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2007-10-09 23:14:58


"..necesitatea constituirii unei alte societati civile romanesti, ale carei preocupari sa fie respectarea drepturilor omului, revenirea la morala simpla si salvatoare, eradicarea saraciei sau protectia categoriilor defavorizate. Si, desigur, sa faca apologia bunului simt, in dauna slugarniciei desantate."

Asta este realitatea.

2007-10-09 23:47:24

Sa ne curatam vocabularul de cacofonii daca vrem ca Romania sa fie un Colt de Rai si nu de iad

Ieri noapte visam ca eram undeva la tara si vedeam ca o oaie se tot plimba pe langa mine si lasa cacareze in urma. Apoi am vazut altele care semanau mai mult ca facute de mine din loc in loc.
Am priceput ce vroia sa insemne cand mi-a venit asa deodata sa citesc din nou despre Aparitia de la Lourdes, am gasit un site ce descria mai in amanunt, si am citit ca intr-o dimineata Bernadette s-a dus la locul apairitiei asa cum fusese chemata de cu seara, dar Sf. Fecioara nu a aparut atunci ci abia mai tarziu. A spus ca venisera inca din timpul noptii unele persoane s-o vada pe fata in timpul aparitiei, si ca au dezonorat locul.
"You did not see me this morning because there were some people there who wanted to see what you looked like in My presence - they were not worthy of this honour; they spent the night at the Grotto and they dishonoured it".
Probabil ca l-au dezonorat si facandu-si nevoile pe-acolo, dar si folosind cuvinte urate cum s-a exprimat Mircea Dinescu si cum mai foloseam si eu uneori. E o moda, ni se pare "cool", dar de fapt supraincalzeste atmosfera.
Vom avea doua aniversari importante: una este la 13 oct. cand se implinesc 90 de ani de la Miracolul Soarelui facut in Aparitia Sfintei Fecioare de la Fatima, Portugalia, in 1917, la care au fost peste 70.000 de martori oculari, din care multi s-au vindecat miraculos.
A doua este ca in 2008 se implinesc 150 de ani de la Aparitiile Imaculatei Conceptii la Lourdes, Franta, si aparitia izvorului tamaduitor.
Profetiile din 1917 (deci terminatia cu cifra 7, ca si acum) se refera mai mult la razboaiele mondiale ce urmau sa vina in caz ca lumea nu asculta de Dumnezeu si nu face uz de rozariu, post si impartasanie ca arme pt salvare.
Aparitiile din 1858 (terminatia cu 8, ca si anul viitor) s-au referit mai mult asupra construirii unei biserici pe acel loc, venirii oamenilor in procesiune, recitand rozariul si cu lumanari aprinse, care au facut sa apara izvorul tamaduitor, la 27 februarie, si apoi, in zilele urmatoare sa se produca vindecari miraculoase.
Aceasta este semnificatia Varsatorului – simbolizat printr-un barbat ce poarta un ulcior cu apa – si care varsa "pestii" in Oceanul infinit al Cosmosului. Practicandu-ne credinta dupa cum ne-a recomandat Imaculata Conceptie ne vom spala si noi de pacate si vom intra in Noua Era a pacii. Studiind cirumstantele in care s-a produs Aparitia de la Lourdes si tot ce Ea a spus, vom deduce cum sa facem sa multiplicam astfel de izvoare si sa avem coltul nostru de Paradis. E cumva ca la , ceea ce se cheama in business, Franchise. Adica un lant de afaceri asemanatoare, facute dupa aceeasi reteta.
Ma intrebam de cateva saptamani ce-o fi simtit generalul prusac si armata sa de n-au mai putut inainta la Pontmain in 1871, cand a zis ca "o Madona invizibila"ii oprise calea. Trebuie ca a fost exact cum fusese oprita si Bernadette sa se intoarca la scoala, dar sa mearga la Grota:

On Monday 22 February, 1858, the Soubirous parents ordered Bernadette to go straight to school and to go nowhere near the Grotto; they had been terrified of the Police Commisioner. The child did as instructed. At lunchtime she returned home for a small meal and to collect a book.

She left the Cachot, but at the road to the Hospice (run by the Sister of Charity of Nevers) she was halted. "An invisible barrier prevented me from passing" she related later.

She could not move forward along the road - she was able only to go in the opposite direction, toward the Grotto. Then she felt again the interior call to the Grotto and all hesitation left her. Her course was set.

This scene was witnessed by some of the local gendarmes, stationed nearby - they could not understand why Bernadette appeared unable to move forward. But upon seeing her change of direction, they guessed where she was headed. Taking another road, two of them caught up with her and asked where she was off to. She replied simply, "I am going to the Grotto". They said nothing more, but followed her in silence until she reached her destination. (…)

"I asked what she herself thought of the girl and she said - 'I assure you, Mademoiselle, that my child is truthful and honest and incapable of deceiving me. Of that I am certain. People say she is mad. It is true that she suffers from asthma but apart from that she is not ill. We forbade her to return to the Grotto; in anything else I am sure she would have obeyed us, but in this matter - well, you see how she escapes our control. She was just telling me that an invisible barrier prevented her from going to school and that an irresistible force dragged her in spite of herself to Massabieille.' " (…)

It is important to state here that until that moment, there had been NO water in the Grotto other than a little stagnant water, probably collected rainwater. Just at this moment, Bernadette went towards the wild rose bush, pushed it aside and kissed the rock, then fell once more into ecstasy. She got up and seemed embarrassed - she walked toward the River Gave, then stopped and looked back, like one who has been called, and went in a different direction, into the opening at the base of the rock, on the left hand side. Looking once more towards the niche, she appeared puzzled. She then began to dig with her hands. Muddy water surfaced, which she scooped up and three times threw away. She drank the fourth scoop. Later, in the convent, she joked to the Sisters that three times she threw the water away before drinking - and that this was why Our Blessed Lady made her ask three times for Her Name, before revealing Her identity!!

When the on-lookers saw her mud-covered face they thought she was insane and laughed at her. Unaware of all this, Bernadette continued in her ecstasy until 7:00am, long after the sight-seers had departed.

Iancu Motu
2007-10-10 09:09:05

Buda ca buda, dar continutul?

Un articol exceptional! Despre buda cu sau fara continutul dansei. Si daca se mai dauga faptul ca este vorba despre produsul unei asa-zise elite, autoproclamata ca atare, atunci continutul devine, dintr-o data, mai "subtil" , mai interesant, mai putin deranjant. Pentru ca, al elitei este mai "rafinat", mai "decantat". Iar daca mai adaugam ca este vorba si de produsul unui "geniu" al marinariei atunci trebuie sa admitem ca are si "boarea marii"! Ce mai, am ajuns sa confundam haznaua cu palatele din care unii, precum spunea odinioara un oarecare Mircea Dinescu, se fac ca lucreaza. Adica inca un gen de cacofonie locala transformata, mai in urma, intr-un gen de coprofagie la nivel inalt si subtil intelectual.

2007-10-10 09:51:12

filosofii si societatea de cacat

Dinescu, Liiceanu , Plesu , Cartarescu si multi alti telectuali au exact societatea pe care au cultivat-o prin propriul lor exemplu de linguseala, pupincurism, colaborare... Nu e nici o minune ca o societate de cacat a produs astfel de ...filosofi.
Domnule Dinescu! Produceti cat mai mult carnat bun - societatea mai e si flamanda

Ghita Bizonu'
2007-10-10 10:32:42

La ce ne trebe o societate civila ?

Adicatelea don porcuror se mira ei si ce daca se incaleca drepturile in modul cel mai securistic gen anii 50 iar onorevolii de la SAR, Transparency , LADO si ce mai vreti voi ca-n papusoi.
Mersoa din gros de asa soc civila si yteleptuali cu fite.
Prefer plontonerii. Macar is natur.

2007-10-10 16:15:18

Re: La ce ne trebe o societate civila ? - Cum la ce ?

Ghita Bizonu'
2007-10-10 17:24:08

Re:Acu de ce ma insulti si in mod abuziv

Asente Sever
2007-10-10 18:12:03

Felicitari Maestre Spanu,

Au mai tras apa saptamana asta si Mihaies, vezi ultimul articol despre tanara generatia de cineasti si Alina Mungiu cu universitati curate. Nk de alo presidente, nk de liberali. S-au spulberat iluziile, a ramas barbaria.

2007-10-10 18:26:01

JMJ - splendid - m-ai facut sa rad. ce se mai aude cu paradisul ?

La 2007-10-09 23:47:24, JMJ a scris:

> Ieri noapte visam ca eram undeva la tara si vedeam ca o oaie se tot
> plimba pe langa mine si lasa cacareze in urma. Apoi am vazut altele
> care semanau mai mult ca facute de mine din loc in loc.
> Am priceput ce vroia sa insemne cand mi-a venit asa deodata sa citesc
> din nou despre Aparitia de la Lourdes, am gasit un site ce descria mai
> in amanunt, si am citit ca intr-o dimineata Bernadette s-a dus la
> locul apairitiei asa cum fusese chemata de cu seara, dar Sf. Fecioara
> nu a aparut atunci ci abia mai tarziu. A spus ca venisera inca din
> timpul noptii unele persoane s-o vada pe fata in timpul aparitiei, si
> ca au dezonorat locul.
> "You did not see me this morning because there were some people there
> who wanted to see what you looked like in My presence - they were not
> worthy of this honour; they spent the night at the Grotto and they
> dishonoured it".
> Probabil ca l-au dezonorat si facandu-si nevoile pe-acolo, dar si
> folosind cuvinte urate cum s-a exprimat Mircea Dinescu si cum mai
> foloseam si eu uneori. E o moda, ni se pare "cool", dar
> de fapt supraincalzeste atmosfera.
> Vom avea doua aniversari importante: una este la 13 oct. cand se
> implinesc 90 de ani de la Miracolul Soarelui facut in Aparitia Sfintei
> Fecioare de la Fatima, Portugalia, in 1917, la care au fost peste
> 70.000 de martori oculari, din care multi s-au vindecat miraculos.
> A doua este ca in 2008 se implinesc 150 de ani de la Aparitiile
> Imaculatei Conceptii la Lourdes, Franta, si aparitia izvorului
> tamaduitor.
> Profetiile din 1917 (deci terminatia cu cifra 7, ca si acum) se refera
> mai mult la razboaiele mondiale ce urmau sa vina in caz ca lumea nu
> asculta de Dumnezeu si nu face uz de rozariu, post si impartasanie ca
> arme pt salvare.
> Aparitiile din 1858 (terminatia cu 8, ca si anul viitor) s-au referit
> mai mult asupra construirii unei biserici pe acel loc, venirii
> oamenilor in procesiune, recitand rozariul si cu lumanari aprinse,
> care au facut sa apara izvorul tamaduitor, la 27 februarie, si apoi,
> in zilele urmatoare sa se produca vindecari miraculoase.
> Aceasta este semnificatia Varsatorului – simbolizat printr-un
> barbat ce poarta un ulcior cu apa – si care varsa
> "pestii" in Oceanul infinit al Cosmosului. Practicandu-ne
> credinta dupa cum ne-a recomandat Imaculata Conceptie ne vom spala si
> noi de pacate si vom intra in Noua Era a pacii. Studiind cirumstantele
> in care s-a produs Aparitia de la Lourdes si tot ce Ea a spus, vom
> deduce cum sa facem sa multiplicam astfel de izvoare si sa avem coltul
> nostru de Paradis. E cumva ca la , ceea ce se cheama in business,
> Franchise. Adica un lant de afaceri asemanatoare, facute dupa aceeasi
> reteta.
> Ma intrebam de cateva saptamani ce-o fi simtit generalul prusac si
> armata sa de n-au mai putut inainta la Pontmain in 1871, cand a zis ca
> "o Madona invizibila"ii oprise calea. Trebuie ca a fost
> exact cum fusese oprita si Bernadette sa se intoarca la scoala, dar
> sa mearga la Grota:
> On Monday 22 February, 1858, the Soubirous parents ordered Bernadette
> to go straight to school and to go nowhere near the Grotto; they had
> been terrified of the Police Commisioner. The child did as instructed.
> At lunchtime she returned home for a small meal and to collect a book.
> She left the Cachot, but at the road to the Hospice (run by the Sister
> of Charity of Nevers) she was halted. "An invisible barrier prevented
> me from passing" she related later.
> She could not move forward along the road - she was able only to go in
> the opposite direction, toward the Grotto. Then she felt again the
> interior call to the Grotto and all hesitation left her. Her course
> was set.
> This scene was witnessed by some of the local gendarmes, stationed
> nearby - they could not understand why Bernadette appeared unable to
> move forward. But upon seeing her change of direction, they guessed
> where she was headed. Taking another road, two of them caught up with
> her and asked where she was off to. She replied simply, "I am going to
> the Grotto". They said nothing more, but followed her in silence until
> she reached her destination. (…)
> "I asked what she herself thought of the girl and she said - 'I assure
> you, Mademoiselle, that my child is truthful and honest and incapable
> of deceiving me. Of that I am certain. People say she is mad. It is
> true that she suffers from asthma but apart from that she is not ill.
> We forbade her to return to the Grotto; in anything else I am sure she
> would have obeyed us, but in this matter - well, you see how she
> escapes our control. She was just telling me that an invisible barrier
> prevented her from going to school and that an irresistible force
> dragged her in spite of herself to Massabieille.' " (…)
> It is important to state here that until that moment, there had been
> NO water in the Grotto other than a little stagnant water, probably
> collected rainwater. Just at this moment, Bernadette went towards the
> wild rose bush, pushed it aside and kissed the rock, then fell once
> more into ecstasy. She got up and seemed embarrassed - she walked
> toward the River Gave, then stopped and looked back, like one who has
> been called, and went in a different direction, into the opening at
> the base of the rock, on the left hand side. Looking once more towards
> the niche, she appeared puzzled. She then began to dig with her hands.
> Muddy water surfaced, which she scooped up and three times threw away.
> She drank the fourth scoop. Later, in the convent, she joked to the
> Sisters that three times she threw the water away before drinking -
> and that this was why Our Blessed Lady made her ask three times for
> Her Name, before revealing Her identity!!
> When the on-lookers saw her mud-covered face they thought she was
> insane and laughed at her. Unaware of all this, Bernadette continued
> in her ecstasy until 7:00am, long after the sight-seers had departed.

2007-10-10 18:26:08

Re:Acu de ce ma insulti si in mod abuziv

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