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2006-06-19 23:14:53

Trebe ca-i aici oarece legatura cu ...

anuntata scumpire a tigaretelor si a prezervativelor din toamna asta. ma al dreak politicieni avem ! Da si profesorul le fu pe masura ! Afara ca se stergea cu fata de masa la bot ca sa nu murdareasca servetul, in rest nu i-a dus iel de nas pe toti sefii si regii si imparatii lumii astia ?

Iata de ce o ducem asa de bine si viitorul luminos e tot mai aproape !

Bravos Natiune ! Bravos Comandir ! Mai era pe vremuri un fundas la Dinamo, unul Popa parca ! Indiferent daca pierdeam (si mai des pierdeam) sau castigam el nu scapa ocazia sa se fotografieze cu strainii ca arate si el gagicii sau nevestei cu cine s-a fotografiat el !

in rest, ... vacante placute in ...Bulgaria !

2006-06-20 08:47:00

La France va tres mal. On est tous d'accord.

Mais a qui la faute ? A la mondialisation ? Au liberalisme ? A l'Europe ? Aux Americains, comme on nous le repetent a' longueur de journee nos medias et nos politiques ?

Non, la France a fait faillite de l'interieur, un peu comme l'URSS dans les
annees 1995.

Bogdan Calinescu / "Le gouffre francais" (France in crisis), by Timothy B. Smith


2006-06-20 12:45:01

Re: La France va tres mal. On est tous d'accord....n'est-ce pas ?

2006-06-20 16:25:31

Re: La France va tres mal. On est tous d'accord.Oriana

Vasile Teodorovici
2006-06-20 16:37:00

Re: La France va tres mal. On est tous d'accord./globalizarea

La 2006-06-20 08:47:00, Oriana a scris:

> Mais a qui la faute ? A la mondialisation ? Au liberalisme ? A
> l'Europe ? Aux Americains, comme on nous le repetent a' longueur de
> journee nos medias et nos politiques ?
> Non, la France a fait faillite de l'interieur, un peu comme l'URSS
> dans les
> annees 1995.
> Bogdan Calinescu / "Le gouffre francais" (France in crisis),
> by Timothy B. Smith
> http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0521605202/qid=1117587068/sr=
> 2-2/ref=pd_bbs_b_2_2/104-5428313-0063110

Mai ieri-alaltaieri, se facea o comparatie intre invatamantul european si cel american, in sensul ca s-a admis ca cel european nu mai tine pasul cu concurentul de peste ocean.

Mos Grigore
2006-06-20 17:09:43

Altfel liniste si pace in FR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mos Grigore
2006-06-20 18:09:26

France stumbles through an optional holiday

A three-day weekend was officially revoked - or was it? A nation confused about a day off.

By Peter Ford | Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor

The French take their state seriously - so seriously that they always spell their word for it, 'Etat', with a capital E. So it comes as all the more of a shock when the revered French state shows signs of deliquescence. Those signs were on display Monday.

It seems unfair, perhaps, to mention France in the same breath as Somalia, a failed state par excellence. On the other hand, what do you call a state that lacks enough authority to set a public holiday? France.

Half the country worked Monday. Half the country did not. Most government offices ignored the government decree abolishing the three-day Pentecost weekend, and in the private sector 1 firm in 2 gave employees the day off, too. The result was total confusion.

This farce began with a tragedy. In the summer of 2003, a heat wave and official indifference and incompetence killed an estimated 15,000 elderly in France. To raise more money to care for seniors, and to assuage the country's sense of guilt, the prime minister announced an annual "day of solidarity." Everybody would work on Pentecost Monday - formerly a holiday - but nobody would be paid, and the proceeds would go into a special fund.

Everybody loved the idea in principle. Few liked it when they realized its practical implications. Union leaders muttered about "forced labor." Roman Catholic church elders lamented the lack of respect for Pentecost, when the Holy Ghost descended upon Christ's disciples.

Towns in southwestern France, whose Pentecost long-weekend bullfight fiestas are the high point of their year, screamed about the loss of tourist revenues. And everyone remembered, on reflection, how pleasant it is to take three days off in early summer.

The grumbling rattled the government, and it backed off. For 18 months it bickered with unions and employers and eventually came up with a ruling that nobody really understands, allowing managers to make their own minds up about whether Pentecost Monday is a holiday or not. The hope is that one way or another, the state will end up with an extra 2 billion euros ($2.4 billion) a year to spend on old people.

On Monday, however, it was a mess. My newspapers arrived, but my mail didn't. My children had no school, but their teachers were sent on a special training day course. The pharmacy was open, but the dry cleaners were closed. Government ministries opened, but secretaries had the day off.

Businesses that opened could neither make deliveries nor take them, because truckers were banned from the roads. Parisians had no clue when their bus or metro would arrive: The public transport company had declared Monday "a working holiday."

It is hard to square all this with Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin's declaration Monday that the "day of solidarity" represents "a revolution in public attitudes" (although he did acknowledge also certain "incoherencies" in applying it). The authorities have done little to explain just what the day is meant to achieve or how.

One traveling salesman stopped for a coffee in between clients (who might or might not have been at their desks).

"I can't tell you how happy I am to be working today," he told the barista, his voice dripping with irony. But he added, "At least the traffic is manageable today."

2006-06-20 19:29:51

shadow, La France va tres mal. On est tous d'accord / Oriana

t'enquiete pas, "mon cousin" - ca asa ne zice Chirac - e criza peste tot, ca sa fim onesti, dar sigur n-o sa renuntam la nimic din tot, cu ce suntem obisnuiti.
M-a frapat recenzia cartii lui Thimothy Smith, un autor pe care nu-l
cunosc, de asta am aruncat "sopirlica", sa aflu mai multe de la cei care
poate l-au citit.

Recenzia mi-a retinut atentia pt. ca e scrisa de un roman, asta m-a intrigat.
Comunisti la guvern, si fara ghilimele, s'il te plait, eu nu-i urez nimanui.
Astept doar clipa in care or sa cada, ca or sa cada.

Asa ca, mergi linistit la Concertul muzicii si trimite-i un MMS lui Thimothy, sa se oftice cat de frumos a fost ! "Ta guele, Thimothy !"

Bogdan Calinescu / "Le gouffre francais" (France in crisis),
by Timothy B. Smith


La 2006-06-20 16:25:31, Shadow a scris:

> Si zi e "criza aspra"? A naibii treaba ca nu m-am prins inca.
Dar din cate stiu inca nu au ajuns "comunistii" in guvern.
E posibil cu "spritul de turma" european sa luam exemple de la vecini deh. Te pui cu te-ncurci. Io-te maine e "festivalul muzicii". Iar o sa fie superb la Paris. Crezi ca nea timothy stie? Daca nu o sa-l anunt io.

2006-06-20 19:37:34

La France va tres mal. On est tous d'accord....n'est-ce pas ?

2006-06-20 19:42:10

25 Sentenced for Plotting Paris Terror Attacks

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