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  Nr. 3688 de sambata, 29 iulie 2006 
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cocosh din san francisco (...@pacbell.net, IP: 70.137.156...)
2006-07-29 05:12
big bisnis

ghici ce face US chiar in acest moment
4.6 bilion contract de vinzare de armament IN TARILE ARABE
cu o specificare delivrarea se v-a face cit mai urgent cu putinta

Oriana din Italia (...@hotmail.it, IP: 213.140.17...)
2006-07-29 05:27
big bisnis ? mais oui, Franta... Anglia... si la urma si USA

Sauditii la cumparaturi ... de arme ( de la Franta, Anglia, etc ), DE EXEMPLU.


Over the past year Saudi officials have spoken publicly AGAINST Iranian influence in Shi' ite governed Iraq and the possibility of Iran acquiring NUCLEAR weapons.

After Israel bombarded Lebanon, U.S. ally Saudi Arabia BLAMED Shi' ite HIZBULLAH for the blitz that has so far killed more than 300 people and ravaged the infrastructure.

" Iran has been a LOT more AGGRESSIVE (over last year) ... it was made the Saudis sit up in a way they haven' t for a good 10 years," said a Western diplomat in Riyadh.

" Who in the long term is THEIR MAIN strategic THREAT ?
They see it as Iran ".

Saudi Arabia wields global political clout partly because it is the world's TOP OIL EXPORTER, and over the past week it has SPENT BILIONS of dollars on MILITARY equipment.

Washington said on Thursday it had approved the sale of 24 UH-60L BLACK HAWK HELICOPTERS, RADIOS, ARMOURED vehicles and other MILITARY equipment worth more than $ 6 BILLION.

FRANCE and Saudi Arabia also signed a defence cooperation agreement on Friday, with a French government source saying a DEAL was close on HELICOPTERS and TANKER AIRCRAFT.

And Riyadh is set to buy up to 72 EUROFIGHTER TYPHOON JETS in a deal with BRITAIN that could cost more than $10 billion.

According to JANE s Information Group, tight public finances held up military expansion plans in the 1990s.
But a spectacular RISE in world oil prices has since turned Saudi fortunes around.

The relatively SMALL Royal Saudi LAND FORCES are thinly spread to cope with potential threats on a NUMBER of FRONTS.

Saudi Arabia has far smaller GROUND FORCES than those of Iran, JANE' s said in a report last month, estimating the ARMY at 70,000 MEN and elite National Guard at 77,000.

The government wants to RAISE TOTAL TROOP numbers by some 25 %, and the National Guard is to acquire its OWN AIR FORCE, the adviser said.
No conscription is planned.

Saudi Arabia relied on U.S. MILITARY PROTECTION from the 1990 -1 Gulf crisis until 2003, when the troops left because American backing was seen as no longer politically acceptable.

Analysts say the U.S. PRESENCE near sites in MECCA and MEDINA was a key element in SPAWNING an al Qaeda campaign in the same year to TOPPLE the monarchy.

IRAN has emerged as a major Saudi concern


La 2006-07-29 05:12:44, cocosh a scris:

> ghici ce face US chiar in acest moment
> 4.6 bilion contract de vinzare de armament IN TARILE ARABE
> cu o specificare delivrarea se v-a face cit mai urgent cu putinta

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