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Davidescu vasile
2007-01-08 23:53:51

Mr. Tariceanu he coveted to soup cockish hot.

Who forget from the history must to repeats it.
The girlfriend my secretary he put me on desk know out in trace of the sitting of cabinet from 4 the July 2005 which in in firm way, on the strength of the agreement of the parties from coalition he took the decision of organized advanced poll.

Peradventure isn't his evil turn over a piece of news an which in, you see subsequently, he appears the first doubt minister and fool the advice of the friends of the saddles petro-liberals, but and the disastrous consequences for PNL.
Here in in substance what says the press-agencies in the July 2005:
The premier Calin Popescu confirmed thursday( 4 the July 2005), after sitting of Guvern, as all the limbs Executivului shall resign, in abaft the decision taked the Wednesday of Constitutional Court.
Tariceanu confirmed thus the informations unites of Hotnews,the news that DA alliance attuned about activation poll in advance.

Underlined as the decision taked is irrevocable the si as the you prompts the parties from his coalition appoint internal procedure of approve the dissolution, practise, Parleamen, through the adhibition of constitutional rules.
Said as is the time as Alianta to is turned toward electorate, annunsing as the decision were taked through the brake puted of current justice.
Notified as Alianta shall go the in choose the same in formula from at option from 2004.
Valeriu Stoica, one among the subscribers hard letter saied yesterday the premier, declares, as he is the moment for the right unification here must treaded on common lists in company with PD, with PPCD, even with PC, if this he demonstrates as he adheres clearly to the rights values.
The calendar of chose in advance shall be finalized the approximate in ten days, the intention be as this his procedure begins most late in the beginning the month October.
The limbs of leding Concil of D.A.Coalition they met, Thursday evening, to Victoria Palace discussed this problem. As per estimations, choose in advance he follows to is organized in the aisle the contents between the beginning of the month September and most late the beginning of the month October.
Now he shall follow just the regrets of disloyal stroke of PNL President, visa the party, slenderize soundings, can just go out of Parlament.
Just as he says the phylosopher, who don't learn from history must to repeats it.

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