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I C from NY din America (...@netzero.net, IP: 216.194.21...)
2007-07-23 15:22
Doua mandate

Stimate Domnule Dan Pavel,
Sunt unul din cei care sustin limitarea numarului de mandate la maximum DOUA. E bine ca vorbiti despre democratia americana. Cu alte cuvinte mi-ati ridicat mingea la plasa. Multumesc! Iata ce cred si ei despre limitarea numarului de mandate. Ca n-au reusit nici ei, tot din cauza unora ca DVS.
La noi Republica este Parlamentara. Deci aproape toata Puterea e acolo. Cum intr-o Republica Prezidentiala se limiteaza numarul mandatelor Presedintelui, la fel intr-o Republica Parlamentara trebuie limitat numarul mantatelor Parlamentarilor. Altfel sa ajunge la Dictatura Parlamentara.. Si, daca americanii si-au pus problema, unde Republica e Prezidentiala, inseamna ca ceva e putred in aceasta democratie.
Terms limits in Congress
The notion of congressional term limits gained considerable attention in the early 1990s.
In 1992, 14 states passed initiatives limiting the tenure of federal legislators. Two of
these, however, were struck down by state courts. In 1994, the U.S. Supreme Court announced
it would hear a challenge to an Arkansas term limits law. [17]

[edit]Contract with America
Following the 1954 midterm elections, Democrats maintained control of the House into the
mid-1990s. [18] In 1994, Republicans released the “Contact with America,” comprising a
list of promises that if elected, a GOP-controlled Congress would pursue. One of the
legislative promises was an amendment to the Constitution stipulating that no member
of the Senate could serve more than two terms, while members of the House would be limited
to anywhere between three and six terms. (Read the full “Contract with America”).

Republicans in favor of pursuing the amendment argued that a law would not suffice, for it
was quite possible that the Supreme Court would strike it down as unconstitutional. [19]
In addition to advocating the amendment, several GOP candidates promised that they would
limit their own terms in Congress independent of any legislation forcing them to do so. [20]
In 1992, several members had also pledged to limit their own terms. [21]]

Republicans did indeed take control of both the House and Senate in the 1994 elections.
While the party was largely united in its quest to limit congressional terms, some did
not agree. Rep. Richard Armey (R-Texas), the new majority leader of the House, stated,
"If we Republicans can straighten out the House, then I think maybe the nation's desire
for term limits will be diminished." [22] Twenty-year House veteran Henry Hyde bluntly
criticized the idea, arguing "In time of real crisis, we need people of experience." [23]

Despite the opposition of some, an amendment was ultimately introduced to the floor.
On March 29, 1995, the House voted 227-204 in favor of an amendment limiting senators
to two terms and House members to six. The vote, however, fell short of the two-thirds
majority (290) needed for a constitutional amendment to pass. [24]

[edit]Term Limits Constitutional Amendment
House record vote:
To place term limits on members of Congress
March 29, 1995
Failed, 227-204, view details
Dem: 38-163 opposed, GOP: 189-40 in favor, Ind: 1 opposed


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