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  Nr. 3912 de marti, 24 aprilie 2007 
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Cazul Roncea

ionion din Iganga-Uganda (...@hotmail.com, IP: 88.103.57...)
2007-04-24 09:00
Preluat :

Anna Stepanovna Politkovskaya (Russian: ???? ?????????? ????????????; 30 August 1958 ? 7 October 2006) born in the U.S. and U.S. citizen[1] Russian journalist and political activist well known for her opposition to the Chechen conflict and Russian authorities. She was shot dead in the elevator of her apartment building on 7 October 2006.

According to the unknown contributor from Russian BBC service, Politkovskaya made her name reporting from Chechnya for Russia's liberal newspaper, Novaya Gazeta. Her writing was often polemic, as bitter in its condemnation of the Russian army leadership and the Russian government as it was fervent in support of human rights and the rule of law.[2] Her murder, widely suspected as a contract killing[citation needed], sparked a strong international reaction.[citation needed]
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