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  Nr. 4118 de sambata, 22 decembrie 2007 
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XL5 (...@yahoo.com, IP: 193.231.107...)
2007-12-23 16:28
Osama = CIA ?

D-le Spaiu' , poate ma lamuriti dv care sint relatiile " binecunoscute " intre Osama si CIA . Ziaristul Peter Bergen , care i-a luat primul interviu tv lui OBL
(si unul din putinii ziaristi occidentali care l-au cunoscut personal ) NU este de acord cu parerea dv . Cititi-i cartea " Razboiul Sfint SA " ( aparuta si in romaneste ) si veti vedea ca intre CIA si OBL n-a existat nici o relatie . Iata un mic citat ( scuzati ca-i netradus , dar cred ca intelegeti esentialul ) :
" There was simply no point in the CIA and the Afghan Arabs being in contact with each other. ... the Afghan Arabs functioned independently and had their own sources of funding. The CIA did not need the Afghan Arabs, and the Afghan Arabs did not need the CIA. So the notion that the Agency funded and trained the Afghan Arabs is, at best, misleading. The 'let's blame everything bad that happens on the CIA' school of thought vastly overestimates the Agency's powers, both for good and ill." [Holy War, Inc.: Inside the Secret World of Osama bin Laden (New York: The Free Press, 2001), pp. 64-66.] "
Iata ce declara intr-un interviu la un post tv francez ( in cadrul emisiunii Zone Interdite ) Abdullah Anas , algerian , luptator in Afganistan si ginerele lui Abdullah Azzam ( a fost unul din clericii musulmani care au lansat chemarea la jihad impotriva sovieticilor ) , in a carui casa l-a si cunoscut pe OBL :
" If you say there was a relationship in the sense that the CIA used to meet with Arabs, discuss with them, prepare plans with them, and to fight with them -- it never happened . "

spaiu' (...@k.ro, IP: 78.96.13...)
2007-12-23 18:01
Re: Osama = CIA ?/ no shit!

La 2007-12-23 16:28:48, XL5 a scris:

> D-le Spaiu' , poate ma lamuriti dv care sint relatiile " binecunoscute
> " intre Osama si CIA . Ziaristul Peter Bergen , care i-a luat primul
> interviu tv lui OBL
> (si unul din putinii ziaristi occidentali care l-au cunoscut personal
> ) NU este de acord cu parerea dv . Cititi-i cartea " Razboiul Sfint SA
> " ( aparuta si in romaneste ) si veti vedea ca intre CIA si OBL n-a
> existat nici o relatie . Iata un mic citat ( scuzati ca-i netradus ,
> dar cred ca intelegeti esentialul ) :
> " There was simply no point in the CIA and the Afghan Arabs being in
> contact with each other. ... the Afghan Arabs functioned independently
> and had their own sources of funding. The CIA did not need the Afghan
> Arabs, and the Afghan Arabs did not need the CIA. So the notion that
> the Agency funded and trained the Afghan Arabs is, at best,
> misleading. The 'let's blame everything bad that happens on the CIA'
> school of thought vastly overestimates the Agency's powers, both for
> good and ill." [Holy War, Inc.: Inside the Secret World of Osama bin
> Laden (New York: The Free Press, 2001), pp. 64-66.] "
> Iata ce declara intr-un interviu la un post tv francez ( in cadrul
> emisiunii Zone Interdite ) Abdullah Anas , algerian , luptator in
> Afganistan si ginerele lui Abdullah Azzam ( a fost unul din clericii
> musulmani care au lansat chemarea la jihad impotriva sovieticilor ) ,
> in a carui casa l-a si cunoscut pe OBL :
> " If you say there was a relationship in the sense that the CIA used
> to meet with Arabs, discuss with them, prepare plans with them, and to
> fight with them -- it never happened . "
CIA id not need afghan arabs???????? pe cine pacaleste ziaristul cu pricina? In vremea invaziei sovietice, nu existau consilieri americani ce sprijineau rezistenta afgana cu armament ? Chiar crezi ca relatiile vechi s-au rupt pur si simplu? Si, oricum, relatiile de afaceri intre Bush si familia lui OBL (de altfel, saudita, nu afgana) sunt mentionate in intreaga presa occidentala!

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