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  Nr. 4113 de luni, 17 decembrie 2007 
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2007-12-17 09:32:38

Suntem sisteme cuantice

After so many years I found the solution for this chord (it is on my website too):
The chord of each man is unique, and whether he be sleeping or waking, living or dead, his chord is always the same, and he can always be found by it.

If the states ІΦi > have distinct, definite values, λi, of some dynamical variable and a measurement of that variable is performed on a system in the state
Іψ> = Σ ci І Φi >

then the probability of measuring λi is | ci | 2, and if the measurement yields λi, the system is left in the state ІΦi > .

Are 7 states ІΦi > because are 7 major chakras or energy centers:

Іψ> = Σ ci І Φi >

ψ is the wave function of each man, the unique chord whether he be sleeping or waking, living or dead and he can always be found by it.

How I calculated 97.73% are in the states 1 or 2 or 3 and 0.077% are in the state 7 the God state. (The probability to find a person in state 7 is very small).

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