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  Nr. 3444 de marti, 4 octombrie 2005 
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Mos Grigore din Chicago (...@worldnet.att.net, IP: 208.207.43...)
2005-10-04 15:37
Uite ca nu tinu cu socialismu'! Business is business!

France's Chirac criticises EU commission
Tue Oct 4, 2005 07:52 AM ET

PARIS, Oct 4 (Reuters) - President Jacques Chirac criticised the European Union on Tuesday following its failure to help Paris persuade U.S. computer giant Hewlett Packard to reverse a decision to lay off more than 1,000 workers in France.

Chirac told a news conference many European citizens had the impression that the EU and its executive Commission were not doing enough to defend their interests.

"The vocation of Europe and of European institutions is also, and above all, to defend Europe, to defend the economic, financial and social interests of Europe," he said after talks with Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

Shadow din Franta (...@yahoo.com, IP: 213.41.108...)
2005-10-04 18:10
Re: Uite ca nu tinu cu socialismu'! Business is business! pt Mos Grigore

> France's Chirac criticises EU commission
> Tue Oct 4, 2005 07:52 AM ET
> PARIS, Oct 4 (Reuters) - President Jacques Chirac criticised the
> European Union on Tuesday following its failure to help Paris
> persuade U.S. computer giant Hewlett Packard to reverse a decision to
> lay off more than 1,000 workers in France.
> Chirac told a news conference many European citizens had the
> impression that the EU and its executive Commission were not doing
> enough to defend their interests.
> "The vocation of Europe and of European institutions is also, and
> above all, to defend Europe, to defend the economic, financial and
> social interests of Europe," he said after talks with Italian
> Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

Mosule prost nu e ala de cere ci ala care da. Le strica la francezi "media" aia 1000 de la hp ca sunt pe scadere somaj de 7 luni. Oricum au fost boi si ei ca "le-au dat" conditii de impozitare diferite decat "celorlalti" cand hp a cerut asta.

Zi mai bine in US nu-si pune chiar nimeni intrebari cum reuseste sa exporte hp in iran si coreea de nord chit ca sunt pe black list? Si sa-ti spun un secret ca nu o fac prin "Europa" ci prin Sauditi, Kuweitieni si mai nou irakieni. Nu-mi zice ca nu sti.

Oriana din Italia (...@hotmail.it, IP: 213.140.17...)
2005-10-04 18:22
Chirac spune un adevar sacro-saint !

l-am vazut si eu la tv, la conferinta de presa. Summit-ul franco italian trebuia sa aiba loc la Roma, dar Berlusca, amico, si-a dus ministrii (8) la Paris, ca sa nu-l oboseasca pe Monsieur Chirac in convalescenta.
Ai vazut ce rendez vous, bisou- bisou Chirac Berlusca ? S-o fi intors idiliul intre ei doi!


despre Comisia asta europeana, care nici de gand "to defend Europe, to defend the economic, financial and social interests of Europe".

De fapt summit-ul franco italian era programat la Roma, dar amico Berlusca si-a dus ministrii (8) la Paris ca sa-l menajeze pe amico Chirac, inca in convalescentza.
Ai vazut quelle tendresse intre ei doi, bisou - bisou, tarile ns. sunt surori latine, tra la la ?
Avem noi o expresie "fratelli coltelli"...

La 2005-10-04 15:37:57, Mos Grigore a scris:

> France's Chirac criticises EU commission
> Tue Oct 4, 2005 07:52 AM ET
> PARIS, Oct 4 (Reuters) - President Jacques Chirac criticised the
> European Union on Tuesday following its failure to help Paris
> persuade U.S. computer giant Hewlett Packard to reverse a decision to
> lay off more than 1,000 workers in France.
> Chirac told a news conference many European citizens had the
> impression that the EU and its executive Commission were not doing
> enough to defend their interests.
> "The vocation of Europe and of European institutions is also, and
> above all, to defend Europe, to defend the economic, financial and
> social interests of Europe," he said after talks with Italian
> Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

Mos Grigore din Chicago (...@worldnet.att.net, IP: 208.207.43...)
2005-10-04 18:51
Re: Uite ca nu tinu cu socialismu'! Business is business! pt Mos Grigore

La 2005-10-04 18:10:08, Shadow a scris:

> Mosule prost nu e ala de cere ci ala care da. Le strica la francezi
> "media" aia 1000 de la hp ca sunt pe scadere somaj de 7
> luni. Oricum au fost boi si ei ca "le-au dat" conditii de
> impozitare diferite decat "celorlalti" cand hp a cerut
> asta.

Nu stiu despre ce vorbesti; dar nu e neobisnuit sa se faca inlesniri la businessuri ca sa le atraga. Pe aici se poarta o groaza.
> Zi mai bine in US nu-si pune chiar nimeni intrebari cum reuseste sa
> exporte hp in iran si coreea de nord chit ca sunt pe black list?

Si ce ma rog exporta, ca HP face chestii curente nu supercomputere.

> sa-ti spun un secret ca nu o fac prin "Europa" ci prin
> Sauditi, Kuweitieni si mai nou irakieni.
Asta nu se poate evita cind apar intermediarii si pietele secundare, tertiare etc; dar e sigur ca platesc preopinentii de se sparg.

Nu-mi zice ca nu sti.
=========================================================habar nu aveam, n-am stock de HP, dar nici nu am impresioneaza. 

Mos Grigore din Chicago (...@worldnet.att.net, IP: 208.207.43...)
2005-10-04 19:07
Re: Uite ca tinu cu socialismu'! Ce faci Shadow, mergi pe jos?

La 2005-10-04 15:37:57, Mos Grigore a scris:

Strikes, protests put pressure on French govt

Tuesday October 4, 03:44 PM

PARIS (Reuters) - Tens of thousands of people demonstrated across France on Tuesday as a one-day strike snarled public transport, putting pressure on the government to change its labour and economic policies.

Some of the protesters demanded the resignation of conservative Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin after only four months in power as they marched through major cities such as Paris, Marseille, Advertisement

Bordeaux, Toulouse and Lyon.

The strike was called by all of France's main trade unions over low pay, a high unemployment of 9.9 percent of the workforce, falling living standards and a new law which makes it easier for small firms to sack staff. They also want to preserve the 35-hour working week.

Most public transport was not running in Marseille and Bordeaux and hundreds of flights were cancelled, most of them domestic. Trains, buses and subway services were affected to a lesser extent in many other cities.

"We're protesting against the insecurity of our jobs, over our salaries and because we're generally fed up," said Philippe du Pire, a transport worker marching under a white and red trade union flag in Paris.

Trade unions vowed to hold more protests unless their demands are met, sending a warning to Villepin that any reforms he plans could face major obstacles from the restive workforce.

"All the unions have already agreed to assess the action today and consider more if we do not get the appropriate responses to the complaints voiced in the street," Bernard Thibault, head of the large CGT union, told France 2 television.

Facing his toughest challenge since he took office, Villepin said he would listen to the protesters' demands and vowed to press on with policies intended to reduce high unemployment, boost industry and restore voters' confidence.

"I am listening the message sent by the French people," he told parliament. "They want results and that's what we are fighting for."

Villepin, 51, has enjoyed a surge in popularity since he was appointed by President Jacques Chirac on May 31 to revive the government's fortunes after French voters embarrassed it by rejecting the European Union's constitution.


High-speed international trains ran on time but rail traffic was hit in France. The SNCF state rail firm said 40 percent of regional services were running and 60 percent of high-speed TGV inter-city services were guaranteed.

Strikes by energy workers reduced power production, but there were no power cuts. Some schools were hit because teachers and canteen workers were on strike.

Strikes are watched nervously by governments in France because street protests in 1995 are seen as having been responsible for the defeat of conservative Prime Minister Alain Juppe in snap elections two years later.

Villepin's own chances of remaining in power, and perhaps running for the presidency in an election due in 2007, rest heavily on his ability to push through reforms while simultaneously restoring the confidence of voters.

Shadow din Franta (...@yahoo.com, IP: 213.41.108...)
2005-10-04 19:15
Re: Uite ca nu tinu cu socialismu'! Business is business! pt Oriana

Interesul de moment Oriana, ca "peste" tot. Oricum ideea cu Europa mica si puternica(nucleul dur) ii atrage pe "cei mari". Pana acuma Italia nu era "Fondator". Pe noi nu prea poate insa sa ne incalzeasca asta(pe romani) pt ca banii spre infrastructura, etc vor fi mai putini iar "puterea exemplului" nu e "de bine": -(. Mai bine ar alege o Europa intre granitele ei de drept si liberala dar "te incurci", nu se baga nimeni sa mai "taie" din drepturile "existente" deci pe termen "mediu" o sa ne manance chinezii si compania.

Restul inchiderea de "situri" etc e normala la "costurile" prea mari pe care le reprezinta unii sau altii. Daca mai stau mult sa "viseze" la europa sociala inainte de avea ce sa "socializeze" dispar.

Shadow din Franta (...@yahoo.com, IP: 213.41.108...)
2005-10-04 19:56
Re: Uite ca nu tinu cu socialismu'! Business is business! pt Mos Grigore

> Si ce ma rog exporta, ca HP face chestii curente nu supercomputere.

Face si servere destul de barosane chiar si pt lumea a X-a nu numai a III-a.

> Asta nu se poate evita cind apar intermediarii si pietele secundare,
> tertiare etc; dar e sigur ca platesc preopinentii de se sparg.

O sa razi dar platesc cu mult mai putin decat europenii de exemplu ca la americani nu stiu care sunt preturile la comenzi "barosane". Comparativ politica IBM este impecabila.

> nu
> aveam, n-am stock de HP, dar nici nu am impresioneaza.

Parca de "stock exchange" era vorba deh. Mie asta mi se pare mai dubios decat inchiderea unui sit de 1000 de lucratori "blindati de sindicalisti" si super scumpi.

Shadow din Franta (...@yahoo.com, IP: 213.41.108...)
2005-10-04 20:02
Re: Uite ca tinu cu socialismu'! Ce faci Shadow, mergi pe jos? pt Mosul

> PARIS (Reuters) - Tens of thousands of people demonstrated across
> France on Tuesday as a one-day strike snarled public transport,
> putting pressure on the government to change its labour and economic
> policies.

Ei se asteptau sa iasa un milion.

Nope merg cu masina ca de aia mi-a dat "statul" masina ca sa ma "plimb" cu ea :ppp.

Ete colegii sindicalisti s-au "cerut" azi in greva si au mers la manifestatie. In pauza am iesit sa mananc ceva la o carciuma si i-am gasit cu "vinul" in nas. Halal stimabililor si cum ramane cu "solidaritatea" etc. Cica nu s-au hotarat in care "loc" sa se stranga. Parca sunt in Romania zau asa.

motanul incaltat din USA (...@aol.com, IP: 207.200.116...)
2005-10-04 20:54
Re: Frantzuzul nu-i ca neamtzul......

La 2005-10-04 20:02:53, Shadow a scris:

> Ete colegii sindicalisti s-au "cerut" azi in greva si au
> mers la manifestatie. In pauza am iesit sa mananc ceva la o carciuma
> si i-am gasit cu "vinul" in nas. Halal stimabililor si cum
> ramane cu "solidaritatea" etc. Cica nu s-au hotarat in care
> "loc" sa se stranga. Parca sunt in Romania zau asa.

Le jambon et la bouteille de vin rouge...cam asta-i place frantzuzului !
Voua, romanilor care sinteti in Franta (si mai ales celor care sint specialisti de inalta calificare) stiu ca nu va place atitudinea socialista a lui Villepin : "cite putzin, dar la cit mai multi". Sint curios daca "le people" o sa-l aleaga presedinte. Mi se pare un tip ambitios, dar numai pentru propria-i persoana, un tip "ridicat" de Chirac, adica un fel de "Bombonel" de pe Sena, plin de ambitie ca o capusha.

Oriana din Italia (...@hotmail.it, IP: 213.140.17...)
2005-10-04 21:13
"Sint curios daca "le people" o sa-l aleaga presedinte (pe Villepin): jamais!

are toate sansele Monsieur Sarkosy !


La 2005-10-04 20:54:10, motanul incaltat a scris:
 Le jambon et la bouteille de vin rouge...cam asta-i place frantzuzului
> !
> Voua, romanilor care sinteti in Franta (si mai ales celor care sint
> specialisti de inalta calificare) stiu ca nu va place atitudinea
> socialista a lui Villepin : "cite putzin, dar la cit mai
> multi". Sint curios daca "le people" o sa-l aleaga
> presedinte. Mi se pare un tip ambitios, dar numai pentru propria-i
> persoana, un tip "ridicat" de Chirac, adica un fel de
> "Bombonel" de pe Sena, plin de ambitie ca o capusha.
> Motanul

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