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  Nr. 4166 de sambata, 23 februarie 2008 
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Dosare ultrasecrete

Viorel (...@yahoo.com, IP: 99.140.237...)
2008-02-23 11:12
The Criminalization of the State: "Independent Kosovo", a Territory under US-NATO Military Rule

The Criminalization of the State: "Independent Kosovo", a Territory under US-NATO Military Rule - by Michel Chossudovsky ( Global Research , February 4, 2008 )

While the European Union and the US, have acknowledged that they would be "opposed" to a " unilateral" declaration of independence of Kosovo, the secession of Kosovo from Serbia is already de facto. It is part of a US-NATO military agenda. It is the culmination of the 1999 NATO led invasion. It responds to US-NATO strategic objectives.

Moreover, the "compromise" Ahtisaari Proposal under the helm of the former Finnish Prime Minister to establish a "multi-ethnic" Kosovar State has little to do with "national sovereignty" or "independence". It is a copy and paste replicate of the structures imposed on Bosnia-Herzegovina under the 1995 Dayton agreements. It essentially sustains the authority of the military occupation. Under proposed blueprint, all the major decisions pertaining to public spending, social programs, monetary and trading arrangements would remain in the hands of the NATO-UN occupation administration.(...)


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