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  Nr. 3386 de joi, 28 iulie 2005 
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lucid din Bucuresti (...@yahoo.com, IP: 194.102.59...)
2005-07-28 11:34
multzumesc, G A !

De mult nu mai m-am distrat ca la randurile despre "the flypaper strategy". Ce genii domne !

PANTAGRUEL (...@hotmail.com, IP: 62.49.15...)
2005-07-28 13:47
Re: multzumesc, G A !

Dle Lucid, va credeam lucid.Sunt uimit cum puteti multumi acestui pseudo intelectual pentru ceva care nu-i apartine. Va credeam un om informat, asteptam o dezbatere. Probabil ca sunteti pe fuga.Si zau nu e nevoie de Z in osana.

Robin din http://www.ziualibera.blogspot.com/ (...@yahoo.ca, IP: 170.248.94...)
2005-07-28 16:21
Uite ba, lucide, fi-ti-ar dialogu' de ris, inca unu' care ameninta...


While his public comments run against the conciliatory tone of Muslim leaders who have lately spoken out against terrorism, Mr. Hindy is not alone.

Other Canadian Islamic leaders also question why Muslims must speak out against acts of extremism in Britain, especially given the carnage that takes place daily in Iraq.

For example, Tariq Abdelhaleem of the Dar Al-Arqam Islamic Centre in Mississauga recently posted an open letter to Prime Minister Paul Martin on his centre's website.

While condemning the attacks in the United Kingdom, Mr. Abdelhaleem says the bombings took place because "it is the country that is helping the American crusaders (or neo-conservatives if you wish) to kill innocent Muslims, and try to change the face of the Islamic faith in the Middle East.

"The attacks did not target Canada, Holland [for instance] or any other country," he writes. "It was a wise decision by your predecessor, Mr. Chrétien, to disassociate Canada from such imperialistic practices. That decision was made to protect the Canadian public."


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