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  Nr. 4160 de sambata, 16 februarie 2008 
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conopid (...@politician.com, IP: 75.68.232...)
2008-02-17 10:40
Moshe Dayan si Ion Antonescu - nota 20, Sharon si Goma - nota 19

si asa mai departe pai dece sau oprit la nota 10?
da, dar noi avem si peste 20, de exemplu decebal

conopid (...@politician.com, IP: 75.68.232...)
2008-02-17 12:35

La 2008-02-17 10:40:00, conopid a scris:Moshe Dayan si Ion Antonescu - nota 20, Sharon si Goma - nota 19

> si asa mai departe pai dece sau oprit la nota 10?
> da, dar noi avem si peste 20, de exemplu decebal

conopid (...@politician.com, IP: 75.68.232...)
2008-02-17 12:38

La 2008-02-17 12:35:16, conopid a scris:

> La 2008-02-17 10:40:00, conopid a scris:Moshe Dayan si Ion Antonescu -
> nota 20, Sharon si Goma - nota 19
> > si asa mai departe pai dece sau oprit la nota 10?
> > da, dar noi avem si peste 20, de exemplu decebal
> >

conopid (...@politician.com, IP: 75.68.232...)
2008-02-17 16:22

The Revisionist Zionists were a group led by Jabotinsky who advocated pressing Britain to allow mass Jewish emigration and the formation of a Jewish Army in Palestine. The army would force the Arab population to accept mass Jewish migration and promote British interests in the region.

Revisionist Zionism was detested by the Socialist Zionist movement which saw them as being influenced by Fascism and the movement caused a great deal of concern among Arab Palestinians. After the 1929 Arab riots, the British banned Jabotinsky from entering Palestine.

Revisionism was popular in Poland but lacked large support in Palestine. In 1935 the Revisionists left the Zionist Organization and formed an alternative, the New Zionist Organization. They rejoined the ZO in 1946.

La 2008-02-17 12:38:50, conopid a scris:

> La 2008-02-17 12:35:16, conopid a scris:
> > La 2008-02-17 10:40:00, conopid a scris:Moshe Dayan si Ion Antonescu -
> > nota 20, Sharon si Goma - nota 19
> >
> > > si asa mai departe pai dece sau oprit la nota 10?
> > > da, dar noi avem si peste 20, de exemplu decebal
> > >
> >
> >

conopid (...@politician.com, IP: 75.68.232...)
2008-02-17 16:29
Re: MIRCEA CRISAN de la romani si MARCUS GARVEY din Israel - nota 2

Marcus Garvey and "Black Zionism"
Zionist success in winning British support for formation of a "Jewish National Home" in Palestine helped inspire the African-American Nationalist Marcus Garvey to form a movement dedicated to returning Americans of African origin to Africa. During a speech in Harlem in 1920 Garvey stated that

other races were engaged in seeing their cause through---the Jews through their Zionist movement and the Irish through their Irish movement---and I decided that, cost what it might, I would make this a favorable time to see the Negro's interest through.[26]

Garvey established a shipping company, the Black Star Line, to ship Black Americans to Africa, but for various reasons failed in his endeavour. His ideas helped inspire the Rastafarian movement in Jamaica, the Black Jews[27] and the Black Hebrews who initially moved to Liberia before settling in Israel.

din Wikipedia

La 2008-02-17 16:22:01, conopid a scris:

> The Revisionist Zionists were a group led by Jabotinsky who advocated
> pressing Britain to allow mass Jewish emigration and the formation of
> a Jewish Army in Palestine. The army would force the Arab population
> to accept mass Jewish migration and promote British interests in the
> region.
> Revisionist Zionism was detested by the Socialist Zionist movement
> which saw them as being influenced by Fascism and the movement caused
> a great deal of concern among Arab Palestinians. After the 1929 Arab
> riots, the British banned Jabotinsky from entering Palestine.
> Revisionism was popular in Poland but lacked large support in
> Palestine. In 1935 the Revisionists left the Zionist Organization and
> formed an alternative, the New Zionist Organization. They rejoined the
> ZO in 1946.
> La 2008-02-17 12:38:50, conopid a scris:
> > La 2008-02-17 12:35:16, conopid a scris:
> >
> > > La 2008-02-17 10:40:00, conopid a scris:Moshe Dayan si Ion Antonescu -
> > > nota 20, Sharon si Goma - nota 19
> > >
> > > > si asa mai departe pai dece sau oprit la nota 10?
> > > > da, dar noi avem si peste 20, de exemplu decebal
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

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