-i tipu' ?
> >
> > p.s. - iubitel !, ai facut riduri ?
> >
> > Ai vazut filmul "Black book" ?
> >
> > iubitel !
> > -----------------------
> auzi ''cretinel'' ???
> ai o mare lipsa, ... iti lipseste un ''L'' si esti nearticulat ...
> Hai , valeaaaaaa !
Da ce pornita esti! Cumpateste, si mai iarta! Rautatea ne indeparteaza de oameni si ne strica inima si sufletul,

Seherezada din din 1001 de Zile (...@yahoo.com, IP: 81.64.183...)
2008-02-24 16:59
Re:Matilda , ...stii DE CE ??

La 2008-02-24 16:42:09, Atamild a scris:

> Da ce pornita esti! Cumpateste, si mai iarta! Rautatea ne indeparteaza
> de oameni si ne strica inima si sufletul,
> Matilda
> -------------
stiu eu de ce ...
daca ai incredere in mine bine ...
daca nu, ... NU.

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