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  Nr. 3949 de joi, 7 iunie 2007 
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Zen din New York (...@yahoo.com, IP: 167.206.164...)
2007-06-07 20:04
What would you do?

Palestinian Loss of Land 1946 to 2000 [Video]

What would you think if someone would brake into YOUR HOUSE claming such nonsense as a “right of defence”, or a “right to exist”, and it gets even better, a “right to return”. Not just for himself but for his whole family and all their relatives. They slowely take over your house and you end up in a small smelly room in the basement without a window or a toilet. A room you have to share with your family! — Remember it’s your own house! — After fully feeling at home, in your home, they start killing your neighbors and destroy the trees in your garden. They live from the food your garden provides, your family is starving.

What would you do?

Palestinian Loss of Land 1946 to 2000

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