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2007-09-16 23:25:33

minciuni si propaganda, all over again

Ca si in cazul Irak-ului, Casa Alba s-a decis sa atace. Iar acum vom asista la contorsionarea faptelor pentru a justifica o decizie gata luata. Din fericire insa, Congresul American nu va aproba o asemenea actiune criminala.


The UN nuclear watchdog has protested to the US government over a report on Iran's nuclear programme, calling it "erroneous" and "misleading".

In a leaked letter, the IAEA said a congressional report contained serious distortions of the agency's own findings on Iran's nuclear activity.

The IAEA also took "strong exception" to claims made over the removal of a senior safeguards inspector.

There was no immediate comment from Washington over the letter.

But Rep Rush Holt, a Democratic member of the House intelligence committee, which released the report, said it had never been meant for release to the public.

"This report was not ready for prime time and it was not prepared in a way that we can rely on. It relied heavily on unclassified testimony," he told the BBC's PM programme.

2007-09-17 13:08:13

De=aia si Franta se pregateste de razboi...! Nu-i asa...?

Kouchner warned, "We have to prepare for the worst, and the worst is war."

France slammed by Iran after minister warns of war
44 minutes ago

PARIS (AFP) — A warning from French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner that the world has to prepare for a possible war with Iran over its nuclear programme triggered alarm in the Middle East and elsewhere Monday.

Iran's official media launched a scathing response to the remarks, made in a broadcast interview Sunday evening, and accused Paris of pandering to the United States.

"The new occupants of the Elysee (presidential palace) want to copy the White House," the state-owned IRNA news agency said in an editorial.

Accusing French President Nicolas Sarkozy of taking on "an American skin", it said that "the French people will never forget the era when a non-European moved into the Elysee."

Kouchner, a former international charity chief and Socialist health minister, said that the world should negotiate with Iran "right to the end" over its nuclear programme.

But, Kouchner warned, "We have to prepare for the worst, and the worst is war."

He said that if Tehran possessed an atomic weapon, it would be a "real danger for the whole world."

He added that the current stand-off was "the greatest crisis" of present times.

The minister spoke ahead of a visit to Moscow Monday where Iran's nuclear ambitions will be the main subject of discussion.

Also on Monday the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) opens its annual conference in Vienna, with Iran top of the agenda.

On Friday the five permanent UN Security Council members -- Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States -- plus Germany are due to discuss a new draft resolution on sanctions against Iran.

Kouchner said that if the UN is unable to agree on a new round of sanctions, then the European Union should prepare its own.

"We have decided that while negotiations are continuing ... to prepare eventual sanctions outside the ambit of UN sanctions. Our good friends, the Germans, suggested that," he said.

And he said that leading French companies such as Total and Gaz de France have been urged not to sign new contracts with Iran.

Tehran, which denies seeking to build an atomic weapon, was contemptuous of France's stance.

"The occupants of the Elysee have become the executors of the will of the White House and have adopted a tone that is even harder, even more inflammatory and more illogical than that of Washington," IRNA said.

But Israel welcomed Kouchner's comments, with foreign ministry spokesman Mark Regev saying that sent a "clear message to Tehran."

"Iran will not abandon its programme of nuclear armament until it has understood that the international community is serious, united and determined in its opposition," he said.

In Washington, US Defense Secretary Robert Gates took a more guarded approach.

"I will tell you that I think the administration believes at this point that continuing to try and deal with the Iranian threat ... through diplomatic and economic means is by far the preferable approach," he said.




2007-09-17 16:34:00

Re: minciuni si propaganda, all over again

N-ai inteles: alea 2000 de tinte nu sant tinte nucleare sant...nucleuri umane.

Iraq: No WMD - 1.2 milione civili morti.

La 2007-09-16 23:25:33, Arcturus a scris:

> Ca si in cazul Irak-ului, Casa Alba s-a decis sa atace. Iar acum vom
> asista la contorsionarea faptelor pentru a justifica o decizie gata
> luata. Din fericire insa, Congresul American nu va aproba o asemenea
> actiune criminala.

2007-09-17 17:03:28

Re: minciuni si propaganda, all over again

La 2007-09-16 23:25:33, Arcturus a scris:

> Ca si in cazul Irak-ului, Casa Alba s-a decis sa atace. Iar acum vom
> asista la contorsionarea faptelor pentru a justifica o decizie gata
> luata. Din fericire insa, Congresul American nu va aproba o asemenea
> actiune criminala.
> http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/5346524.stm
> The UN nuclear watchdog has protested to the US government over a
> report on Iran's nuclear programme, calling it "erroneous" and
> "misleading".
> In a leaked letter, the IAEA said a congressional report contained
> serious distortions of the agency's own findings on Iran's nuclear
> activity.
> The IAEA also took "strong exception" to claims made over the removal
> of a senior safeguards inspector.
> There was no immediate comment from Washington over the letter.
> But Rep Rush Holt, a Democratic member of the House intelligence
> committee, which released the report, said it had never been meant for
> release to the public.
> "This report was not ready for prime time and it was not prepared in a
> way that we can rely on. It relied heavily on unclassified testimony,"
> he told the BBC's PM programme.
Dle Arcturus , cine minte ? Adolf Ahmedinajad , ONU , sau Rusia , China?....In ceea ce priveste Congresul cum este constituit acum , condus de Democrati ,care are o aprobare in polls de cca. 18% nu are nici o putere (Vezi War Powers Act )...De aceea the Founding Fathers au introdus in Constitutie 1 ( UNUL) Commander in Chief si nu 535 de comandanti ai armatei americane...Dle Arcturus , cum te simti cand discursurile lui Osama se potrivesc la indigo cu cele ale liderilor partidului Democrat ? (vezi ultimele traducerile video ) ? Dle Arcturus , De ce Democratii in Congres au votat in masa invadarea Iraqului , iar trei ani mai tarziu doresc infrangerea si capitularea americii in fata islamo fascistilor ?...Dle Arcturus de ce Democratii in Congres acum cca. 9 luni au votat in masa si laudat pe gen. David Patreus ,iar astazi (vezi moveon.org. si New York Times) , acuza un general de armata de tradare si minciuni ?...Dle Arcturus , dta si partidul Democrat de partea cui sunteti ?....Cine minte dle Arcturus ?...

2007-09-17 18:44:19

Re: minciuni si propaganda, all over again

La 2007-09-17 17:03:28, alamar a scris:

> La 2007-09-16 23:25:33, Arcturus a scris:
> > Ca si in cazul Irak-ului, Casa Alba s-a decis sa atace. Iar acum vom
> > asista la contorsionarea faptelor pentru a justifica o decizie gata
> > luata. Din fericire insa, Congresul American nu va aproba o asemenea
> > actiune criminala.
> >
> >
> > http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/5346524.stm
> >
> > The UN nuclear watchdog has protested to the US government over a
> > report on Iran's nuclear programme, calling it "erroneous" and
> > "misleading".
> >
> > In a leaked letter, the IAEA said a congressional report contained
> > serious distortions of the agency's own findings on Iran's nuclear
> > activity.
> >
> > The IAEA also took "strong exception" to claims made over the removal
> > of a senior safeguards inspector.
> >
> > There was no immediate comment from Washington over the letter.
> >
> > But Rep Rush Holt, a Democratic member of the House intelligence
> > committee, which released the report, said it had never been meant for
> > release to the public.
> >
> > "This report was not ready for prime time and it was not prepared in a
> > way that we can rely on. It relied heavily on unclassified testimony,"
> > he told the BBC's PM programme.
> >
> Dle Arcturus , cine minte ? Adolf Ahmedinajad , ONU , ......

...ONU sti dumneata ce-i aia ONU? Ti-ai mai amintit ca exista si ONU ??

2007-09-17 19:27:50

Re: alamar

E distractiv sa vad cum aspira unii la o societate in care puterea suprema e doar in mainile unui dictator. Alamar, o fi avand Congresul procente foarte mici de sustinere, dar Bush&Dick sunt tot pe acolo.

Ce preferi? Sa fii condus de un singur om care de 6 ani a distrus tot pe ce a pus mana(vezi si ultimele declaratii ale lui Greenspan), sau un Congres in care poate exista o diversitate de opinii?

Ma mir ca mai aveti tupeul sa comentati, voi astia care ati sustinut un razboi in Irak, acum dupa ce se limpezeste incompetenta neoconsilor de la Casa Alba si gravitatea situatiei din regiune.

La 2007-09-17 17:03:28, alamar a scris:

2007-09-17 19:35:09

d-le Tesu, reactia din Teheran


Freaking out may be what George Perkovich and many others would like the Iranian leadership to be doing in the hope that the fear of a military attack will convince them to back down on the nuclear issue. But a reading of the Iranian press suggests anything but freaking out. In fact, I have found it quite interesting that various leaders in Iran have not only publicly reacted to what is going on in Washington swiftly but also, despite clear disagreements on a variety of other issues, rather calmly and in unison.

The gist of the message coming out of Iran is the following:

1. Iran is making serious efforts to resolve its issues with the international community and, more importantly, if it is allowed with the US.

2. Regarding the nuclear issue, this means an agreement to resolve the outstanding issues regarding Iran’s past activities and, upon their resolution through an IAEA-directed process, to maintain a sufficiently intrusive and IAEA-acceptable inspection regime allowing the IAEA to continue to verify that no nuclear material has been diverted to a weapons program.

3. Regarding Iraq, this means offer of help to improve the security situation, in addition to the continuous economic and political support Iran has given every government of Iraq since the American invasion. According to Ali Larijani, Iran's chief nuclear negotiatior, "Iran does not want a speedy withdrawal of the Amercian forces. They have to devise a time table with Nuri al-Maliki's government. No matter what Iraq is an occupied country and this is a heavy burden for the people of Iraq and the United States must figure out a way to resolve this issue and we are ready for any help."

4. But Iran is making these efforts, and sending all sorts of messages regarding the need to talk and reach a compromise on a variety of issues that concern both countries, understanding very well that the Bush administration may be in no mood for talks or compromise as it tries to find a scapegoat for its failures in the Middle East. Again, in the words of Ali Larijani, "Iran is an important country with which [the Americans] can have constructive interaction. In my view, because of the problems they are faced with in Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine, and Afghanistan, the Americans are suffering from strategic incoherence."

5. The awareness of this "strategic incoherence" or perhaps worries about the actions of what the former president Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani says may be a "wounded tiger," has also meant that Iran is preparing itself for the possibility of direct military attacks by the United States. In the words of the new head of IRGC, Mohammad Ali (Aziz) Jafari, "The enemies have intensified the tune of threats but they should know that… Sepah, in addition to high capability in military dimensions, has informational superiority over the enemies and high missile capabilities which are of great defensive help… Asymmetrical warfare is a kind of war that we utilized during the sacred defense since during the imposed war there were great inequalities between us and the enemy. But the inequality was not to the extent that we can call the battles of sacred defense asymmetrical war. But since the material and technological capabilities of [the current] enemy is higher relative to us, we need to move in the direction of appropriate policies and defensive approaches, the example of which is asymmetrical war. An objective example of this type of war can be seen in the 33-day Lebanon war."

2007-09-17 19:39:58

Re: De=aia si Franta se pregateste de razboi...! Nu-i asa...?...Pai se zice :

2007-09-17 20:22:16

Re: minciuni si propaganda, all over again ,O-NU ,OO-NUU

La 2007-09-17 18:44:19, katty1 a scris:

> La 2007-09-17 17:03:28, alamar a scris:
> > La 2007-09-16 23:25:33, Arcturus a scris:
> >
> > > Ca si in cazul Irak-ului, Casa Alba s-a decis sa atace. Iar acum vom
> > > asista la contorsionarea faptelor pentru a justifica o decizie gata
> > > luata. Din fericire insa, Congresul American nu va aproba o asemenea
> > > actiune criminala.
> > >
> > >
> > > http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/5346524.stm
> > >
> > > The UN nuclear watchdog has protested to the US government over a
> > > report on Iran's nuclear programme, calling it "erroneous" and
> > > "misleading".
> > >
> > > In a leaked letter, the IAEA said a congressional report contained
> > > serious distortions of the agency's own findings on Iran's nuclear
> > > activity.
> > >
> > > The IAEA also took "strong exception" to claims made over the removal
> > > of a senior safeguards inspector.
> > >
> > > There was no immediate comment from Washington over the letter.
> > >
> > > But Rep Rush Holt, a Democratic member of the House intelligence
> > > committee, which released the report, said it had never been meant for
> > > release to the public.
> > >
> > > "This report was not ready for prime time and it was not prepared in a
> > > way that we can rely on. It relied heavily on unclassified testimony,"
> > > he told the BBC's PM programme.
> > >
> > Dle Arcturus , cine minte ? Adolf Ahmedinajad , ONU , ......
> ...ONU sti dumneata ce-i aia ONU? Ti-ai mai amintit ca exista si ONU
> ??
Si cu asta basta cu ONU.

2007-09-17 22:06:34

Re: minciuni si propaganda, all over again

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