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  Nr. 4122 de sambata, 29 decembrie 2007 
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2008-01-01 04:36:42

Sure, sure

The scientists made the work and Madame Ceausescu signed as head of the list. So this Pinoccio, the people drops Ceausescu... and the guy comes to put his ass on Ceausescus place. We saw already how he guarded that values in 1947. He sold us to the Bolshevics

Omul cu Picioare foarte Paroase
2008-01-01 16:11:17

Oh yes - I'm truly happy to see His Majesty Michael 1st - fully valued as a King / Monarch - and as

..an ALTERNATIVE and Advisor to President Basescu... And I'd feel better knowing that HIS MAJESTY - and NOT VACAROIU or that sinister bald Olteanu may be in charge when the President is abroad... And I'd like to see His Majesty as a Honorary Ambassador / Representative of Romania at the United Nations.. still he is alive and kicking... But NOT that krapy son-in-law... And YES - I'd like to see a Princess - raising as a Queen.. similar to the UK Monarchy...

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