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Davidescu vasile
2007-01-15 23:24:05

The relations between PNL and PLD: One warm two cold.

After the different and virile speech of the unique candidate to presidency of PNL( my god,what in age the maul happened a like thing) in which in Mr. Tariceanu says as who is taken of PNL he has did with me( enemies know already his nick, Moliceanu) were us bargained for a permanent offensive against the needles which he he categorized it as hated, and in forerank PLD.
Have no the past than 3 hours
(therefore no after of third of cockish plaied) and Mr. Moroianu, Vosganian say on a gentle as the foresee reunify PNL with PLD( after our count burn be of now 31-th, in the history of unification, after 1989 PNL) and in style so-called liberal, he grapples a foot which door already is open age. For said clearly,PLD as the their strategy foresees the forerank in unification of liberals, as they are not agains liberalism but shall just to save the liberalism to be a a SRL which boss drives as a matter of fact to day PNL.
But I don't pass 24 hours and again one cold, to law court, PNL secures 6 contests against take down PLD in the register of parties, this, obviously, quickened more the liberal unification.
Therefore in 24 hours, how I say in title, two cold and one warm.
But to take it leisurely.
Forerank the liberalism is not menaced. Political and social doctrine lives with his without Partid Liberal wherethrough without this science a country is cannot develop oneself. It is adopted s it by PSD and PD and PC and UDMR and if impossibly get the power, even PRM. Cann't you grow up as the country without liberal measureless.The problem now is who do is else more liberal: PNL or PLD.
I believe as this thing no such important, if we speak of a viable and true doctrine.
That bible is said as the truth must the predicate from of the roof of the houses and but that does no man,there are the stone wich does it and at all truth shall defeat.
Is spoken of the delicacy and the civilized spirit of Mr. Tariceanu. Don't these wart qualities. But if I burn be goed through, in abaft obvious errors doed( excludes, the lack of programs post adhesion, the exploitation of popular themes but unrequisite by people such as with the withdrawal from Irak, thin ministers etc etc). Mr. Tariceanu carry holds more to liberalism, than to his personal interests and his group, must to resign from presedent of PNL, wherethrough this his job is free his adopt the liberalism on which decide it the limbs saddles. I don't burn else be appeared PLD and PNL burn be wealthy another face now, inclusively in the preferences of the electorate.
Some say as personal burn be doed this thing but is blackmailed, menaced, the relations with the oligarch arrived overshoot.
I believe as the people and allied politics don't be apprehended and just helped.
Such, we get off on two liberal parties, with relations of the guy onewarm and two cold the what a maul give Good God.
If he believes as PLD and who are created the thin by-path can be easily conquerable apprehend as the his hopes are shall crumble apace and shall be devoured of own saddles vice-presidents, you be abandoned of the plebeian party members, which now don't else I abide at en route, but they have an another liberal path.
Is bad as the on a forum of prestige how that newspaper Ziua don't is can discuss, as the forum bristles with a series unpaid activists which characterized it again today they did me the practical demonstration as the by-path what said as am.
Explained why first I mail, sometimes the electronic mixed edition he said as he appears and to after one of night shall light you. Working in a big central institution, carry has informatician in 3 shifts. Don't than to ask for on one of his night takes care of mail and he does it.
I would be very glad to argue upon the liberalism with individuals instructed, with the sense of decency and he shall assure as all had of scholar, us and he reconciled ones us.
Forum mates of three words,of three lines which rows sows rather as the the slogans from Ceausescu times default the minimum conditions were interlocutory ,and consumed their existence soiling a form of mass the which media has a certain educative impact.

2007-01-15 23:44:35

Re: The relations between PNL and PLD: One warm two cold.

Vasile ... ai facut genocid cu limba engleza!

La 2007-01-15 23:24:05, Davidescu vasile a scris:

> After the different and virile speech of the unique candidate to
> presidency of PNL( my god,what in age the maul happened a like thing)
> in which in Mr. Tariceanu says as who is taken of PNL he has did with
> me( enemies know already his nick, Moliceanu) were us bargained for a
> permanent offensive against the needles which he he categorized it as
> hated, and in forerank PLD.
> Have no the past than 3 hours
> (therefore no after of third of cockish plaied) and Mr. Moroianu,
> Vosganian say on a gentle as the foresee reunify PNL with PLD( after
> our count burn be of now 31-th, in the history of unification, after
> 1989 PNL) and in style so-called liberal, he grapples a foot which
> door already is open age. For said clearly,PLD as the their strategy
> foresees the forerank in unification of liberals, as they are not
> agains liberalism but shall just to save the liberalism to be a a SRL
> which boss drives as a matter of fact to day PNL.
> But I don't pass 24 hours and again one cold, to law court, PNL
> secures 6 contests against take down PLD in the register of parties,
> this, obviously, quickened more the liberal unification.
> Therefore in 24 hours, how I say in title, two cold and one warm.
> But to take it leisurely.
> Forerank the liberalism is not menaced. Political and social doctrine
> lives with his without Partid Liberal wherethrough without this
> science a country is cannot develop oneself. It is adopted s it by PSD
> and PD and PC and UDMR and if impossibly get the power, even PRM.
> Cann't you grow up as the country without liberal measureless.The
> problem now is who do is else more liberal: PNL or PLD.
> I believe as this thing no such important, if we speak of a viable
> and true doctrine.
> That bible is said as the truth must the predicate from of the roof
> of the houses and but that does no man,there are the stone wich does
> it and at all truth shall defeat.
> Is spoken of the delicacy and the civilized spirit of Mr. Tariceanu.
> Don't these wart qualities. But if I burn be goed through, in abaft
> obvious errors doed( excludes, the lack of programs post adhesion, the
> exploitation of popular themes but unrequisite by people such as with
> the withdrawal from Irak, thin ministers etc etc). Mr. Tariceanu carry
> holds more to liberalism, than to his personal interests and his
> group, must to resign from presedent of PNL, wherethrough this his job
> is free his adopt the liberalism on which decide it the limbs saddles.
> I don't burn else be appeared PLD and PNL burn be wealthy another face
> now, inclusively in the preferences of the electorate.
> Some say as personal burn be doed this thing but is blackmailed,
> menaced, the relations with the oligarch arrived overshoot.
> I believe as the people and allied politics don't be apprehended and
> just helped.
> Such, we get off on two liberal parties, with relations of the guy
> onewarm and two cold the what a maul give Good God.
> If he believes as PLD and who are created the thin by-path can be
> easily conquerable apprehend as the his hopes are shall crumble apace
> and shall be devoured of own saddles vice-presidents, you be abandoned
> of the plebeian party members, which now don't else I abide at en
> route, but they have an another liberal path.
> Is bad as the on a forum of prestige how that newspaper Ziua don't is
> can discuss, as the forum bristles with a series unpaid activists
> which characterized it again today they did me the practical
> demonstration as the by-path what said as am.
> Explained why first I mail, sometimes the electronic mixed edition
> he said as he appears and to after one of night shall light you.
> Working in a big central institution, carry has informatician in 3
> shifts. Don't than to ask for on one of his night takes care of mail
> and he does it.
> I would be very glad to argue upon the liberalism with individuals
> instructed, with the sense of decency and he shall assure as all had
> of scholar, us and he reconciled ones us.
> Forum mates of three words,of three lines which rows sows rather as
> the the slogans from Ceausescu times default the minimum conditions
> were interlocutory ,and consumed their existence soiling a form of
> mass the which media has a certain educative impact.

2007-01-16 00:30:42

Re: The relations between PNL and PLD: One warm two cold.

Sir Basile,

Rich form, poor content.

La 2007-01-15 23:24:05, Davidescu vasile a scris:

> After the different and virile speech of the unique candidate to
> presidency of PNL( my god,what in age the maul happened a like thing)
> in which in Mr. Tariceanu says as who is taken of PNL he has did with
> me( enemies know already his nick, Moliceanu) were us bargained for a
> permanent offensive against the needles which he he categorized it as
> hated, and in forerank PLD.
> Have no the past than 3 hours
> (therefore no after of third of cockish plaied) and Mr. Moroianu,
> Vosganian say on a gentle as the foresee reunify PNL with PLD( after
> our count burn be of now 31-th, in the history of unification, after
> 1989 PNL) and in style so-called liberal, he grapples a foot which
> door already is open age. For said clearly,PLD as the their strategy
> foresees the forerank in unification of liberals, as they are not
> agains liberalism but shall just to save the liberalism to be a a SRL
> which boss drives as a matter of fact to day PNL.
> But I don't pass 24 hours and again one cold, to law court, PNL
> secures 6 contests against take down PLD in the register of parties,
> this, obviously, quickened more the liberal unification.
> Therefore in 24 hours, how I say in title, two cold and one warm.
> But to take it leisurely.
> Forerank the liberalism is not menaced. Political and social doctrine
> lives with his without Partid Liberal wherethrough without this
> science a country is cannot develop oneself. It is adopted s it by PSD
> and PD and PC and UDMR and if impossibly get the power, even PRM.
> Cann't you grow up as the country without liberal measureless.The
> problem now is who do is else more liberal: PNL or PLD.
> I believe as this thing no such important, if we speak of a viable
> and true doctrine.
> That bible is said as the truth must the predicate from of the roof
> of the houses and but that does no man,there are the stone wich does
> it and at all truth shall defeat.
> Is spoken of the delicacy and the civilized spirit of Mr. Tariceanu.
> Don't these wart qualities. But if I burn be goed through, in abaft
> obvious errors doed( excludes, the lack of programs post adhesion, the
> exploitation of popular themes but unrequisite by people such as with
> the withdrawal from Irak, thin ministers etc etc). Mr. Tariceanu carry
> holds more to liberalism, than to his personal interests and his
> group, must to resign from presedent of PNL, wherethrough this his job
> is free his adopt the liberalism on which decide it the limbs saddles.
> I don't burn else be appeared PLD and PNL burn be wealthy another face
> now, inclusively in the preferences of the electorate.
> Some say as personal burn be doed this thing but is blackmailed,
> menaced, the relations with the oligarch arrived overshoot.
> I believe as the people and allied politics don't be apprehended and
> just helped.
> Such, we get off on two liberal parties, with relations of the guy
> onewarm and two cold the what a maul give Good God.
> If he believes as PLD and who are created the thin by-path can be
> easily conquerable apprehend as the his hopes are shall crumble apace
> and shall be devoured of own saddles vice-presidents, you be abandoned
> of the plebeian party members, which now don't else I abide at en
> route, but they have an another liberal path.
> Is bad as the on a forum of prestige how that newspaper Ziua don't is
> can discuss, as the forum bristles with a series unpaid activists
> which characterized it again today they did me the practical
> demonstration as the by-path what said as am.
> Explained why first I mail, sometimes the electronic mixed edition
> he said as he appears and to after one of night shall light you.
> Working in a big central institution, carry has informatician in 3
> shifts. Don't than to ask for on one of his night takes care of mail
> and he does it.
> I would be very glad to argue upon the liberalism with individuals
> instructed, with the sense of decency and he shall assure as all had
> of scholar, us and he reconciled ones us.
> Forum mates of three words,of three lines which rows sows rather as
> the the slogans from Ceausescu times default the minimum conditions
> were interlocutory ,and consumed their existence soiling a form of
> mass the which media has a certain educative impact.

2007-01-16 17:36:33

Re: The relations between PNL and PLD: One warm two cold.

Vezi?, asta-i atac la persoana.

La 2007-01-16 00:30:42, alwis46 a scris:

> Sir Basile,
> Rich form, poor content.
> La 2007-01-15 23:24:05, Davidescu vasile a scris:
> > After the different and virile speech of the unique candidate to
> > presidency of PNL

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