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  Nr. 3696 de marti, 8 august 2006 
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Marc (...@hotmail.com, IP: 4.159.62...)
2006-08-08 09:07
Lectia . . .

Daca duduita Munteanu ar fi citit articolul exemplar al lui Gabriel Andreescu cu ochii ziaristului profesionist, si nu al propagandistului, poate nu s-ar fi coborit la nivelul la care sa compare Fox News, post de televiziune cu tenta de centru-dreaptra, cu agentia de propaganda a organizatiei teroriste Hezbollah.

De la ziaristul Canadian din Ottawa, David Warren, un articol care, daca i-ar fi tradus in romaneste, ar trebui s-o puna pe ginduri pe duduita Munteanu. (Referintele frugale si fugare la catolicism, prezente in articol, trebuie puse pe seama confesiunii catolice a semnatarului).

A Horrible Truth
By David Warren

I've touched upon "just war" several times in this space, during the last few weeks. I will continue touching it today. The issue is already an urgent one; its significance can only grow in the foreseeable future, as the encounter between fanatical Islam and the West spreads from mere terror incidents to open guerrilla warfare on various fronts.

We see in the Middle East just now, how the conflagration is spreading. Hezbollah enjoyed little support in the Arab world, when it kidnapped two Israeli soldiers, and began firing rockets at an unprecedented rate into northern Israel. The Arabs feared Hezbollah's aggressive sponsors -- Iran, principally -- even more than they hated Israel. The Saudi and Egyptian governments were among those which actually criticized Hezbollah more sharply, at first.

But the conflict in Lebanon has gone on for nearly a month, and the hatred of Israel comes back to the fore. Both Western and Arab media have had the opportunity to direct rage against Israel, over the deaths of civilians. Neither make an issue of the fact Hezbollah's whole fighting strategy involves the use of women and children as "human shields", or in some cases of which I am aware, as "live bait" to lure Israeli soldiers into ambushes.

The Israeli military policy is to hold fire against any building in which soldiers believe civilians are sheltering, even if they believe Hezbollah fighters are also present. This policy goes well beyond the Geneva Conventions, which anyway don't apply to combat with irregular fighters. Moreover, by slowing Israeli progress in destroying Hezbollah, it grants time for pressure against Israel to be built, internationally.

The entirely predictable result of the media effort, to sensationalize "Israeli atrocities" -- including one at Qana last week that was probably faked -- has been to trigger waves of anti-Semitic rage, across the Muslim world, and on the Left side of the political spectrum throughout the West. (Events, such as the shooting spree in the Seattle Jewish Federation office the Friday before last, do not give sufficient pause. But was that not a natural consequence of anti-Israel incitements?)

As I write, Shia demonstrators are now rioting against Israel in Iraq. Add this to the effect of constant terrorist attacks, on Shia targets, by Sunni "insurgents" -- supplied, like Hezbollah, by Iran and Syria -- and the prospect of a civil war becomes real. One which can only serve Iran's interests.

Meanwhile, those of you who missed the Nuremberg rallies, and Herr Hitler's progress through Germany in the 1930s, may now review President Ahmadinejad's latest speech this week in both video clip and translation at memritv.org. Before a huge crowd, chanting "Death to Israel", and then "Death to America", he dwells upon various blood-libels against the Jews, mixing these together with a reprise of what the media have been reporting from Lebanon. He boasts of Iran's nuclear technology, and looks forward to the imminent "Fire of the Wrath".

What difference has been made, by Israel's, and the West's, "just war" policies -- with either the enemy, or the media? Every allied accident is presented as purposeful, and where there was no accident, "collateral damage" is made up. Moreover, the object of Hezbollah's fight is not to defeat Israel -- it can't -- but rather to whip up an international "anti-Zionist" frenzy, and turn it specifically to the advantage of Iran. They "think globally, but act locally".

The way Israel is now fighting -- and the U.S. and allies are fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan -- must be reconsidered. The enemy is himself quite indifferent to civilian suffering, as he shows by using his own people as pawns. He consciously uses our own, Western, moral reticence against us.

By openly stating that we will, under no circumstances, attack targets where civilians are present, we "hand the foe a blueprint of our acts, incite him to step over our carefully drawn line, encourage his vice and incur our own defeat." (I am quoting a priest who has considered the broader implications of the Catholic just war doctrine.)

Even "just war" acknowledges that, as in medicine, real mercy can sometimes require ruthlessness. We have forgotten this in the West. If we want to save civilians, over the longer run, we must resolve to call the enemy's bluff. Show him by our actions that hiding behind baby carriages will not save him. For the enemy will only stop using "human shields" when they cease to serve his purposes.

evreu mandru din israel din Israel (...@yahoo.com, IP: 84.109.51...)
2006-08-08 10:28
Re: Lectia . . .

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