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  Nr. 4062 de miercuri, 17 octombrie 2007 
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Zen din New York (...@yahoo.com, IP: 167.206.164...)
2007-10-16 23:18
Putin Stresses Opposition to Military Action Against Iran

By Peter Finn
Washington Post Foreign Service
Tuesday, October 16, 2007; 3:21 PM

MOSCOW, Oct. 16 -- Russian President Vladimir Putin Tuesday repeated his opposition to any military action against Iran because of that country's nuclear program.

No Caspian Sea country should let its territory be used by other countries "for aggressive or military operations against another Caspian state," said Putin, who is attending a meeting in Tehran of the leaders of the five countries that border the inland sea.

The leaders of the countries, which also include Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan, jointly made a similar statement, signaling the opposition of Iran's neighbors to any military action by the United States or its allies.

None of Iran's neighbors had indicated open willingness to support military action. But as tensions rise over Iran's uranium enrichment program, there have been fears in the region that the United States might want to use bases in Azerbaijan for strikes against Iran.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said, "The Caspian Sea is an inland sea, and it only belongs to the Caspian states. Therefore only they are entitled to have their ships and military forces here."

The five countries also declared that any country that is a signatory to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty can "carry out research and can use nuclear energy for peaceful means without discrimination." Iran says that all its nuclear work is peaceful.


Phil din Philadelphia, US of A (...@msn.com, IP: 71.242.210...)
2007-10-16 23:38
Re: Putin Stresses Opposition to Military Action Against Iran

La 2007-10-16 23:18:12, Zen a scris:

speri mata, Iranul o sa fie bombardat teapan, si nu o sa iti ceara americanii voie tie sau lui Putin. devii pur si simplu hilar!

> By Peter Finn
> Washington Post Foreign Service
> Tuesday, October 16, 2007; 3:21 PM
> MOSCOW, Oct. 16 -- Russian President Vladimir Putin Tuesday repeated
> his opposition to any military action against Iran because of that
> country's nuclear program.
> No Caspian Sea country should let its territory be used by other
> countries "for aggressive or military operations against another
> Caspian state," said Putin, who is attending a meeting in Tehran of
> the leaders of the five countries that border the inland sea.
> The leaders of the countries, which also include Azerbaijan,
> Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan, jointly made a similar statement,
> signaling the opposition of Iran's neighbors to any military action by
> the United States or its allies.
> None of Iran's neighbors had indicated open willingness to support
> military action. But as tensions rise over Iran's uranium enrichment
> program, there have been fears in the region that the United States
> might want to use bases in Azerbaijan for strikes against Iran.
> Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said, "The Caspian Sea is an
> inland sea, and it only belongs to the Caspian states. Therefore only
> they are entitled to have their ships and military forces here."
> The five countries also declared that any country that is a signatory
> to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty can "carry out research and
> can use nuclear energy for peaceful means without discrimination."
> Iran says that all its nuclear work is peaceful.
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dy...ml?hpid=topnews

ionion din Iganga-Uganda (...@hotmail.com, IP: 88.103.57...)
2007-10-17 08:10
Re: Putin Stresses Opposition to Military Action Against Iran

Statele Unite ale Americii nu vor cere nimanui acordul pentru actiunea sfanta de a pastra pacea mondiala.

Zen din New York (...@yahoo.com, IP: 167.206.164...)
2007-10-17 16:07
Re: Putin Stresses Opposition to Military Action Against Iran

Cum facem maistre cu numaru' ala? Mi-l trimiti sau nu?

La 2007-10-16 23:38:29, Phil a scris:

> speri mata, Iranul o sa fie bombardat teapan, si nu o sa iti ceara
> americanii voie tie sau lui Putin. devii pur si simplu hilar!

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