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  Nr. 3400 de sambata, 13 august 2005 
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colibri din canada (...@yahoo.com, IP: 70.26.250...)
2005-08-14 21:39

Nu trebuie sa fi un expert in ale scandinaviei ca sa stii de problemele sociale care le provoaca alcoholul acolo ( la fel in Irlanda, Islanda):

"But they did little to reshape Sweden's real problem: the way in which people view alcohol.

While southern Europeans tend to incorporate drinking with eating and find outward signs of intoxication embarrassing, the tradition in Sweden, and other Scandinavian countries, is to drink less often but with the intention of getting drunk.

While their southern counterparts have more long-term health problems that are associated with drinking, the Swedish drinking pattern leads to high rates of violence, accidents, suicide, homicide and addiction, experts say.

"The Nordic style of drinking is problematic," said Robin Room, an alcoholism expert at the Center for Social Research on Alcohol and Drugs. "People here value intoxication. You hear people here say they are going to get drunk this weekend, which you do not hear in southern European countries. In the south, they drink, in many cases, more, but it is a quiet problem. Here it produces very public social problems."


roy (...@hotmail.com, IP: 80.230.77...)
2005-08-14 22:36
Re: colibri


Vezi ca daca scrii asa ceva, vine Katza furioasa si pe loc te mitraliaza.
Ba si Anticomie vine ca un spin de maracine.

La 2005-08-14 21:39:46, colibri a scris:

> Nu trebuie sa fi un expert in ale scandinaviei ca sa stii de
> problemele sociale care le provoaca alcoholul acolo ( la fel in
> Irlanda, Islanda):
> "But they did little to reshape Sweden's real problem: the way in
> which people view alcohol.
> While southern Europeans tend to incorporate drinking with eating and
> find outward signs of intoxication embarrassing, the tradition in
> Sweden, and other Scandinavian countries, is to drink less often but
> with the intention of getting drunk.
> While their southern counterparts have more long-term health problems
> that are associated with drinking, the Swedish drinking pattern leads
> to high rates of violence, accidents, suicide, homicide and addiction,
> experts say.
> "The Nordic style of drinking is problematic," said Robin
> Room, an alcoholism expert at the Center for Social Research on
> Alcohol and Drugs. "People here value intoxication. You hear
> people here say they are going to get drunk this weekend, which you
> do not hear in southern European countries. In the south, they drink,
> in many cases, more, but it is a quiet problem. Here it produces very
> public social problems."
> http://www.janda.org/b20/News%20articles/alcohol_in_sweden.htm

Morkova Vesela din Mandolinia (...@canada.com, IP: 67.69.39...)
2005-08-14 22:51
Re: Katty

da, ai ciocul mic, dar canta bine!
totusi, sa fiu in lucul ei, mi-ar fi frica, ca zbori din pistil in in pistil si din inflorescenta in inflorescenta.

La 2005-08-14 21:39:46, colibri a scris:

> Nu trebuie sa fi un expert in ale scandinaviei ca sa stii de
> problemele sociale care le provoaca alcoholul acolo ( la fel in
> Irlanda, Islanda):
> "But they did little to reshape Sweden's real problem: the way in
> which people view alcohol.
> While southern Europeans tend to incorporate drinking with eating and
> find outward signs of intoxication embarrassing, the tradition in
> Sweden, and other Scandinavian countries, is to drink less often but
> with the intention of getting drunk.
> While their southern counterparts have more long-term health problems
> that are associated with drinking, the Swedish drinking pattern leads
> to high rates of violence, accidents, suicide, homicide and addiction,
> experts say.
> "The Nordic style of drinking is problematic," said Robin
> Room, an alcoholism expert at the Center for Social Research on
> Alcohol and Drugs. "People here value intoxication. You hear
> people here say they are going to get drunk this weekend, which you
> do not hear in southern European countries. In the south, they drink,
> in many cases, more, but it is a quiet problem. Here it produces very
> public social problems."
> http://www.janda.org/b20/News%20articles/alcohol_in_sweden.htm

Katty din Växjö Suedia (...@home.com, IP: 213.64.59...)
2005-08-14 22:56
Re: Katty

La 2005-08-14 21:39:46, colibri a scris:

> Nu trebuie sa fi un expert in ale scandinaviei ca sa stii de
> problemele sociale care le provoaca alcoholul acolo ( la fel in
> Irlanda, Islanda):
> "But they did little to reshape Sweden's real problem: the way in
> which people view alcohol.
> While southern Europeans tend to incorporate drinking with eating and
> find outward signs of intoxication embarrassing, the tradition in
> Sweden, and other Scandinavian countries, is to drink less often but
> with the intention of getting drunk.
> While their southern counterparts have more long-term health problems
> that are associated with drinking, the Swedish drinking pattern leads
> to high rates of violence, accidents, suicide, homicide and addiction,
> experts say.
> "The Nordic style of drinking is problematic," said Robin
> Room, an alcoholism expert at the Center for Social Research on
> Alcohol and Drugs. "People here value intoxication. You hear
> people here say they are going to get drunk this weekend, which you
> do not hear in southern European countries. In the south, they drink,
> in many cases, more, but it is a quiet problem. Here it produces very
> public social problems."

Nu va suparati alcolist nu este cel ce bea un drink in weekend chiar daca poate se pileste , alcolist este cel ce bea zilnic , care are dependenta de alcool. Asta este definitia pe care o dau mediciii. In tarile din sudul Europei se bea mai mult decit in nord. Pune numai doua pahare de cite 150ml de vin pe zi la masa pe care le bea meridionalul si iese o medie de 2 litri pe saptamina. si tot nu se poate vorbi de alcoolism daca bei doua pahare de vin pe zi. Alcoolist este cel ce nu se poate abtin pentru care alcoolul a devenit ca un drog si trebuie sa si-l ia zilnic. Suedezul nu iti bea doi litri de vin de persoana in weekend sorry. Avem alcoolisti , ce tara nu are , insa aloolismul nu este inca o problema ca in alte parti. Si nici bere tare in timul saptamanii. Nu generalizati !!!

> http://www.janda.org/b20/News%20articles/alcohol_in_sweden.htm

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