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  Nr. 4069 de joi, 25 octombrie 2007 
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2007-10-24 23:50:57

Bright horizons in Iran-Romania ties

Majlis Speaker Haddad-Adel has said great developments in Iranian-Romanian ties over recent decades have opened up bright horizons.

In a meeting with the visiting Head of the Iran-Romania Parliamentary Friendship Group Mircea Ifrim Saturday night, Gholam-Ali Haddad-Adel added that the two countries enjoy deep-rooted historic relations.

He pointed to the broad propaganda by foreign media against Iran and said, "The reason behind such enmities is that the Iranian nation has effectively blocked the activities of foreigners and administers the country's affairs by itself."

The speaker added that the West makes decisions based on incorrect information it receives from enemies of the Iranian people. Ifrim mentioned that Iran has made considerable progress in various fields, particularly in medical research.

He rejected propaganda against the Iranian nation, saying Iranians are a peace-loving nation who call for friendly ties with other peoples. Ifrim said the Iranian and Romanian parliamentary delegations held very good talks and expressed his country's willingness to decisively expand ties with Iran."

2007-10-25 08:14:38

Re: Bright horizons in Iran-Romania ties

La 2007-10-24 23:50:57, Mos_Tautu a scris:

who said this... sucks, OK?

> Majlis Speaker Haddad-Adel has said great developments in
> Iranian-Romanian ties over recent decades have opened up bright
> horizons.
> In a meeting with the visiting Head of the Iran-Romania Parliamentary
> Friendship Group Mircea Ifrim Saturday night, Gholam-Ali Haddad-Adel
> added that the two countries enjoy deep-rooted historic relations.
> He pointed to the broad propaganda by foreign media against Iran and
> said, "The reason behind such enmities is that the Iranian nation has
> effectively blocked the activities of foreigners and administers the
> country's affairs by itself."
> The speaker added that the West makes decisions based on incorrect
> information it receives from enemies of the Iranian people. Ifrim
> mentioned that Iran has made considerable progress in various fields,
> particularly in medical research.
> He rejected propaganda against the Iranian nation, saying Iranians are
> a peace-loving nation who call for friendly ties with other peoples.
> Ifrim said the Iranian and Romanian parliamentary delegations held
> very good talks and expressed his country's willingness to decisively
> expand ties with Iran."

2007-10-25 12:17:19

Re: Bright horizons in Iran-Romania ties

La 2007-10-25 08:14:38, Phil a scris:

> La 2007-10-24 23:50:57, Mos_Tautu a scris:
> who said this... sucks, OK?
> >

sucks : [En » Ro]
Cuvantul nu exista in baza de date iar pornografia nu este specialitatea mea.

Este vorba de ce se ocupa PRM prin dl.Mircea Ifrim deoutat PRM iar articolul este din IRNA

Mircea Ifrim este presedintele Grupului de prietenie cu Iranul din Parlamentul Romaniei.Din ce transmite IRNA, agentia oficiala de la Teheran, Ifrim sustine actualul regim iranian si respinge propaganda occidentala. Declaratiile sale angajeaza forul legislativ de la Bucuresti si Romania.Urmeaza reactii

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