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  Nr. 3946 de luni, 4 iunie 2007 
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Giuseppe Cocos din Wanderland (...@yahoo.com, IP: 146.95.132...)
2007-06-04 19:34
off topic: Miscare de secesiune in Vermont, USA !

Pentru Amerloci si nu numai.

MONTPELIER, Vt. --At Riverwalk Records, the all-vinyl record store just down the street from the state Capitol, the black "US Out of Vt.!" T-shirts are among the hottest sellers.

Disillusioned by what they call an empire about to fall, a small cadre of writers and academics is plotting political strategy and planting the seeds of separatism.

They've published a "Green Mountain Manifesto" subtitled "Why and How Tiny Vermont Might Help Save America From Itself by Seceding from the Union." They hope to put the question before citizens at Town Meeting Day next March, eventually persuading the state Legislature to declare independence, returning Vermont to the status it held from 1777 to 17

spaiu' (...@k.ro, IP: 89.136.14...)
2007-06-04 21:03
Re: off topic: Miscare de secesiune in Vermont, USA !

La 2007-06-04 19:34:26, Giuseppe Cocos a scris:

> Pentru Amerloci si nu numai.
> MONTPELIER, Vt. --At Riverwalk Records, the all-vinyl record store
> just down the street from the state Capitol, the black "US Out of
> Vt.!" T-shirts are among the hottest sellers.
> Disillusioned by what they call an empire about to fall, a small
> cadre of writers and academics is plotting political strategy and
> planting the seeds of separatism.
> They've published a "Green Mountain Manifesto" subtitled "Why and How
> Tiny Vermont Might Help Save America From Itself by Seceding from the
> Union." They hope to put the question before citizens at Town Meeting
> Day next March, eventually persuading the state Legislature to declare
> independence, returning Vermont to the status it held from 1777 to 17
Sunt cumva colegi de ideologie cu Segolene? si vajnici fii ai lui Putin?

Golanul (...@sympatico.ca, IP: 192.75.80...)
2007-06-04 21:51
Re: off topic: Miscare de secesiune in Vermont, USA !

La 2007-06-04 19:34:26, Giuseppe Cocos a scris:

> Pentru Amerloci si nu numai.
> MONTPELIER, Vt. --At Riverwalk Records, the all-vinyl record store
> just down the street from the state Capitol, the black "US Out of
> Vt.!" T-shirts are among the hottest sellers.
> Disillusioned by what they call an empire about to fall, a small
> cadre of writers and academics is plotting political strategy and
> planting the seeds of separatism.
> They've published a "Green Mountain Manifesto" subtitled "Why and How
> Tiny Vermont Might Help Save America From Itself by Seceding from the
> Union." They hope to put the question before citizens at Town Meeting
> Day next March, eventually persuading the state Legislature to declare
> independence, returning Vermont to the status it held from 1777 to 17
Vermontul este un stat in care liberalismul de foarte stinga (far-left) domina viatza publica. In consecintza, un stat in care drepturile homosexualilor (inclusiv cei pedofili) sint mai presus de cele ale victimelor acestora. In Vermont, la paritate cu San Francisco, au loc cele mai nerusinate afisari de propaganda neo-comunista. Paradisul agricultural si rezidential vermontez s-a transformat cu incetul baza de atac asupra conservatorismului pe care s-a fundat statul american.

Eu tot mai sper ca va veti destepta, o data. Daca nu voi, macar urmasii urmasilor vostri...daca mai apuca :-)) sau mai bine :-((.

Sobru (...@yahoo.com, IP: 89.137.60...)
2007-06-04 22:23
Re: off topic: Miscare de secesiune in Vermont, USA !

Pai daca-s asa de ticalosi, atunci SUA sa le satisfaca dorinta. In spiritul libertatii cu siguranta ca toti americanii vor fi de acord.

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