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  Nr. 4146 de joi, 31 ianuarie 2008 
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Giuseppe Cocos din Wanderland (...@yahoo.com, IP: 146.95.132...)
2008-01-31 21:22
Pilotul a cerut sa vorbeasca cu D-zeu, NU A VORBIT CU EL !

Cititi :
This is your pilot speaking... and crying and swearing. And demanding to talk to God!

The co-pilot of a packed Heathrow-bound plane had to be dragged screaming from his cockpit after apparently suffering a mental breakdown in mid-air.

Horrified passengers on the flight from Canada saw the man being pinned down by fellow crew members as he yelled loudly and demanded to "speak to God".

The co-pilot was shackled by his ankles and handcuffed to a seat as the jet was forced to make an emergency landing at the Republic of Ireland's Shannon Airport.

Seherezada din din 1001 de Zile (...@yahoo.com, IP: 87.65.137...)
2008-01-31 21:31
pai de ce nu ai venit sa ne spui asta de la bun inceput ...??

La 2008-01-31 21:22:22, Giuseppe Cocos a scris:

> Cititi :
> This is your pilot speaking... and crying and swearing. And demanding
> to talk to God!
> The co-pilot of a packed Heathrow-bound plane had to be dragged
> screaming from his cockpit after apparently suffering a mental
> breakdown in mid-air.
> Horrified passengers on the flight from Canada saw the man being
> pinned down by fellow crew members as he yelled loudly and demanded to
> "speak to God".
> The co-pilot was shackled by his ankles and handcuffed to a seat as
> the jet was forced to make an emergency landing at the Republic of
> Ireland's Shannon Airport.

cotrofelnitza (...@netscape.net, IP: 76.6.84...)
2008-01-31 21:44
Re: Pilotul a cerut sa vorbeasca cu D-zeu, NU A VORBIT CU EL !

La 2008-01-31 21:22:22, Giuseppe Cocos a scris:

...Ce idiot !
L-a leagat aia dageaba !
Io sa fi fost in locu' lui as fi vorbit dupa aia.
Au ca nu poti vorbi cu EL dintre funii ?

> Cititi :
> This is your pilot speaking... and crying and swearing. And demanding
> to talk to God!
> The co-pilot of a packed Heathrow-bound plane had to be dragged
> screaming from his cockpit after apparently suffering a mental
> breakdown in mid-air.
> Horrified passengers on the flight from Canada saw the man being
> pinned down by fellow crew members as he yelled loudly and demanded to
> "speak to God".
> The co-pilot was shackled by his ankles and handcuffed to a seat as
> the jet was forced to make an emergency landing at the Republic of
> Ireland's Shannon Airport.

Giuseppe Cocos din Wanderland (...@yahoo.com, IP: 146.95.132...)
2008-01-31 22:07

La 2008-01-31 21:31:53, Seherezada a scris:

> La 2008-01-31 21:22:22, Giuseppe Cocos a scris:
> > Cititi :
> > This is your pilot speaking... and crying and swearing. And demanding
> > to talk to God!
> >
> > The co-pilot of a packed Heathrow-bound plane had to be dragged
> > screaming from his cockpit after apparently suffering a mental
> > breakdown in mid-air.
> >
> > Horrified passengers on the flight from Canada saw the man being
> > pinned down by fellow crew members as he yelled loudly and demanded to
> > "speak to God".
> >
> > The co-pilot was shackled by his ankles and handcuffed to a seat as
> > the jet was forced to make an emergency landing at the Republic of
> > Ireland's Shannon Airport.
> >
> >
> >

Giuseppe Cocos din Wanderland (...@yahoo.com, IP: 146.95.132...)
2008-01-31 22:08
Re: presa a la ZIUA

stiri a la Ziua !

2008-01-31 21:31:53, Seherezada a scris:

> La 2008-01-31 21:22:22, Giuseppe Cocos a scris:
> > Cititi :
> > This is your pilot speaking... and crying and swearing. And demanding
> > to talk to God!
> >
> > The co-pilot of a packed Heathrow-bound plane had to be dragged
> > screaming from his cockpit after apparently suffering a mental
> > breakdown in mid-air.
> >
> > Horrified passengers on the flight from Canada saw the man being
> > pinned down by fellow crew members as he yelled loudly and demanded to
> > "speak to God".
> >
> > The co-pilot was shackled by his ankles and handcuffed to a seat as
> > the jet was forced to make an emergency landing at the Republic of
> > Ireland's Shannon Airport.
> >
> >
> >

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