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  Nr. 4140 de joi, 24 ianuarie 2008 
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2008-01-24 07:57:52

poate ne deschide ale spatii,

al ratiunii,responsabilitatii,constiintei!!!

2008-01-24 19:13:23

NICI PASAREA SA NU ZBOARE! Numai pasaricile, pe astea e bine sa le lasam

pasaricile au voie sa ciripeasca cat vor, face bine si la stress si la sporul natalitatii.

2008-01-24 19:14:56

Re: poate ne deschide ale spatii, / /.. bine cenzurate

Sa-ncepem deschisul cu dumneata:
" The German military leader blames the Merkel government for contributing to the West’s inability to defend its values by standing in the way of a revival of German militarism. How can Germany be "a reliable partner" for America, he asks, if the German government insists on "special rules" limiting the combat use of its forces in Afghanistan?

Ron Asmus, head of the German Marshall Fund and a former US State Department official, welcomed the paper as "a wake-up call." Asmus means a call to wake-up to the threats from the brutal world, not to the lunacy of Western leaders.

Who, what is threatening the West’s values and way of life? Political fanaticism, religious fundamentalism, and the imminent spread of nuclear weapons, answer the five asylum escapees.

By political fanaticism, do they mean the neoconservatives who believe that the future of humanity depends on the US establishing its hegemony over the world? By religious fundamentalism, do they mean "rapture evangelicals" agitating for armageddon or Christian and Israeli Zionists demanding a nuclear attack on Iran? By spread of nuclear weapons, do they mean Israel’s undeclared and illegal possession of several hundred nuclear weapons?

No. The paranoid military leaders see all the fanaticism, religious and otherwise, and all the threats to humanity as residing outside Western civilization (Israel is inside). The "increasingly brutal world," of which the leaders warn, is "over there." Only Muslims are fanatics. All us white guys are rational and sane.

There is nothing brutal about the US/Nato bombing of Serbia, Iraq, and Afghanistan, or the Israeli bombing of Lebanon, or the Israeli ethnic cleansing of the West Bank, or the genocide Israel hopes to commit against Palestinians in Gaza.

All of this, as well as America’s bombing of Somalia, America’s torture dungeons, show trials of "detainees," and overthrow of elected governments and installation of puppet rulers, is the West’s necessary response to keep the brutal world at bay"
Parca vad ca iar cenzuratzi. dar atata-l repostez pana va vine rau.

La 2008-01-24 07:57:52, silviana a scris:

> al ratiunii,responsabilitatii,constiintei!!!

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