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  Nr. 4130 de sambata, 12 ianuarie 2008 
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Zenn din Bucuresti (...@yahoo.com, IP: 167.206.164...)
2008-01-11 23:03
How Many Kids Will The US Kill In 2008?

"Inca nu a fost vazut un presedinte american cu chipaua pe cap si cu lacrimi in ochi la Yad Vashem-Muzeul Holocaustului din Ierusalim."


How Many Kids Will The US Kill In 2008?

By Dr Gideon Polya

08/01/08 "ICH" -- -- I seem to have been demonstrating against American racism, imperialism, wars and mass murder all my adult life from the Vietnam era of the 1960s and 1970s onwards. Back in the 1960s decent people chanted “Hay, hay LBJ, how many kids will you kill today?” (LBJ being US President Lyndon Baines Johnson who presided over the Indochina War - 13 million excess deaths in total - from the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) in 1963 to the accession of President Richard Nixon in 1969.

These days we have been chanting “Bush, Blair, CIA, how many kids did you kill today?” or the more general “Hay, hay USA, how many kids did you kill today?” This article by a senior biological scientist attempts to answer this question QUANTITATIVELY using the best available data from UNICEF (see: http://www.unicef.org/infobycountry/index.html ) and the UN Population Division (see: http://esa.un.org/unpp/ ).


Arcturus (...@gmail.com, IP: 24.82.154...)
2008-01-12 01:43
Re: How Many Kids Will The US Kill In 2008?

WHO estimeaza 150.000 de victime civile, din 2003.


Pentru astia nu plange mr. Bush?

La 2008-01-11 23:03:12, Zenn a scris:

> "Inca nu a fost vazut un presedinte american cu chipaua pe cap si cu
> lacrimi in ochi la Yad Vashem-Muzeul Holocaustului din Ierusalim."
> ***
> How Many Kids Will The US Kill In 2008?
> By Dr Gideon Polya
> 08/01/08 "ICH" -- -- I seem to have been demonstrating against
> American racism, imperialism, wars and mass murder all my adult life
> from the Vietnam era of the 1960s and 1970s onwards. Back in the 1960s
> decent people chanted “Hay, hay LBJ, how many kids will you kill
> today?” (LBJ being US President Lyndon Baines Johnson who
> presided over the Indochina War - 13 million excess deaths in total -
> from the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) in
> 1963 to the accession of President Richard Nixon in 1969.
> These days we have been chanting “Bush, Blair, CIA, how many
> kids did you kill today?” or the more general “Hay, hay
> USA, how many kids did you kill today?” This article by a senior
> biological scientist attempts to answer this question QUANTITATIVELY
> using the best available data from UNICEF (see:
> http://www.unicef.org/infobycountry/index.html ) and the UN Population
> Division (see: http://esa.un.org/unpp/ ).
> http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article19026.htm

cercetas din Stiulezia (...@ausi.com, IP: 96.20.5...)
2008-01-12 02:10
Re: DA, SE CAM FACE MULTE AVORTURI, da femeile e de vina ca e libere intr-o democratie babana

si eu as cam fi contra dar n u mai pui, ca femeia e data.... sti tu cui

La 2008-01-11 23:03:12, Zenn a scris:

> "Inca nu a fost vazut un presedinte american cu chipaua pe cap si cu
> lacrimi in ochi la Yad Vashem-Muzeul Holocaustului din Ierusalim."
> ***
> How Many Kids Will The US Kill In 2008?
> By Dr Gideon Polya
> 08/01/08 "ICH" -- -- I seem to have been demonstrating against
> American racism, imperialism, wars and mass murder all my adult life
> from the Vietnam era of the 1960s and 1970s onwards. Back in the 1960s
> decent people chanted “Hay, hay LBJ, how many kids will you kill
> today?” (LBJ being US President Lyndon Baines Johnson who
> presided over the Indochina War - 13 million excess deaths in total -
> from the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) in
> 1963 to the accession of President Richard Nixon in 1969.
> These days we have been chanting “Bush, Blair, CIA, how many
> kids did you kill today?” or the more general “Hay, hay
> USA, how many kids did you kill today?” This article by a senior
> biological scientist attempts to answer this question QUANTITATIVELY
> using the best available data from UNICEF (see:
> http://www.unicef.org/infobycountry/index.html ) and the UN Population
> Division (see: http://esa.un.org/unpp/ ).
> http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article19026.htm

nelu (...@hotmail.com, IP: 208.104.130...)
2008-01-12 02:53
Re: How Many Kids Will The US Kill In 2008?

Cred ar trebui sa incetezi deja cu dobitociile debitate pe forum,tu inca nu ai vazut multe in viatza dar nici capul nu te duce sa vezi ceva normal,iesti un xenofob pe care cenzura al lasa sa repete aceliasi insulte in fiecare zi.

La 2008-01-11 23:03:12, Zenn a scris:

> "Inca nu a fost vazut un presedinte american cu chipaua pe cap si cu
> lacrimi in ochi la Yad Vashem-Muzeul Holocaustului din Ierusalim."
> ***
> How Many Kids Will The US Kill In 2008?
> By Dr Gideon Polya
> 08/01/08 "ICH" -- -- I seem to have been demonstrating against
> American racism, imperialism, wars and mass murder all my adult life
> from the Vietnam era of the 1960s and 1970s onwards. Back in the 1960s
> decent people chanted “Hay, hay LBJ, how many kids will you kill
> today?” (LBJ being US President Lyndon Baines Johnson who
> presided over the Indochina War - 13 million excess deaths in total -
> from the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) in
> 1963 to the accession of President Richard Nixon in 1969.
> These days we have been chanting “Bush, Blair, CIA, how many
> kids did you kill today?” or the more general “Hay, hay
> USA, how many kids did you kill today?” This article by a senior
> biological scientist attempts to answer this question QUANTITATIVELY
> using the best available data from UNICEF (see:
> http://www.unicef.org/infobycountry/index.html ) and the UN Population
> Division (see: http://esa.un.org/unpp/ ).
> http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article19026.htm

nelu (...@hotmail.com, IP: 208.104.130...)
2008-01-12 02:59
Re: How Many Kids Will The US Kill In 2008?

Cine a omorat tovarase acurus,poate citesti tot articolul,daca nu vrei ati scriu eu,arabi vostri criminali au omorat Iraqieni civili ,nu americani,criminali pe care tu si Zen ai aparatzi in postarile voastre antisemite si xenofobe pe care reusiti sa le strecuratzi necenzurate.

La 2008-01-12 01:43:06, Arcturus a scris:

> WHO estimeaza 150.000 de victime civile, din 2003.
> http://www.juancole.com/2008/01/9-us-troops-killed-250000-civilians.html
> Pentru astia nu plange mr. Bush?
> La 2008-01-11 23:03:12, Zenn a scris:
> > "Inca nu a fost vazut un presedinte american cu chipaua pe cap si cu
> > lacrimi in ochi la Yad Vashem-Muzeul Holocaustului din Ierusalim."
> >
> > ***
> >
> >
> > How Many Kids Will The US Kill In 2008?
> >
> > By Dr Gideon Polya
> >
> > 08/01/08 "ICH" -- -- I seem to have been demonstrating against
> > American racism, imperialism, wars and mass murder all my adult life
> > from the Vietnam era of the 1960s and 1970s onwards. Back in the 1960s
> > decent people chanted “Hay, hay LBJ, how many kids will you kill
> > today?” (LBJ being US President Lyndon Baines Johnson who
> > presided over the Indochina War - 13 million excess deaths in total -
> > from the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) in
> > 1963 to the accession of President Richard Nixon in 1969.
> >
> > These days we have been chanting “Bush, Blair, CIA, how many
> > kids did you kill today?” or the more general “Hay, hay
> > USA, how many kids did you kill today?” This article by a senior
> > biological scientist attempts to answer this question QUANTITATIVELY
> > using the best available data from UNICEF (see:
> > http://www.unicef.org/infobycountry/index.html ) and the UN Population
> > Division (see: http://esa.un.org/unpp/ ).
> >
> >
> > http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article19026.htm
> >
> >

Arcturus (...@gmail.com, IP: 24.82.154...)
2008-01-12 03:18
Re: How Many Kids Will The US Kill In 2008?

De cand a devenit insirarea unor fapte xenofoba si mai ales antisemita?

Va simtiti cu musca pe caciula?

La 2008-01-12 02:59:45, nelu a scris:

> Cine a omorat tovarase acurus,poate citesti tot articolul,daca nu vrei
> ati scriu eu,arabi vostri criminali au omorat Iraqieni civili ,nu
> americani,criminali pe care tu si Zen ai aparatzi in postarile voastre
> antisemite si xenofobe pe care reusiti sa le strecuratzi necenzurate.
> La 2008-01-12 01:43:06, Arcturus a scris:
> > WHO estimeaza 150.000 de victime civile, din 2003.
> >
> > http://www.juancole.com/2008/01/9-us-troops-killed-250000-civilians.html
> >
> > Pentru astia nu plange mr. Bush?
> >
> >
> >
> > La 2008-01-11 23:03:12, Zenn a scris:
> >
> > > "Inca nu a fost vazut un presedinte american cu chipaua pe cap si cu
> > > lacrimi in ochi la Yad Vashem-Muzeul Holocaustului din Ierusalim."
> > >
> > > ***
> > >
> > >
> > > How Many Kids Will The US Kill In 2008?
> > >
> > > By Dr Gideon Polya
> > >
> > > 08/01/08 "ICH" -- -- I seem to have been demonstrating against
> > > American racism, imperialism, wars and mass murder all my adult life
> > > from the Vietnam era of the 1960s and 1970s onwards. Back in the 1960s
> > > decent people chanted “Hay, hay LBJ, how many kids will you kill
> > > today?” (LBJ being US President Lyndon Baines Johnson who
> > > presided over the Indochina War - 13 million excess deaths in total -
> > > from the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) in
> > > 1963 to the accession of President Richard Nixon in 1969.
> > >
> > > These days we have been chanting “Bush, Blair, CIA, how many
> > > kids did you kill today?” or the more general “Hay, hay
> > > USA, how many kids did you kill today?” This article by a senior
> > > biological scientist attempts to answer this question QUANTITATIVELY
> > > using the best available data from UNICEF (see:
> > > http://www.unicef.org/infobycountry/index.html ) and the UN Population
> > > Division (see: http://esa.un.org/unpp/ ).
> > >
> > >
> > > http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article19026.htm
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

nelu (...@hotmail.com, IP: 208.104.130...)
2008-01-12 03:36
Re: How Many Kids Will The US Kill In 2008?

Din momentul in care tu si acolatzi tai al falsifica .Cine se simte cu musca pe caciula sunteti voi care in fiecare postare insultati si mintzitzi ca nu aveti nimic real sa postatzi.

La 2008-01-12 03:18:23, Arcturus a scris:

> De cand a devenit insirarea unor fapte xenofoba si mai ales
> antisemita?
> Va simtiti cu musca pe caciula?
> La 2008-01-12 02:59:45, nelu a scris:
> > Cine a omorat tovarase acurus,poate citesti tot articolul,daca nu vrei
> > ati scriu eu,arabi vostri criminali au omorat Iraqieni civili ,nu
> > americani,criminali pe care tu si Zen ai aparatzi in postarile voastre
> > antisemite si xenofobe pe care reusiti sa le strecuratzi necenzurate.
> >
> >
> >
> > La 2008-01-12 01:43:06, Arcturus a scris:
> >
> > > WHO estimeaza 150.000 de victime civile, din 2003.
> > >
> > > http://www.juancole.com/2008/01/9-us-troops-killed-250000-civilians.html
> > >
> > > Pentru astia nu plange mr. Bush?
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > La 2008-01-11 23:03:12, Zenn a scris:
> > >
> > > > "Inca nu a fost vazut un presedinte american cu chipaua pe cap si cu
> > > > lacrimi in ochi la Yad Vashem-Muzeul Holocaustului din Ierusalim."
> > > >
> > > > ***
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > How Many Kids Will The US Kill In 2008?
> > > >
> > > > By Dr Gideon Polya
> > > >
> > > > 08/01/08 "ICH" -- -- I seem to have been demonstrating against
> > > > American racism, imperialism, wars and mass murder all my adult life
> > > > from the Vietnam era of the 1960s and 1970s onwards. Back in the 1960s
> > > > decent people chanted “Hay, hay LBJ, how many kids will you kill
> > > > today?” (LBJ being US President Lyndon Baines Johnson who
> > > > presided over the Indochina War - 13 million excess deaths in total -
> > > > from the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) in
> > > > 1963 to the accession of President Richard Nixon in 1969.
> > > >
> > > > These days we have been chanting “Bush, Blair, CIA, how many
> > > > kids did you kill today?” or the more general “Hay, hay
> > > > USA, how many kids did you kill today?” This article by a senior
> > > > biological scientist attempts to answer this question QUANTITATIVELY
> > > > using the best available data from UNICEF (see:
> > > > http://www.unicef.org/infobycountry/index.html ) and the UN Population
> > > > Division (see: http://esa.un.org/unpp/ ).
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article19026.htm
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

Arcturus (...@gmail.com, IP: 24.82.154...)
2008-01-12 03:58
Re: How Many Kids Will The US Kill In 2008?

WHO falsifica? World Health Organization ...

HAHAHA, bine mai ... du-te si te culca.

La 2008-01-12 03:36:43, nelu a scris:

> Din momentul in care tu si acolatzi tai al falsifica .Cine se simte cu
> musca pe caciula sunteti voi care in fiecare postare insultati si
> mintzitzi ca nu aveti nimic real sa postatzi.
> La 2008-01-12 03:18:23, Arcturus a scris:
> > De cand a devenit insirarea unor fapte xenofoba si mai ales
> > antisemita?
> >
> > Va simtiti cu musca pe caciula?
> >
> >
> >
> > La 2008-01-12 02:59:45, nelu a scris:
> >
> > > Cine a omorat tovarase acurus,poate citesti tot articolul,daca nu vrei
> > > ati scriu eu,arabi vostri criminali au omorat Iraqieni civili ,nu
> > > americani,criminali pe care tu si Zen ai aparatzi in postarile voastre
> > > antisemite si xenofobe pe care reusiti sa le strecuratzi necenzurate.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > La 2008-01-12 01:43:06, Arcturus a scris:
> > >
> > > > WHO estimeaza 150.000 de victime civile, din 2003.
> > > >
> > > > http://www.juancole.com/2008/01/9-us-troops-killed-250000-civilians.html
> > > >
> > > > Pentru astia nu plange mr. Bush?
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > La 2008-01-11 23:03:12, Zenn a scris:
> > > >
> > > > > "Inca nu a fost vazut un presedinte american cu chipaua pe cap si cu
> > > > > lacrimi in ochi la Yad Vashem-Muzeul Holocaustului din Ierusalim."
> > > > >
> > > > > ***
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > How Many Kids Will The US Kill In 2008?
> > > > >
> > > > > By Dr Gideon Polya
> > > > >
> > > > > 08/01/08 "ICH" -- -- I seem to have been demonstrating against
> > > > > American racism, imperialism, wars and mass murder all my adult life
> > > > > from the Vietnam era of the 1960s and 1970s onwards. Back in the 1960s
> > > > > decent people chanted “Hay, hay LBJ, how many kids will you kill
> > > > > today?” (LBJ being US President Lyndon Baines Johnson who
> > > > > presided over the Indochina War - 13 million excess deaths in total -
> > > > > from the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) in
> > > > > 1963 to the accession of President Richard Nixon in 1969.
> > > > >
> > > > > These days we have been chanting “Bush, Blair, CIA, how many
> > > > > kids did you kill today?” or the more general “Hay, hay
> > > > > USA, how many kids did you kill today?” This article by a senior
> > > > > biological scientist attempts to answer this question QUANTITATIVELY
> > > > > using the best available data from UNICEF (see:
> > > > > http://www.unicef.org/infobycountry/index.html ) and the UN Population
> > > > > Division (see: http://esa.un.org/unpp/ ).
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article19026.htm
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

Zenn din Bucuresti (...@yahoo.com, IP: 24.189.153...)
2008-01-12 05:50
Re: How Many Kids Will The US Kill In 2008?

Adica?...Ce vrei sa spui, Nelutzule? Cu alte cuvinte eu (si altii ca mine) ii apar pe americanii astia criminali in postari antisemite si...xenofobe. Bah, baiatule, tu stii ce-i aia xenofobie si cu ce se mananca? Da' antisemitism, stii cumva ce-i? Ca-mi face impresia ca nu prea stii mai nimica, adicatalea.

La 2008-01-12 02:59:45, nelu a scris:

"nu americani,criminali pe care tu si Zen ai aparatzi in postarile voastre antisemite si xenofobe pe care reusiti sa le strecuratzi necenzurate."

Mache din Illinois (...@gmail.com, IP: 63.231.189...)
2008-01-12 06:41
Re: How Many Kids Will The US Kill In 2008? lui Zenn


Singurul lucru pe care-l aperi e minciuna ridicola, asa cum se dovedeste de mai bine de trei luni incoace. Te-am prins mintind ca un retardat si nici pana in ziua de azi n-ai fost capabil nici sa recunosti ca ai mintit, nici sa aduci dovezi ca ai fost sincer (ceea ce de altfel era imposibil).

Retine ca nu esti in postura sa evaluezi nivelul de cunostinte al nimanui. Tu esti intruchiparea vie a fenomenului cunoscut drept aculturatie....

Hai pa...

P.S.: La un moment dat scriai de la NY. Ce-ai patit, te deportara?

La 2008-01-12 05:50:47, Zenn a scris:

> Adica?...Ce vrei sa spui, Nelutzule? Cu alte cuvinte eu (si altii ca
> mine) ii apar pe americanii astia criminali in postari antisemite
> si...xenofobe. Bah, baiatule, tu stii ce-i aia xenofobie si cu ce se
> mananca? Da' antisemitism, stii cumva ce-i? Ca-mi face impresia ca nu
> prea stii mai nimica, adicatalea.
> La 2008-01-12 02:59:45, nelu a scris:
> "nu americani,criminali pe care tu si Zen ai aparatzi in postarile
> voastre antisemite si xenofobe pe care reusiti sa le strecuratzi
> necenzurate."

roy din secrapadeziua.blogspot.com (...@hotmail.com, IP: 217.132.56...)
2008-01-12 07:01
Re: Mache

L-ai prins pe Zen mintzind? Si eu l-am prins! La mine a spus ca eu nu intzeleg de gluma...

La ce poti sa te astepti de la un mitoman profesional?
La 2008-01-12 06:41:53, Mache a scris:

> Zenn,
> Singurul lucru pe care-l aperi e minciuna ridicola, asa cum se
> dovedeste de mai bine de trei luni incoace. Te-am prins mintind ca un
> retardat si nici pana in ziua de azi n-ai fost capabil nici sa
> recunosti ca ai mintit, nici sa aduci dovezi ca ai fost sincer (ceea
> ce de altfel era imposibil).
> Retine ca nu esti in postura sa evaluezi nivelul de cunostinte al
> nimanui. Tu esti intruchiparea vie a fenomenului cunoscut drept
> aculturatie....
> Hai pa...
> P.S.: La un moment dat scriai de la NY. Ce-ai patit, te deportara?
> La 2008-01-12 05:50:47, Zenn a scris:
> > Adica?...Ce vrei sa spui, Nelutzule? Cu alte cuvinte eu (si altii ca
> > mine) ii apar pe americanii astia criminali in postari antisemite
> > si...xenofobe. Bah, baiatule, tu stii ce-i aia xenofobie si cu ce se
> > mananca? Da' antisemitism, stii cumva ce-i? Ca-mi face impresia ca nu
> > prea stii mai nimica, adicatalea.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > La 2008-01-12 02:59:45, nelu a scris:
> >
> > "nu americani,criminali pe care tu si Zen ai aparatzi in postarile
> > voastre antisemite si xenofobe pe care reusiti sa le strecuratzi
> > necenzurate."
> >
> Zenn,

Mache din Illinois (...@gmail.com, IP: 63.231.189...)
2008-01-12 07:52
Re: Pentru Roy - 1001 de nopti in varianta lui Zenn,


L-am prins pe Zenn mintind in modul cel mai penibil cu putinta - ceea ce pana la urma nu e ceva iesit din comun - minte cu usurinta cu care respira...

Pe scurt a afirmat ca chestia cu partajarea Palestinei in doua state (unul arab si unul evreu) ar fi fost propusa/sustinuta doar de Siria si Egipt. Mai jos sunt link-urile cu ultimele dezvoltari:


sau povestea initiala la:


Mie nu mi-a spus ca nu inteleg de gluma, ci doar ca nu poate sa-mi ofere dovezile chiar asa mura in gura....

La 2008-01-12 07:01:42, roy a scris:

> L-ai prins pe Zen mintzind? Si eu l-am prins! La mine a spus ca eu nu
> intzeleg de gluma...
> La ce poti sa te astepti de la un mitoman profesional?
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> La 2008-01-12 06:41:53, Mache a scris:
> > Zenn,
> >
> > Singurul lucru pe care-l aperi e minciuna ridicola, asa cum se
> > dovedeste de mai bine de trei luni incoace. Te-am prins mintind ca un
> > retardat si nici pana in ziua de azi n-ai fost capabil nici sa
> > recunosti ca ai mintit, nici sa aduci dovezi ca ai fost sincer (ceea
> > ce de altfel era imposibil).
> >
> > Retine ca nu esti in postura sa evaluezi nivelul de cunostinte al
> > nimanui. Tu esti intruchiparea vie a fenomenului cunoscut drept
> > aculturatie....
> >
> > Hai pa...
> >
> > P.S.: La un moment dat scriai de la NY. Ce-ai patit, te deportara?
> >
> > La 2008-01-12 05:50:47, Zenn a scris:
> >
> > > Adica?...Ce vrei sa spui, Nelutzule? Cu alte cuvinte eu (si altii ca
> > > mine) ii apar pe americanii astia criminali in postari antisemite
> > > si...xenofobe. Bah, baiatule, tu stii ce-i aia xenofobie si cu ce se
> > > mananca? Da' antisemitism, stii cumva ce-i? Ca-mi face impresia ca nu
> > > prea stii mai nimica, adicatalea.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > La 2008-01-12 02:59:45, nelu a scris:
> > >
> > > "nu americani,criminali pe care tu si Zen ai aparatzi in postarile
> > > voastre antisemite si xenofobe pe care reusiti sa le strecuratzi
> > > necenzurate."
> > >
> > Zenn,
> >
> >
> >

evreu mandru din israel din Israel (...@yahoo.com, IP: 84.109.82...)
2008-01-13 08:35
Re: The religion of peace...

De astia ai auzit?

Latest Offerings from the Religion of Peace:

1/11/2008 (Baidoa, Somalia) - Islamic militants shoot an off-duty soldier to death in a markeplace.
1/11/2008 (Baghdad, Iraq) - Jihadis bomb a bakery, killing four people.
1/10/2008 (Baghdad, Iraq) - A pair of Jihad bombings leave five Iraqis dead.
1/10/2008 (Lahore, Pakistan) - A suicide bomber attacks a police post, killing two dozen police and civilians alike.
1/10/2008 (Narathiwat, Thailand) - A Buddhist villager is murdered by Muslim gunmen in an unprovked attack.
1/10/2008 (Yala, Thailand) - Three men are shot to death by Muslim terrorists in three separate attacks.

Weekly Jihad Report
Dec. 29 - Jan. 04

Jihad Attacks: 47

Dead Bodies: 234

Critically Injured: 243

La 2008-01-11 23:03:12, Zenn a scris:

> "Inca nu a fost vazut un presedinte american cu chipaua pe cap si cu
> lacrimi in ochi la Yad Vashem-Muzeul Holocaustului din Ierusalim."
> ***
> How Many Kids Will The US Kill In 2008?
> By Dr Gideon Polya
> 08/01/08 "ICH" -- -- I seem to have been demonstrating against
> American racism, imperialism, wars and mass murder all my adult life
> from the Vietnam era of the 1960s and 1970s onwards. Back in the 1960s
> decent people chanted “Hay, hay LBJ, how many kids will you kill
> today?” (LBJ being US President Lyndon Baines Johnson who
> presided over the Indochina War - 13 million excess deaths in total -
> from the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) in
> 1963 to the accession of President Richard Nixon in 1969.
> These days we have been chanting “Bush, Blair, CIA, how many
> kids did you kill today?” or the more general “Hay, hay
> USA, how many kids did you kill today?” This article by a senior
> biological scientist attempts to answer this question QUANTITATIVELY
> using the best available data from UNICEF (see:
> http://www.unicef.org/infobycountry/index.html ) and the UN Population
> Division (see: http://esa.un.org/unpp/ ).
> http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article19026.htm

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