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  Nr. 3931 de joi, 17 mai 2007 
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2007-05-17 00:52:40

Ofensiva israeliana....

Daca este ca cea esuata de anul trecut din Liban ,atunci va pierdeti timpul....Schimbati pacifistul de Olmert...si dupa aceea lansati o ofensiva...Hamas o observat anemica ofensiva impotriva hezbollah si de aceea continua atacurile cu rachete ,zilnic....Israelulsub actualul cabinet, este slab, ambiguu si cu un neinspirat prim ministru...Succes.

2007-05-17 16:54:16

Adevarata intentie a Israelului: largirea granitelor.

Israel Claims it will Expand Borders

Jonny X – Question the Mark May 15, 2007

Reading through the news yesterday I came across a rather peculiar story. Yahoo News was running a story with the headline "Israel marks 40 year rule of Arab east Jerusalem."

Gee, I said. That's an interesting way of putting it. This is sort of like the US celebrating Japanese internment camps. One would hope that such people would not be proud of such a thing. One wonders if the irony is apparent; in Nazi Germany Hitler took over numerous countries under the guise that they were part of Germany. Israel has taken over numerous cities under the guise that they are part of Israel.

In the second paragraph of the story Prime Minister Ehud Olmert calls for Israel to expand its borders again, saying that the last 40 years were "only the beginning." He was later seen wearing a white lab coat and cackling over a corpse. In all seriousness though, here we have a supposedly democratic and peaceful country calling for more invasions and hostile takeovers, and nobody notices. The press harps on the President of Iran while Israel comes right out and says that they want more land. This is insanity. Why aren't people paying attention?

Iran wants to build a nuclear program. They say they have peaceful intentions. They claim that they want to build nuclear power plants. The US, of course, is upset by this. "What if," they reason. "Iran instead builds a nuclear bomb?" While, I suppose, this is a valid concern, this is not something that the US should be able to dictate. If Iran wants to build a nuclear weapon, certainly the US, who has the most nukes in the world, should not be able to stop them. The US worries what Iran would do if they had nuclear weapons. Would they attack other countries?

Well, it's hard to say. There is no point in speculating, though, because there is already a country in the Middle East with nuclear weapons. That country is Israel. While it seems highly unlikely Israel would use such weapons in such a small area, it serves to illustrate a point. The US is worried about a country, who has expressed nothing but peaceful intentions, building a nuclear weapon, when another, which has called for expansion, sits on a pile of them not too far away.

The one glimmer of positive news is that this "celebration" was boycotted by the US and Europe. This is a rare move for the US, which usually falls in line with whatever Israel wants.


2007-05-17 17:32:14

distrugand baza de comanda Hamas de la Rafiah

Unde era camuflata baza, in gradinita de copii sau in spitalul municipal?
Hai dom Tesule, dumireste-ne pana nu vin salahorii lui Ran'aan. Stii ca te credem fara sa cercetam...

2007-05-17 19:06:23

Re: distrugand baza de comanda Hamas de la Rafiah

Depinde ce "menu" avea IDF pe ordinul de zi...

La 2007-05-17 17:32:14, Spargel a scris:

> Unde era camuflata baza, in gradinita de copii sau in spitalul
> municipal?

2007-05-17 20:41:37

A mai aparut un mocofan.

Sa-i tina de urat lui Zen.

2007-05-17 21:02:04

Re: A mai aparut un mocofan. Nu-i nevoie sa-ti faci reclama. Stim cine esti.

La 2007-05-17 20:41:37, california a scris:

> Sa-i tina de urat lui Zen.

zwilling carol
2007-05-17 22:15:41

Re: A mai aparut un mocofan.

La 2007-05-17 20:41:37, california a scris:

> Sa-i tina de urat lui Zen.

Asta este elita preferata la ZIUA......banalizata si parasita de ap-roape toti cei vechi si daca mai apar din cand in cand sunt eliminate postarile lor.
Priveste ce numar redus sunt in comparatie cu 1-2 ani in urma.....

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