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  Nr. 3654 de marti, 20 iunie 2006 
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alamar din pacific rim (...@msn.com, IP: 208.181.21...)
2006-06-20 00:44
cineva sa verifice...

Unul se intreaba daca nu cumva aceasta incercare de a lansa aceasta racheta nu coincide cu rotatia membrilor ONU,in comitete...unul care a urmarit istoria ONU,poate deduce ca north korrea,v-a detine in curand presedentia comitetului de dezarmare nucleara....Asa cum cuba a detinut presedentia comitetului ONU pt. drepturile omului....Iranul a facut parte din comisia ONU,impotriva terorismului....etc.etc...Lumea pasnica ar trebui sa actioneze rapid...ONU,ar trebui sa voteze neaparat,o rezolutie,iar negocieri lungi ar trebui sa inceapa imediat, la paris...Militaristii de americani trebuie sa fie exclusi...Pt. ca politica lor imperialista, este cauza tuturor problemelor de pe glob.Dar mai ales Bush...Este vina lui,ca pasnicul popor north korrean,se inarmeaza...Ca sa se apere de Bush...

Katty (...@home.com, IP: 83.252.166...)
2006-06-20 00:58
Re: cineva sa verifice...

Oriana din Italia (...@hotmail.it, IP: 213.140.17...)
2006-06-20 01:43
cineva sa verifice... cum stau treburile in propria ograda !

La 2006-06-20 00:58:19, Katty a scris:

in alerta de gradul zero !!! Tot risul !!! ?

Asta e de alerta, de tot ... plinsul!

Sweden is loaded with PROBLEMS.
A reader wrote Jonah Goldberg at the Corner :

* Police NO-go areas (for the FEW police they have)
* An ATROPHIED military (soon to be about 5000 troops)
* Cities that will SOON be Muslim majority

* Under-reported rise in VIOLENT crime (robbery, rape) by immigrants who admit to being "AT WAR" with the Swedish State

and who claim to derive personal PLEASURE humiliating the “WIMPY” Swedes

* Jihadism OPENLY preached and EXCUSED by Swedish ELITES

* Politicians who STUMP for votes in Pakistan where many Swedish "citizens" spend much of their time

* An ALL-but-OPEN immigration policy that COSTS the state a vast FORTUNE

* An aggressive anti-nationalism that FORBIDS students from displaying the Swedish FLAG at SCHOOL .......................RU-SI-NE !

* Hamas members officially WELCOMED;

* VIOLENT LEFTISTS and “anti-racist” groups who INTIMIDATE people daring to question the assumptions of Swedish multiculturalism and immigration

* And, of course, an OFFICIAL anti- Israeli position that veers into anti-Semitism.
Baga de seama, astea le scrie un suedez !


Sobru (...@yahoo.com, IP: 85.186.129...)
2006-06-20 02:21
Re: cineva sa verifice... cum stau treburile in propria ograda !

Cred ca e putin bolnavior suedezu...

Mos Grigore din Chicago (...@worldnet.att.net, IP: 68.164.227...)
2006-06-20 03:29
Re: cineva sa verifice... cum stau treburile in propria ograda !

Oriana din Italia (...@hotmail.it, IP: 213.140.17...)
2006-06-20 03:35
cineva sa verifice... cum stau treburile in propria ograda !

La 2006-06-20 02:21:25, Sobru a scris:

> Cred ca e putin bolnavior suedezu...

Chiar deloc, si asta nu-i nimic, sa vezi blogurile suedeze, vezi fjordman report,
de exemplu, uite cel mai grav (ai sa dai si de orasul Vaxjo...)


Am postat duminica pasajele cele mai semnificative.

Oriana din Italia (...@hotmail.it, IP: 213.140.17...)
2006-06-20 03:49
cineva sa verifice... cum stau treburile in propria ograda !

La 2006-06-20 03:29:00, Mos Grigore a scris:

Ti-ai gasit! Ea deja poarta cheador. Ce-i drept o avantajeaza,
Mda, am vazut poza ei, e ca mobby dick, in bluza neagra, botzita,
cu flocirele !

La 2006-06-20 01:43:36, Oriana a scris:
La 2006-06-20 00:58:19, Katty a scris:

in alerta de gradul zero !!! Tot risul !!! ?

Asta e de alerta, de tot ... plinsul!


Sweden is loaded with PROBLEMS.
A reader wrote Jonah Goldberg at the Corner :

* Police NO-go areas (for the FEW police they have)

* An ATROPHIED military (soon to be about 5000 troops)

* Cities that will SOON be Muslim majority

* Under-reported rise in VIOLENT crime (robbery, rape) by immigrants
who admit to being "AT WAR" with the Swedish State

and who claim to derive personal PLEASURE humiliating the
" WIMPY" Swedes

* Jihadism OPENLY preached and EXCUSED by Swedish ELITES

* Politicians who STUMP for votes in Pakistan where many Swedish
"citizens" spend much of their time

* An ALL-but-OPEN immigration policy that COSTS the state a vast

* An aggressive anti-nationalism that FORBIDS students from displaying
the Swedish FLAG at SCHOOL .......................RU-SI-NE !

* Hamas members officially WELCOMED;

* VIOLENT LEFTISTS and "anti-racist" groups who
IN-TI-MI-DA-TE people DARING to question the assumptions of Swedish
multiculturalism and immigration

* And, of course, an OFFICIAL anti- Israeli position that veers into
Baga de seama, astea le scrie un suedez !


Golanul (...@sympatico.ca, IP: 192.75.80...)
2006-06-20 04:27
Re:De tot risul este cine a scris aceasta prostie...

patriot din romania (...@yahoo.com, IP: 66.245.241...)
2006-06-20 07:30
Si pe "suedez" il cheama Goldberg

Oriana din Italia (...@hotmail.it, IP: 213.140.17...)
2006-06-20 08:58

asta e destul de suedez ?

Dar, in Romania, pe unul daca-l cheama Nagy, or Abdul, or Klaus, etc, pt.
poftele mata', nu e roman ???

News from Sweden

The Local

Radio Sweden

Media Culpa

Scandinavian blogs in English:

Bjorn Staerk
Thinking With My Fingers
Viking Observer
Stockholm Spectator
Secular Blasphemy
Ice and fire of thoughts
Finland for Thought
Tundra Tabloids

Katty (...@home.com, IP: 83.252.166...)
2006-06-20 11:27
Re: http://johannorberg.net/

Oriana din Italia (...@hotmail.it, IP: 213.140.17...)
2006-06-20 18:54

La 2006-06-20 11:27:04, Katty a scris:

> La 2006-06-20 08:58:25, Oriana a scris:

News from Sweden

The Local

Radio Sweden

Media Culpa

Scandinavian blogs in English:

Bjorn Staerk
> > Thinking With My Fingers
> > Viking Observer
> > Enough!
> > Stockholm Spectator
> > Watch
> > EGO
> > Simulev
> > jill/txt
> > Secular Blasphemy
> > Oslogirl
> > Brucebawer.com
> > Undercurrent
> > Ice and fire of thoughts
> > Finland for Thought
> > Tundra Tabloids

> Imi pare sincer rau de tine ca tara mea iti creaza atitea insomnii.

falsa cum esti, te si cred, siiigur. Si mie-mi pare si mai rau ca-mi
bagi pe gat linkuri cu fondatori de ku klux klan, D. Duxe.
Deci asta te inspira, banuiam eu ca era doar o fatzada comunismul tau.

> Moderatori va rog nu mai ma cenzurati !!!
Chiar asa, dar cum de-si permit ???


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