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  Nr. 3654 de marti, 20 iunie 2006 
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Pinkie din Franta (...@voila.fr, IP: 84.100.231...)
2006-06-20 01:12
Bushitu' testeaza & el noi arme ... ;-))


Oriana din Italia (...@hotmail.it, IP: 213.140.17...)
2006-06-20 02:19
si pinkie trinkie... testeaza capul de pereti

mah, nu te-ai plictisit de atata anti americanism, ca ai sa faci indigestie ?
Complexe de inferioritate franceze, cum bine zicea Jean Francois Revel,
in Obsesia anti-americana, mai ales a frantujilor - pe care pariez ca n-ai
citit-o, deh, prea absorbita de aiurelile lui nostradam-blagitu'.

Mos Grigore din Chicago (...@worldnet.att.net, IP: 68.164.227...)
2006-06-20 03:23
Re: Bushitu' testeaza & el noi arme ... ;-))

Oriana din Italia (...@hotmail.it, IP: 213.140.17...)
2006-06-20 03:28

Killing fields - public executions in North Korea

<< At great personal risk, undercover cameramen have smuggled the first film of PUBLIC EXECUTIONS out of North Korea. Mark Honigsbaum reports

A crowd gathers in a dusty field somewhere in North Korea. They have come to see a TRIAL but as the judge passes sentence they grow uneasy.
"Mum, I want to go", a CHILD is heard to whisper on the audio.
"Hold on", says the mother. "It looks scary".

The next moment, the camera judders and an official - presumably the judge - is heard to declare: "Kim Jong-il is great in comparison to these worthless CRIMINALS... they trafficked women across the border to China.
We have to build up a strong guard to keep these influences out".

Filmed secretly last March, the footage is a damning indictment of the ATROCITIES committed in the NAME of North Korea's COMMUNIST dictator Kim Jong-il, the ruler of ONE of the WORLD's MOST repressive regimes.

PUBLIC EXECUTIONS are a REGULAR occurrence in Kim's Stalinist state but until now they have never been captured on film. Just as importantly, the footage is the first hard evidence of the existence of an underground resistance network in North Korea.
Videos shot by others show corpses lying abandoned on the streets of the capital Pyongyang, the illegal sale of rice donated by the World Food Programme, scenes of casual brutality on trains and children scrabbling beneath a railway car for fertiliser with which to grow crops.

But while the undercover films expose the cruelty and corruption of life under Kim, it is the countertrade in smuggled South Korean movies and soap operas, showing how well people live under capitalism, that Park believes pose the greatest threat to Kim's dictatorship.

"One video stands for hundreds of thousands of things you are NOT allowed to speak about" , Park tells me, when I reach him by telephone.
"Before, the people could not imagine HOW POOR LIFE in North Korea really was.
Now, with the help of these videos, we are beginning to challenge these fixed ideas".>>


Daca ti-e atat de drag regimul ticnitului korean, ia un bilet de dus, pt. N.Korea, ca nu-ti mai trebuie si de intors...

roy (...@hotmail.com, IP: 84.228.193...)
2006-06-20 06:27
Re: si pinkie trinkie... testeaza capul de pereti

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