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  Nr. 4023 de sambata, 1 septembrie 2007 
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2007-09-01 05:44:08

Mare-i morcovu'...

...cu frunze cu tot...:)))))))))))))

2007-09-01 06:24:17

Re: Mare-i morcovu'...

La 2007-09-01 05:44:08, Zen a scris:

> ...cu frunze cu tot...:)))))))))))))

aha, ai facut proba, vaz io! mai pune de unu!

2007-09-01 06:48:29

Mubarak ? Hm, stati linistiti ca in Afganistan nu este !

S-o fi dus prin tariu straine in concediul sa ia lectii ....

2007-09-01 23:48:03

nha, sa moara unii de necaz

adica zenu, sorbu si care ar mai fi...

About 70 alleged Taliban killed
Clashes come in region where insurgents released S. Korean hostages
The Associated Press
Updated: 4:40 p.m. ET Sept 1, 2007
KABUL, Afghanistan - U.S.-led coalition and Afghan security forces killed about 70 suspected militants in Afghanistan, where violence is running at its highest level since the ouster of the Taliban regime six years ago, authorities said Saturday.

The surge in militant attacks comes despite the presence of more than 50,000 foreign troops and 110,000 Afghan police and military officers, as well as a multimillion dollar reconstruction effort to rebuild the shattered nation.

Late Friday, Afghan security forces backed by U.S.-led troops raided compounds in three villages in the remote Pitigal Valley border region, where the coalition said intelligence showed that top militant leaders take refuge as they travel between Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Afghanistan has accused Pakistan of failing to do enough to prevent the movement of militants and weapons across the frontier. Pakistan — which before 2001 had close ties with the Taliban — denies the charge, saying it has deployed tens of thousands of troops.

The troops killed more than 20 insurgents and detained 11 others in the raids, which were just 3 miles from the border. They discovered a bomb-making factory and seized weapons and communication gear, the statement said. One coalition solider was wounded in the raids, it said.

Bicycle bomb wounds nine
Meanwhile, a bomb attached to a bicycle in a commercial district of the northern city of Mazar-e-Sharif wounded nine people, two seriously, said police spokesman Sher Jan Durani.

In the central province of Ghazni, where the Taliban last week released 19 South Koreans they had held hostage for six weeks, Afghan police attacked a group of Taliban planning to strike security forces, killing 18 and arresting six others, said provincial police Gen. Ali Shah Ahmadai.

"It was a successful operation," he said.

A coalition statement said the raid resulted in the seizure of mortar and artillery rounds, numerous hand grenades, rocket-propelled grenades and other ammunition, it said. It gave no more details.

The Taliban abducted 23 South Koreans in Ghazni six weeks ago. They killed two male hostages, released two women last month and freed the final 19 last week after holding unprecedented negotiations with the South Korean government that critics said risked emboldening the insurgents.

Airstrikes target ‘known enemy positions’
In the Musa Qala district in southern Helmand province, a combined police and coalition patrol came under attack on Friday from mortars, rocket-propelled grenades and small-arms fire, the coalition said in a statement. In the fight that ensued, almost two dozen insurgents were killed.

No Afghan or coalition soldiers, or civilians, were killed, the statement said.

Also in Musa Qala, Afghan forces Saturday called in coalition airstrikes after coming under attack, the coalition said. The strikes on the "known enemy positions" killed seven insurgents, the statement said.

Militants have been running parts of Musa Qala since a peace deal last year between local elders and Afghan government officials, supported by British troops in the province. The deal effectively turned over Musa Qala town and surrounding areas to Taliban control.

It was not possible to independently verify any of the death tolls because travel to the areas is extremely dangerous. Taliban commanders were not available for comment.

2007 death toll at 4,200
The Taliban ruled most of Afghanistan from the mid-1990s until 2001, imposing an extreme version of Islam and harboring al-Qaida leaders and thousands of other Muslim militants from around the world.

They were ousted by a U.S.-led coalition following the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks in the United States, but are now leading an increasingly bloody campaign against the country’s Western-backed government.

More than 4,200 people — most of them insurgents — have been killed so far this year, according to an Associated Press count.

2007-09-02 08:47:52

Vai, ce surpiza am avut azi dimineata :

in zorii zilei de astazi a sosit pe aeroportul de la noi, din Uganda, d-l Mubarak si personal i-a urat bun venit si sanatate si iar sanatate.

2007-09-02 20:40:13

Ce or avea republicanii astia de pretutindeni ?

Care iubesc republica (lor) sau in general si sunt aprigi anti-monarhisti
si care ajungand la batranete dupa multe mandate de alegeri "democratice" ishi promoveaza odraslele in modul cel mai tipic
monarhic ? exz; Korea,Ceusescu,Siria,Uganda,Egiptul, USA si altele de care nu stiu. Astfel ca ajung sa asociez republica cu o dictatura dirijata.
Ca procesul electoral e doar o fatzada a unei democratii de parada.
Asta e povestea cu prishidintii, sunt corupti si shantajabili asa cum scrie in perceptele inteleptilor ce vor conduce lumia.

2007-09-02 21:44:53

Mubarak - "piesa esentiala"

Mubarak este o figura tipica printre tiranii din lumea araba si nuare nimic special. Glisada dinspre URSS spre Occident a fost facuta de predecesorul sau Sadat. Nici acesta n-a facut-o dintr-o toana sau din placere, ci datorita faptului ca alianta sovietica adusese Egiptului in mai bine de doua decenii numai infrangeri umilitoare si dezastru economic.

"Agitatia" presei egiptene (care intre noi fie vorba e controlata de autoritatile egiptene) in legatura cu instabilitatea politica a tarii are probabil doar rolul de a funiza o justificare comoda (pe plan extern mai ales) a urcarii pe tron a noului tiran. Aliatii sai din Occident vor putea spune cu inima impacata, ca desigur Egiptul nu e chiar o democratie, dar merita sprijinit pentru ca uite ce se poate intampla altfel - ceea ce nu-i chiar asa departe de adevar. Daca democratia e imposibila - atunci macar un tiran binevoitor...

2007-09-02 22:04:19

Noi datini si apucaturi faine prin Orientul Mijlociu

Lumea araba ajunge copacel, copacel intr-un nou stadiu de dezvoltare.

De la monarhiile putrede fabricate conjuctural de britanici, la republicile nascute din loviturile de stat planificate prin cafenele de "ofiterii liberi" dupa moda egipteana, iata ca se ajunge la al treilea stadiu de dezvoltarea a lumii arabe: dinastia prezidentiala.

Dupa prima tranzitie in famiglie realizata cu succes in Siria, se pare ca Egiptul va fi al doilea exemplu reusit. Se pregateste Libia, unde odrasla lui Gaddafi se arata a fi plina de geniu prezidential...

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