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  Nr. 4053 de sambata, 6 octombrie 2007 
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Seherezada din din 1001 de Zile (...@yahoo.com, IP: 87.65.217...)
2007-10-07 14:59
patriotul omite anumite detalii (2)

... si anume ca nimeni nu prea ia in serios aceasta splendida ipoteza:

<<Recent genetic research studies have contradicted the main thesis of The Thirteenth Tribe.

For example, a 2000 study of haplotypes by Hammer et al indicates that the Y chromosomes of most Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews are of Middle Eastern origin, containing mutations that are also common among Palestinians and other Middle Eastern peoples, yet are uncommon in the general European population. These results strongly suggest that most male ancestors of the Ashkenazi Jews can be traced primarily to the Middle East.

A second study (2006) by Behar et al, based on haplotype analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), also indicates that about 40% of the current Ashkenazi population is descended matrilineally from just four women. These four ``founder lineages`` were ``likely from a Hebrew/Levantine mtDNA pool`` originating in the Near East in the first and second centuries CE. >>

katty1 din Suedia (...@yahoo.se, IP: 83.254.193...)
2007-10-07 15:30
Re: patriotul omite anumite detalii (2)

La 2007-10-07 14:59:30, Seherezada a scris:

> ... si anume ca nimeni nu prea ia in serios aceasta splendida
> ipoteza:
> <<Recent genetic research studies have contradicted the main thesis of
> The Thirteenth Tribe.
> For example, a 2000 study of haplotypes by Hammer et al indicates that
> the Y chromosomes of most Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews are of Middle
> Eastern origin, containing mutations that are also common among
> Palestinians and other Middle Eastern peoples, yet are uncommon in the
> general European population. These results strongly suggest that most
> male ancestors of the Ashkenazi Jews can be traced primarily to the
> Middle East.
> A second study (2006) by Behar et al, based on haplotype analysis of
> mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), also indicates that about 40% of the
> current Ashkenazi population is descended matrilineally from just four
> women. These four ``founder lineages`` were ``likely from a
> Hebrew/Levantine mtDNA pool`` originating in the Near East in the
> first and second centuries CE. >>

Am si eu o intrebare, de ce trebuie sa deschizi thraduri diferite cind te adresezi acelaeasi persoane.

Eu nu pun problema in ADN. Baga si tu niste argumente istorice de exemplu cam cum au ajuns evreii din Palestina in Rusia, Polonia si Ucraina. Asta daca nu vrei sa devii la fel de credibila precm Koestler.

Zen din New York (...@yahoo.com, IP: 24.45.173...)
2007-10-07 16:55
Re: patriotul omite anumite detalii (2)

Simplu: ca sa-l mute pe patriot pe pagina anterioara.

La 2007-10-07 15:30:01, katty1 a scris:

> Am si eu o intrebare, de ce trebuie sa deschizi thraduri diferite cind
> te adresezi acelaeasi persoane.

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