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  Nr. 4037 de marti, 18 septembrie 2007 
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Arogantu' (...@k.ro, IP: 82.78.11...)
2007-09-18 11:02

Gabriel Resources Ltd. is a Canadian-based precious metals exploration and development company with an impressive portfolio of exploration and development properties in Europe's most prolific gold region, the Golden Quadrilateral of Romania.

When asked about the company's property assets Mr. Hill stated, "This is a property with about 10.6 million ounces of reserves at the moment. It's a world class asset and is completely undervalued. The asset is in Transylvania. The name of the asset is Rosia Montana. Gabriel Resources has an 80% interest in it and the government of Romania has the other."

Regarding the quality of the reserve Mr. Hill stated, "It's a 1.5 gram per ton oxide reserve that doesn't require any of the sophisticated refractory processes or anything like that. It's a plain and simple northern Canadian type of mine, where you mine it, crush it, mill it and leach it. Then you place the leached rock into a tailings pond. It is a vanilla mine."

Arogantu' (...@k.ro, IP: 82.78.11...)
2007-09-18 11:21

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