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  Nr. 3380 de joi, 21 iulie 2005 
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Comentarii: 72, forum ACTIV

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Dan Bostan
2005-07-20 23:03:21


e un comunist resunoscut.
Rusine Angliei ca il tolereaza.

2005-07-20 23:39:44

Re: Livingston

Daca ziceai "rusine lui" era una. Insa "rusine Angliei ca il tolereaza" arata ca simptomele bolii sint prezente.

2005-07-20 23:40:07

Cei care se indoiau de politica lui Blair...

...incep acum s-o faca pe fata si din ce in ce mai vocal. Retineti, am spus politica lui Blair caci de politica lui Bush nu cred ca s-au amagit vreodata britanicii/continentalii.

Pe de alta parte, ce scurta memorie are si Lordul, primar al Londrei, Livingston. N-au fost britanicii cei care au importat mizeria politico-terorista in OM? Sa-i acuzi pe americani ca au asigurat petrol la preturi rezonabile pentru TOATA lumea mi se pare rau voitor cand vine de la o asemenea inaltime. Dar deh, camasa teroristului 'britanic' ii este mai aproape de piele d-lui Livingston decat haina americana. Cand mi-l inchipui pe acesta cu peruca si tinuta aceea pompoasa a lor aproape ca-i pot trece cu vederea...

2005-07-20 23:49:19

Re: Livingston

La 2005-07-20 23:03:21, Dan Bostan a scris:

> e un comunist resunoscut.
> Rusine Angliei ca il tolereaza.

o fi, daca spui tu. te cre' pe cuvint fin'ca n-am citit articolu' si nici nu-l cunosc pe omuletz.

da' ce propui cu "Rusine Angliei ca il tolereaza"?

2005-07-21 00:07:51

Ca de obicei, la D. E.( I assume ca e vorba de Departament Externe- ca la Militzie, este?)se aduna ...

... totzi stingisti-natzionalistii!
N-ar fi mai bine, ca sa nu va dezmintzitzi,sa lasatzi comentariile proaste , neinspirate si foarte adesea copiate si pur si simplu sa luatzi de la bogatzi ca sa-mpartzitzi celor saraci? asa, cu japka!Ca se-ncadreaza fix in ideologia la care va-nchinatzi din tata-n fiu!

De la bogatzii locali, vreau sa spun: aia care, maaama ce vile au, maaama ce masini luxoase, maama ce tzoale, unde mai gasesti bunastare ca-n Romania...
Mai meshterilor, jurnalishti capitalishti ce sintetzi ! "Vilele" si "limuzinele" si "restaurantele"si "cluburile" alea sint in ce mai mare proportzie de risul lumii(lumea larga, nu lumea voastra!)! Nu va mai laudatzi degeaba, ca va ride si Kandaharul!

P.S. Si sa transmitetzi detzinatorilor de "vile" dintr-alea , minca-v-as, sa puna mina sa le mai spoiasca, sa le mai curetze, mai schimbe un acoperis( str. Andrei Muresanu-Bucharest comes to mind-ori n-au bani ?). Angajatzi pe cineva, datzi oamenilor de lucru!
Iar "propretarilor" sublimului "restaurant" Aquarius, preferatul celor cu bani grei, nenicule,( altfel cu pretzuri cel mult medii, de exceptzional ce este ) sa-i transmitetzi sa-i fie o rushine internatzionala cu asa un "meniu" si o "bucatarie". Sa nici nu pomenim de servicii
( prin servicii nu intzelegem ca cineva trebuie sa ne cada in genunchi la orice pas!Bine? N-avem nevoie de servitori!).
E mai placut la bufetul satului decit in facaturi ca asta!
Acuma sa ma cenzuratzi si slujitzi cauza Internatzionalei!

2005-07-21 00:50:18

Re: Livingston

La 2005-07-20 23:03:21, Dan Bostan a scris:

> e un comunist resunoscut.
> Rusine Angliei ca il tolereaza.

Scumpul meu bostanel, "prietenul" tau a fost ales pe post si chiar de doua ori !!!!! Asa ca nu doar el e comunist ci toata Londra !!! (majoritatea mai precis )

Asa ca poti spune doar: "Rusine Angliei ca ... e comunista " !!!!

2005-07-21 00:52:53

Re: Cei care se indoiau de politica lui Blair... rectificare

La 2005-07-20 23:40:07, flachi a scris:

> ...incep acum s-o faca pe fata si din ce in ce mai vocal. Retineti, am
> spus politica lui Blair caci de politica lui Bush nu cred ca s-au
> amagit vreodata britanicii/continentalii.
> Pe de alta parte, ce scurta memorie are si Lordul, primar al Londrei,
> Livingston. N-au fost britanicii cei care au importat mizeria
> politico-terorista in OM? Sa-i acuzi pe americani ca au asigurat
> petrol la preturi rezonabile pentru TOATA lumea mi se pare rau voitor
> cand vine de la o asemenea inaltime. Dar deh, camasa teroristului
> 'britanic' ii este mai aproape de piele d-lui Livingston decat haina
> americana. Cand mi-l inchipui pe acesta cu peruca si tinuta aceea
> pompoasa a lor aproape ca-i pot trece cu vederea...

"Lordul, primar al Londrei" asta e altul !!
Livingston e doar primar al Londrei

2005-07-21 01:18:58

Val, multam pt. rectificare

da dom'le. pentru cine vrea sa mai vada: http://www.london.gov.uk/mayor/mayorbiog.jsp

> "Lordul, primar al Londrei" asta e altul !!
> Livingston e doar primar al Londrei

2005-07-21 04:08:38

Re: Livingston... de ce crezi ca i se spune "Red Ken"...

... din cauza bujorilor din obrajori ?

Daca se simte asa vinovat, in calitate de occidental, de ce nu s-o fi spanzurand (sa nu se mai chinuie...) ?

La 2005-07-20 23:03:21, Dan Bostan a scris:

> e un comunist resunoscut.
> Rusine Angliei ca il tolereaza.

Radu Dragan
2005-07-21 06:21:26

Rahat cu apa rece, Livingston!

Ce se antampla daca la amenintarile astea teroriste vom raspunde
ca Regan la zidul rushinii la Berlin:
Daca vreun singur cetatean al lumii libere va fi ranit de pritivismul
fascismului-islamic MECCA va fi spulberata de pe fata pamantului!
Va pune asta pe ganduri teroristii si bogatii Arabiei Saudite care pompeaza bani in afacerile astea sangeroase?

2005-07-21 06:52:28

Re: Rahat cu apa rece, Livingston!

Radule, pe timpul lui Reagan se stia mult mai bine cine era inamicul. Acum e mult mai greu sa-ti dai seama, mai ales cand vorbesti de cetateni nascuti/crescuti in occident.

Pe de alta parte, Mecca apartine fundamentalistilor in aceeasi masura in care apartine si celorlalti. Fara a cunoaste episodul la care faci referinta, nu cred totusi ca Reagan ar fi amenintat cu distrugerea Coloanei infinitului de la Tg. Jiu, a Ermitajului sau a vreunei biserici ortodoxe...

La 2005-07-21 06:21:26, Radu Dragan a scris:

> Ce se antampla daca la amenintarile astea teroriste vom raspunde
> ca Regan la zidul rushinii la Berlin:
> Daca vreun singur cetatean al lumii libere va fi ranit de pritivismul
> fascismului-islamic MECCA va fi spulberata de pe fata pamantului!
> Va pune asta pe ganduri teroristii si bogatii Arabiei Saudite care
> pompeaza bani in afacerile astea sangeroase?

2005-07-21 07:05:21

Radule, locuiesti in statul Colorado?

La 2005-07-21 06:21:26, Radu Dragan a scris:

> Ce se antampla daca la amenintarile astea teroriste vom raspunde
> ca Regan la zidul rushinii la Berlin:
> Daca vreun singur cetatean al lumii libere va fi ranit de pritivismul
> fascismului-islamic MECCA va fi spulberata de pe fata pamantului!
> Va pune asta pe ganduri teroristii si bogatii Arabiei Saudite care
> pompeaza bani in afacerile astea sangeroase?

Congressman suggests way to retaliate for nuclear terror
Spokesman: Tancredo was speaking hypothetically

DENVER, Colorado (AP) -- A Colorado congressman told a radio show host that the U.S. could "take out" Islamic holy sites if Muslim fundamentalist terrorists attacked the country with nuclear weapons.

Rep. Tom Tancredo made his remarks Friday on WFLA-AM in Orlando, Florida. His spokesman stressed he was only speaking hypothetically.

Talk show host Pat Campbell asked the Littleton Republican how the country should respond if terrorists struck several U.S. cities with nuclear weapons.

"Well, what if you said something like -- if this happens in the United States, and we determine that it is the result of extremist, fundamentalist Muslims, you know, you could take out their holy sites," Tancredo answered.

"You're talking about bombing Mecca," Campbell said.

"Yeah," Tancredo responded.

The congressman later said he was "just throwing out some ideas" and that an "ultimate threat" might have to be met with an "ultimate response."

Spokesman Will Adams said Sunday the four-term congressman doesn't support threatening holy Islamic sites but that Tancredo was grappling with the hypothetical situation of a terrorist strike deadlier than the September 11, 2001, attacks.

"We have an enemy with no uniform, no state, who looks like you and me and only emerges right before an attack. How do we go after someone like that?" Adams said.

"What is near and dear to them? They're willing to sacrifice everything in this world for the next one. What is the pressure point that would deter them from their murderous impulses?" he said.

2005-07-21 09:04:19

Re: Cei care se indoiau de politica lui Blair...

Toarsu' analistu´, inainte de rezbelu¨ din Irak nu exista cumva petrol la preturi rezonabile pentru toata lumea??? La preturi chiar mai rezonabile decat acum??

La 2005-07-20 23:40:07, flachi a scris:

> ...incep acum s-o faca pe fata si din ce in ce mai vocal. Retineti, am
> spus politica lui Blair caci de politica lui Bush nu cred ca s-au
> amagit vreodata britanicii/continentalii.
> Pe de alta parte, ce scurta memorie are si Lordul, primar al Londrei,
> Livingston. N-au fost britanicii cei care au importat mizeria
> politico-terorista in OM? Sa-i acuzi pe americani ca au asigurat
> petrol la preturi rezonabile pentru TOATA lumea mi se pare rau voitor
> cand vine de la o asemenea inaltime. Dar deh, camasa teroristului
> 'britanic' ii este mai aproape de piele d-lui Livingston decat haina
> americana. Cand mi-l inchipui pe acesta cu peruca si tinuta aceea
> pompoasa a lor aproape ca-i pot trece cu vederea...

2005-07-21 10:47:22

Re: Radule, locuiesti in statul Colorado?

La 2005-07-21 07:05:21, flachi a scris:

> La 2005-07-21 06:21:26, Radu Dragan a scris:

Flachi, m-am uitat pe mediafax si m-a distrat tare ce a ajuns acolo din declaratia "ipotetica" a lui Tancredo. Ia uite:

"Un congresman american a propus, in mai multe interventii in presa, bombardarea locurilor sfinte ale Islamului pentru a raspunde atacurilor teroriste, relateaza AFP."


> Congressman suggests way to retaliate for nuclear terror
> Spokesman: Tancredo was speaking hypothetically
> DENVER, Colorado (AP) -- A Colorado congressman told a radio show host
> that the U.S. could "take out" Islamic holy sites if Muslim
> fundamentalist terrorists attacked the country with nuclear weapons.
> Rep. Tom Tancredo made his remarks Friday on WFLA-AM in Orlando,
> Florida. His spokesman stressed he was only speaking hypothetically.
> Talk show host Pat Campbell asked the Littleton Republican how the
> country should respond if terrorists struck several U.S. cities with
> nuclear weapons.
> "Well, what if you said something like -- if this happens in the
> United States, and we determine that it is the result of extremist,
> fundamentalist Muslims, you know, you could take out their holy
> sites," Tancredo answered.
> "You're talking about bombing Mecca," Campbell said.
> "Yeah," Tancredo responded.
> The congressman later said he was "just throwing out some
> ideas" and that an "ultimate threat" might have to be
> met with an "ultimate response."
> Spokesman Will Adams said Sunday the four-term congressman doesn't
> support threatening holy Islamic sites but that Tancredo was
> grappling with the hypothetical situation of a terrorist strike
> deadlier than the September 11, 2001, attacks.
> "We have an enemy with no uniform, no state, who looks like you
> and me and only emerges right before an attack. How do we go after
> someone like that?" Adams said.
> "What is near and dear to them? They're willing to sacrifice
> everything in this world for the next one. What is the pressure point
> that would deter them from their murderous impulses?" he said.

2005-07-21 10:56:44

Re: Cei care se indoiau de politica lui Blair...

La 2005-07-21 09:04:19, GeorgeM a scris:

> Toarsu' analistu´, inainte de rezbelu¨ din Irak nu exista
> cumva petrol la preturi rezonabile pentru toata lumea??? La preturi
> chiar mai rezonabile decat acum??

Ba da frate:)) Da' dom' primar vorbea de ultimii 80 ani:) Adica de 80 ani americanii asigura petrol la preturi rezonabile pentru toata lumea si, vez' Doamne, d-aia e teroristi:)) Ca de 80 ani..,


Mos Grigore
2005-07-21 15:17:14

Re: Radule, locuiesti in statul Colorado?

La 2005-07-21 10:47:22, George-Felix a scris:

> La 2005-07-21 07:05:21, flachi a scris:
> > La 2005-07-21 06:21:26, Radu Dragan a scris:
>  Flachi, m-am uitat pe mediafax si m-a distrat tare ce a ajuns
> acolo din declaratia "ipotetica" a lui Tancredo. Ia uite:
> "Un congresman american a propus, in mai multe interventii in
> presa, bombardarea locurilor sfinte ale Islamului pentru a raspunde
> atacurilor teroriste, relateaza AFP."
>  Felix

Cind va spun eu sa dati dracu media RO ca mijloc de informare, nu ma credeti!

Tineti-o numai ca motiv de bascalie si merge! 

2005-07-21 15:31:49

Apetentza subliminala pentru simfonia distrugerii

shi retur !

Mos Grigore
2005-07-21 16:16:56

Here we go again!

Explosions reported on London tube, bus -police

9 minutes ago

Emergency services rushed to three London underground stations in London on Thursday after reports of explosions two weeks after bomb attacks killed more than 50 people in the British capital.

London fire brigade said smoke was seen coming from one train and there were also reports of a minor explosion on a bus in the Hackney area of east London. Its windows were blown out.

Transport authorities said no one was reported injured in the incidents. London police said they were not treating the emergencies as "a major incident yet."

Sky TV, quoting a police source, said the explosions were detonators rather than bombs themselves.

One witness told Sky TV a passenger on a train near Warren Street underground station had told him there had been a small explosion in a passenger's rucksack.

"The rucksack was blown open by the force of a minor explosion," he said.

London's entire underground network was reported to be closed down and streets were cordoned off near the incidents.

But a source at the underground transport company said one nail bomb exploded at Warren Street underground station. There were also unconfirmed reports of a shooting.

One witness said he was told by a fellow passenger that a small explosion blew apart a rucksack on one underground train.

Bomb attacks on three underground trains and a bus in London killed 56 people, including the four bombers, on July 7.

A spokesman at Scotland Yard police headquarters told Reuters: "We can confirm emergency services are responding to reports of incidents at three locations on the underground -- Oval, Warren Street and Shepherd's Bush."

The Fire Brigade said Warren Street underground station was evacuated after reports smoke was seen coming out of a train.

A television reporter at Oval underground station said police had cordoned off the area and brought in sniffer dogs.

2005-07-21 16:30:44

Iarasi bombe la Londra... Acum o ora. 3 linii de metro inchise

Deocamdata nu sant raportate victime.

2005-07-21 16:56:03

Re: Iarasi bombe la Londra... Acum o ora. 3 linii de metro inchise

O sa mori visand o Europa in flacari.
Ce trist...

2005-07-21 17:12:41

A cincia explozie raportata chiar acum. Politzia verifica daca nu au fost folosite materiale chimice /ndc


2005-07-21 17:16:07

Re: Sobru

Esti un magar!
La 2005-07-21 16:56:03, Sobru a scris:

> O sa mori visand o Europa in flacari.
> Ce trist...

Radu Dragan
2005-07-21 17:19:47

Re: Radule, locuiesti in statul Colorado?

Locuiesc in Patagonia!
De aici lucrurile aunt mai clare, numai ca acum e cam iarna!

2005-07-21 17:20:36

Re: Iarasi bombe la Londra... Acum o ora. 3 linii de metro inchise

La 2005-07-21 16:56:03, Sobru a scris:

> O sa mori visand o Europa in flacari.
> Ce trist...

E pe bune Sobrule! SUnt linii de metrou inchise si a ost o explozie mica intr-un autobuz. Inca nu se stie daca a fost atac tero sau nu.


2005-07-21 17:33:21

Re: Iarasi bombe la Londra... Acum o ora. 3 linii de metro inchise

La 2005-07-21 16:56:03, Sobru a scris:

> O sa mori visand o Europa in flacari.
> Ce trist...

Sectoristule, tu esti omul lui Ben L. la Ploiesti? Nu mai vorbi prostii atita, ce iti pare asa de rau de Sadam si securistii lui? Iti pare rau si dupa Ceausescu se pare. Ai facut parte din gasca lui Plesita?

2005-07-21 17:58:40

Re: Cei care se indoiau de politica lui Blair.../GeorgeM si celor confuzi inca de politica externa americana

George, cred ca Felix ti-a dat un raspuns. Pentru un cadru mai larg, iata o trimitere la peromaneste.com unde am publicat recent:

Incotro se indreapta lumea?

Pentru cititorii peromaneste, iata un interviu recent cu H. Kissinger, fostul ministru de externe si consilier pe probleme de aparare al Presedintelui Nixon. Pozitiile sale pot oferi raspunsuri multora care (se) intreaba despre mersul lucrurilor in lumea contemporana. Considerand varsta si pozitia sa pe traiectoria profesionala, putem lua (multe din) opiniile sale de bune.

Pentru continuare, mergi la peromaneste si cauta postarea "Incotro se indreapta lumea?"

Nici mie nu-mi place Bush in multe cazuri (ce bine ca-i insurat), insa la politica externa americana isi pun mintea (si) oameni care n-au sarit clasele de istorie...

America are un contract nescris cu restul lumii de a asigura Pax Americana. Basescu a inteles asta si s-a ajustat. Acum asteapta rezultatele. In masura in care Pax Americana nu (ti-)e de ajuns, se va schimba, insa sa fim atenti la alternative.

La 2005-07-21 09:04:19, GeorgeM a scris:

> Toarsu' analistu´, inainte de rezbelu¨ din Irak nu exista
> cumva petrol la preturi rezonabile pentru toata lumea??? La preturi
> chiar mai rezonabile decat acum??
> La 2005-07-20 23:40:07, flachi a scris:
> > ...incep acum s-o faca pe fata si din ce in ce mai vocal. Retineti, am
> > spus politica lui Blair caci de politica lui Bush nu cred ca s-au
> > amagit vreodata britanicii/continentalii.
> >
> > Pe de alta parte, ce scurta memorie are si Lordul, primar al Londrei,
> > Livingston. N-au fost britanicii cei care au importat mizeria
> > politico-terorista in OM? Sa-i acuzi pe americani ca au asigurat
> > petrol la preturi rezonabile pentru TOATA lumea mi se pare rau voitor
> > cand vine de la o asemenea inaltime. Dar deh, camasa teroristului
> > 'britanic' ii este mai aproape de piele d-lui Livingston decat haina
> > americana. Cand mi-l inchipui pe acesta cu peruca si tinuta aceea
> > pompoasa a lor aproape ca-i pot trece cu vederea...
> >

2005-07-21 18:24:08

Re: A cincia explozie raportata chiar acum. Politzia verifica daca nu au fost folosite materiale chimice /ndc

La 2005-07-21 17:12:41, roy a scris:

>  Ocupatia israiliana incita musulmanii iar voi vreti sa dovediti ca lupta a anceput fara sa amintiti nimic despre ocupatie. Cand se intampla ceva in europa toti veniti si va bucurati de parca voi luati parte la aceste atentate . 
>  > 

2005-07-21 18:28:16

Re: Iarasi bombe la Londra... Acum o ora. 3 linii de metro inchise-felix

N-am spus ca nu-i pe bune(bodaproste ca se pare ca nu s-a intamplat nimic grav). Nu pot sa nu remarc insa tresaririle de bucurie ale celor care vor sa li se confirme teoriile gen "razboiul islamului" bla bla.
Din pacate, e probabil ca englezii sa mai faca un pas spre distrugerea propriei libertati. Societatea occidentala este de fapt extrem de vulnerabila, pentru ca oamenii au devenit dependenti de confort, si orice pericol se transforma in psihoza.
Vom vedea deci cat de curajosi sint britanicii, in masura in care nu vor accepta nici o renuntare la principiile democratice. Asta abia inseamna curaj, si nu persistarea in eroare.

2005-07-21 18:37:02

Deci atentatele CIA / Mossad continua?

La 2005-07-21 17:12:41, roy a scris:

>  xxxx

2005-07-21 18:41:36

Re: Here we go again!

"The rucksack was blown open by the force of a minor
explosion," he said.

Hmm! Si atentatorul n-a murit!? Cu o explozie in spate. Hai ca-i tare!

"A television reporter at Oval underground station said police had
cordoned off the area and brought in sniffer dogs. "

Ha, ha, ha!!! Te pomenesti ca sant bombe cu droguri.

La 2005-07-21 16:16:56, Mos Grigore a scris:

> Explosions reported on London tube, bus -police
> 9 minutes ago
> Emergency services rushed to three London underground stations in
> London on Thursday after reports of explosions two weeks after bomb
> attacks killed more than 50 people in the British capital.
> London fire brigade said smoke was seen coming from one train and
> there were also reports of a minor explosion on a bus in the Hackney
> area of east London. Its windows were blown out.
> Transport authorities said no one was reported injured in the
> incidents. London police said they were not treating the emergencies
> as "a major incident yet."
> Sky TV, quoting a police source, said the explosions were detonators
> rather than bombs themselves.
> One witness told Sky TV a passenger on a train near Warren Street
> underground station had told him there had been a small explosion in
> a passenger's rucksack.
> "The rucksack was blown open by the force of a minor
> explosion," he said.
> London's entire underground network was reported to be closed down and
> streets were cordoned off near the incidents.
> But a source at the underground transport company said one nail bomb
> exploded at Warren Street underground station. There were also
> unconfirmed reports of a shooting.
> One witness said he was told by a fellow passenger that a small
> explosion blew apart a rucksack on one underground train.
> Bomb attacks on three underground trains and a bus in London killed 56
> people, including the four bombers, on July 7.
> A spokesman at Scotland Yard police headquarters told Reuters:
> "We can confirm emergency services are responding to reports of
> incidents at three locations on the underground -- Oval, Warren
> Street and Shepherd's Bush."
> The Fire Brigade said Warren Street underground station was evacuated
> after reports smoke was seen coming out of a train.
> A television reporter at Oval underground station said police had
> cordoned off the area and brought in sniffer dogs.

2005-07-21 18:43:11

Re: A cincia explozie raportata chiar acum. Politzia verifica daca nu au fost folosite materiale chimice /ndc

La 2005-07-21 18:24:08, Doro a scris:

"Cand se intampla ceva in europa toti veniti si va bucurati de parca voi luati parte la aceste atentate . "

De fapt chiar asa e. Nu e clar!?

2005-07-21 18:46:13

Pune mina pe biblie !

La 2005-07-21 18:24:08, Doro a scris:

> La 2005-07-21 17:12:41, roy a scris:
> > 
> >  Ocupatia israiliana incita musulmanii iar voi vreti sa dovediti ca lupta a anceput fara sa amintiti nimic despre ocupatie. Cand se intampla ceva in europa toti veniti si va bucurati de parca voi luati parte la aceste atentate . 
> >  > 
Teritoriul " ocupat " .... westBank este JUDEEA. Este evreiasca de pe vremea cind mergea isus calare pe magaritza.
Arabii au venit in sec 7-lea si au ocupat teritorii pina in Spania ( daca nu stiai ! ). Palestinienii sint corcituri si ei sint genetic mai aproape de " romanasii " din Giulesti deci fata de arabi. Si au venit dupa arabi. Ceva din triburile Tshigani am avut si noi parte.

2005-07-21 19:01:17

Re: A cincia explozie raportata chiar acum. Politzia verifica daca nu au fost folosite materiale chimice /ndc

Dar in Algeria sau in Saudia cine ii incita, spetzialistule?

De unde stii ca eu ma bucur, unde am scris asta, bey cap de furnica?!
La 2005-07-21 18:24:08, Doro a scris:

> La 2005-07-21 17:12:41, roy a scris:
> > 
> >  Ocupatia israiliana incita musulmanii iar voi vreti sa dovediti ca lupta a anceput fara sa amintiti nimic despre ocupatie. Cand se intampla ceva in europa toti veniti si va bucurati de parca voi luati parte la aceste atentate . 
> >  > 

Giuseppe Cocos
2005-07-21 19:05:29

Terorism la Londra

mare bucurie la Tel-Aviv ......

Giuseppe Cocos
2005-07-21 19:07:28

Lumea-i mai siguranta fara Sadam, nu-i asa ?

cred ca este timpul ca Englezii sa-si scoata staegurile de la naftalina si sa le fluture in stil patriotic ...

Mos Grigore
2005-07-21 19:08:41

Re: Iarasi bombe la Londra... Acum o ora. 3 linii de metro inchise

La 2005-07-21 17:33:21, alan a scris:

> La 2005-07-21 16:56:03, Sobru a scris:
> > O sa mori visand o Europa in flacari.
> > Ce trist...
> > 
> Sectoristule, tu esti omul lui Ben L. la Ploiesti? Nu mai vorbi
> prostii atita, ce iti pare asa de rau de Sadam si securistii lui?
> Iti pare rau si dupa Ceausescu se pare. Ai facut parte din gasca lui
> Plesita?

Nici vorba, e doar un timpit maruntel si neputincios, oficat de nimicnicia lui, care doar isi da importanta bagindu-se ca musca in ......calului.

Se crede mare in baleguta lui, pina cind vine balega urmatoare si-l ineaca! 

2005-07-21 19:16:50



We see in the London bombing the Mossad and their assorted affiliates trying to correct a particular problem that occurred for them on 9/11 and in Madrid. On 9/11 they could not reveal the CCTV videos because there were no hijackers taped. On 3/11 they could not reveal the CCTV videos because there were no bomb carrying passengers taped.

The logistics of the London bombing, including the type of explosive, placement, timing, and detonation were like Madrid, so once again, the CCTV videos could not record passengers carrying bombs because there were none. What to do?

If they followed the Madrid plan they would once again have to suppress the videos.

Why do they need videos?

They need videos to show "proof" of Muslim suicide bombers. Creating terror to blame on Muslims is the whole point. They could have used the same technique to blow the trains as they did in Madrid, but as they learned in Madrid, Muslims were not the first and only suspects. When you have more than one suspect it means investigation. Investigation is what you want to avoid.

They could not trust to chance that even thousands of hours of London Underground video would reveal a Muslim carrying a suspicious pack, who had also conveniently disappeared in the blast – and multiplied by three? No chance. What to do?

The initial idea was fairly simple: Get a video of four Muslims carrying packs. Place them in London a short time before the bombing, and then kill them all at the proper time. "Placing" in London does not necessarily have to be physical placement, just something that points to their having been there.

Then it gets complicated and someone might have regretted going to such trouble just to implicate Muslims quickly and surely, but on the bright side there was a new opportunity presented in being able to make a bomb factory connection in Leeds. But every new angle brings with it new complexities.

So Efraim Halevi spoke too soon. His operatives are not done yet. They run a great risk of exposing themselves and their operation as they scurry about trying to tie up loose ends, concoct new lies, cover their tracks, prevent real investigation, silence the media, and suppress real evidence.

Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.

The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

2005-07-21 19:25:08

Al-Qaeda: "This message is the final warning to European states. We want to give you a one-month deadline"

Al-Qaeda warns Europe to quit Iraq

Dubai July 19

The Al-Qaeda terror network warned European nations to pull their troops out of Iraq within a month or face more attacks like the deadly London bombings, according to an Internet statement. "This message is the final warning to European states. We want to give you a one-month deadline to bring your soldiers out from the land of Mesopotamia (Iraq)," said the statement signed by Al-Qaeda group the Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigades and dated July 16.

After August 15, "there will be no more messages, just actions that will be engraved on the heart of Europe.

"It will be a bloody war in the service of God," said the statement, the authenticity of which could not be verified.

"It's a message we are addressing to the crusaders who are still present in Iraq -- Denmark, the Netherlands, Britain, Italy and those other countries whose troops continue to criss-cross Iraqi territory.

"These are our last words. The mujahedeen, who are on the lookout, will have other words to say in your capitals."

A statement issued in the name of the "Europe Division" of the same Al-Qaeda group claimed responsibility for the July 7 bombings on London's public transport system that killed at least 56 people and wounded some 700.

The same group also claimed the 2004 train bombings in Madrid and the 2003 attacks in Istanbul.

"After the laudable strikes that have shaken London and the cities of other Crusaders still present in Iraq, we have renewed the ultimatum that we had given," the statement said.

"We give you all one month to reflect carefully on your policy towards Islam and Muslims.

"We're giving you this deadline so that you stop running behind the United States and the Zionists, without paying attention to the blood that has been shed and continues to be shed in the land of Islam - in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine."

The statement came amid intense debate in Britain over the role the 2003 invasion of Iraq played in spurring the four British suicide bombers to carry out the deadly attacks.

In a Guardian/ICM poll published Tuesday, two-thirds of respondents said they saw a link, while three-quarters said they considered further attacks likely.

But the government of Prime Minister Tony Blair has continued to deny that the war left Britain more vulnerable to terror attacks, despite a damning report from the respected think tank, the Royal Institute of International Affairs.

The Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigades take their name from an Al-Qaeda commander killed during the US-led invasion of Afghanistan in October 2001.

The group previously gave European countries an ultimatum to pull out of Iraq in April last year, a month after the Madrid attacks which killed 191 people and helped secure the election of a Socialist government committed to withdrawing Spanish troops.

Following the expiry of a three-month deadline, the group issued a further statement in August threatening to strike those European countries that continued to "attack Muslims and interfere in their domestic affairs."


2005-07-21 19:32:40

Hey Moshule, din articolul postat mai jos ai taiat ce era mai spumos…

…Sinucigasii "syborg" …Star Trek, next generation…

"...Sky News TV reported that police were searching for a man with a blue shirt with wires protruding. In a memo to hospital staff, officers asked employees to look for a black or Asian male, 6 feet 2 inches tall, wearing a blue top with a hole in the back and wires protruding..."


2005-07-21 19:43:33

Re: sobru

A propos de drepturi democratice: pina acum Marea Britanie este (probabil) singura tzara din lume care a admis ca rezidenti pe teritoriul ei islamisti care indemnau credinciosii sa atace interesele Occidentuluii (inclusiv cele britanice) oriunde in lume, propovaduind ura si razboi sfint chiar impotriva tarii care-i gazduieste.

Ce zici , daca se face un raid si-i inhata, apoi ii expulzeaza (cu putina detentie inainte) pe toti astia, se renunta la drepturile si libertatile fundamentale ale poporului britanic?

La 2005-07-21 18:28:16, Sobru a scris:

> N-am spus ca nu-i pe bune(bodaproste ca se pare ca nu s-a intamplat
> nimic grav). Nu pot sa nu remarc insa tresaririle de bucurie ale
> celor care vor sa li se confirme teoriile gen "razboiul
> islamului" bla bla.
> Din pacate, e probabil ca englezii sa mai faca un pas spre distrugerea
> propriei libertati. Societatea occidentala este de fapt extrem de
> vulnerabila, pentru ca oamenii au devenit dependenti de confort, si
> orice pericol se transforma in psihoza.
> Vom vedea deci cat de curajosi sint britanicii, in masura in care nu
> vor accepta nici o renuntare la principiile democratice. Asta abia
> inseamna curaj, si nu persistarea in eroare.

2005-07-21 19:45:49

Re: Pune mina pe biblie !

Aia din Biblie au plecat din Egipt, sa se intoarca in Egipt.
Auzi la el ce argumente aduce, biblia!

2005-07-21 19:53:58

Re: Al-Qaeda: Au aparut ca la un semn propagandistii fundo-comici (fundamentalisto-comunisti) Cocozen si altzii..

Si, oricum, trebuie sa recunoastem ca si-au imbunatatit tehnica: stirile pe care le citeaza acum, in calitatea lor de voce a Al Quaidei, sint vechi de NUMAI 2 zile. Nu de mult veneau cu povesti - mincinoase - de acu' trei ani...:-))))

La 2005-07-21 19:25:08, progitmo a scris:

> Al-Qaeda warns Europe to quit Iraq
> Dubai July 19
> The Al-Qaeda terror network warned European nations to pull their
> troops out of Iraq within a month or face more attacks like the
> deadly London bombings, according to an Internet statement.
> "This message is the final warning to European states. We want
> to give you a one-month deadline to bring your soldiers out from the
> land of Mesopotamia (Iraq)," said the statement signed by
> Al-Qaeda group the Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigades and dated July 16.
> After August 15, "there will be no more messages, just actions
> that will be engraved on the heart of Europe.
> "It will be a bloody war in the service of God," said the
> statement, the authenticity of which could not be verified.
> "It's a message we are addressing to the crusaders who are still
> present in Iraq -- Denmark, the Netherlands, Britain, Italy and those
> other countries whose troops continue to criss-cross Iraqi territory.
> "These are our last words. The mujahedeen, who are on the
> lookout, will have other words to say in your capitals."
> A statement issued in the name of the "Europe Division" of
> the same Al-Qaeda group claimed responsibility for the July 7
> bombings on London's public transport system that killed at least 56
> people and wounded some 700.
> The same group also claimed the 2004 train bombings in Madrid and the
> 2003 attacks in Istanbul.
> "After the laudable strikes that have shaken London and the
> cities of other Crusaders still present in Iraq, we have renewed the
> ultimatum that we had given," the statement said.
> "We give you all one month to reflect carefully on your policy
> towards Islam and Muslims.
> "We're giving you this deadline so that you stop running behind
> the United States and the Zionists, without paying attention to the
> blood that has been shed and continues to be shed in the land of
> Islam - in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine."
> The statement came amid intense debate in Britain over the role the
> 2003 invasion of Iraq played in spurring the four British suicide
> bombers to carry out the deadly attacks.
> In a Guardian/ICM poll published Tuesday, two-thirds of respondents
> said they saw a link, while three-quarters said they considered
> further attacks likely.
> But the government of Prime Minister Tony Blair has continued to deny
> that the war left Britain more vulnerable to terror attacks, despite
> a damning report from the respected think tank, the Royal Institute
> of International Affairs.
> The Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigades take their name from an Al-Qaeda
> commander killed during the US-led invasion of Afghanistan in October
> 2001.
> The group previously gave European countries an ultimatum to pull out
> of Iraq in April last year, a month after the Madrid attacks which
> killed 191 people and helped secure the election of a Socialist
> government committed to withdrawing Spanish troops.
> Following the expiry of a three-month deadline, the group issued a
> further statement in August threatening to strike those European
> countries that continued to "attack Muslims and interfere in
> their domestic affairs."
> [AFP]

2005-07-21 19:56:04

Zen: ai macar buna-cuviinta sa precizezi sursa teoriei conspiratiei pe care o publici. Sau te faci de ris? NDC

La 2005-07-21 19:16:50, Zen a scris:

> Enjoy:
> We see in the London bombing the Mossad and their assorted affiliates
> trying to correct a particular problem that occurred for them on 9/11
> and in Madrid. On 9/11 they could not reveal the CCTV videos because
> there were no hijackers taped. On 3/11 they could not reveal the CCTV
> videos because there were no bomb carrying passengers taped.
> The logistics of the London bombing, including the type of explosive,
> placement, timing, and detonation were like Madrid, so once again,
> the CCTV videos could not record passengers carrying bombs because
> there were none. What to do?
> If they followed the Madrid plan they would once again have to
> suppress the videos.
> Why do they need videos?
> They need videos to show "proof" of Muslim suicide
> bombers. Creating terror to blame on Muslims is the whole point. They
> could have used the same technique to blow the trains as they did in
> Madrid, but as they learned in Madrid, Muslims were not the first and
> only suspects. When you have more than one suspect it means
> investigation. Investigation is what you want to avoid.
> They could not trust to chance that even thousands of hours of London
> Underground video would reveal a Muslim carrying a suspicious pack,
> who had also conveniently disappeared in the blast – and
> multiplied by three? No chance. What to do?
> The initial idea was fairly simple: Get a video of four Muslims
> carrying packs. Place them in London a short time before the bombing,
> and then kill them all at the proper time.
> "Placing" in London does not necessarily have to
> be physical placement, just something that points to their having
> been there.
> Then it gets complicated and someone might have regretted going to
> such trouble just to implicate Muslims quickly and surely, but on the
> bright side there was a new opportunity presented in being able to
> make a bomb factory connection in Leeds. But every new angle brings
> with it new complexities.
> So Efraim Halevi spoke too soon. His operatives are not done yet. They
> run a great risk of exposing themselves and their operation as they
> scurry about trying to tie up loose ends, concoct new lies, cover
> their tracks, prevent real investigation, silence the media, and
> suppress real evidence.
> Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.
> The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
> The best lack all conviction, while the worst
> Are full of passionate intensity.

2005-07-21 19:56:09

Re: Roy

Bey Harap Alb,

De pe ce site musulman mananci kktul asta?

La 2005-07-21 19:16:50, Zen a scris:

> Enjoy:
> We see in the London bombing the Mossad and their assorted affiliates
> trying to correct a particular problem that occurred for them on 9/11
> and in Madrid. On 9/11 they could not reveal the CCTV videos because
> there were no hijackers taped. On 3/11 they could not reveal the CCTV
> videos because there were no bomb carrying passengers taped.
> The logistics of the London bombing, including the type of explosive,
> placement, timing, and detonation were like Madrid, so once again,
> the CCTV videos could not record passengers carrying bombs because
> there were none. What to do?
> If they followed the Madrid plan they would once again have to
> suppress the videos.
> Why do they need videos?
> They need videos to show "proof" of Muslim suicide
> bombers. Creating terror to blame on Muslims is the whole point. They
> could have used the same technique to blow the trains as they did in
> Madrid, but as they learned in Madrid, Muslims were not the first and
> only suspects. When you have more than one suspect it means
> investigation. Investigation is what you want to avoid.
> They could not trust to chance that even thousands of hours of London
> Underground video would reveal a Muslim carrying a suspicious pack,
> who had also conveniently disappeared in the blast – and
> multiplied by three? No chance. What to do?
> The initial idea was fairly simple: Get a video of four Muslims
> carrying packs. Place them in London a short time before the bombing,
> and then kill them all at the proper time.
> "Placing" in London does not necessarily have to
> be physical placement, just something that points to their having
> been there.
> Then it gets complicated and someone might have regretted going to
> such trouble just to implicate Muslims quickly and surely, but on the
> bright side there was a new opportunity presented in being able to
> make a bomb factory connection in Leeds. But every new angle brings
> with it new complexities.
> So Efraim Halevi spoke too soon. His operatives are not done yet. They
> run a great risk of exposing themselves and their operation as they
> scurry about trying to tie up loose ends, concoct new lies, cover
> their tracks, prevent real investigation, silence the media, and
> suppress real evidence.
> Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.
> The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
> The best lack all conviction, while the worst
> Are full of passionate intensity.

2005-07-21 19:57:03

Re: Al-Qaeda: "This message is the final warning to European states. We want to give you a one-month deadline"

Ma-ntreb unde-a fost tiparit: La Washington sau la Tel Aviv!?

La 2005-07-21 19:25:08, progitmo a scris:

> Al-Qaeda warns Europe to quit Iraq
> Dubai July 19
> The Al-Qaeda terror network warned European nations to pull their
> troops out of Iraq within a month or face more attacks like the
> deadly London bombings, according to an Internet statement.
> "This message is the final warning to European states. We want
> to give you a one-month deadline to bring your soldiers out from the
> land of Mesopotamia (Iraq)," said the statement signed by
> Al-Qaeda group the Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigades and dated July 16.
> After August 15, "there will be no more messages, just actions
> that will be engraved on the heart of Europe.
> "It will be a bloody war in the service of God," said the
> statement, the authenticity of which could not be verified.
> "It's a message we are addressing to the crusaders who are still
> present in Iraq -- Denmark, the Netherlands, Britain, Italy and those
> other countries whose troops continue to criss-cross Iraqi territory.
> "These are our last words. The mujahedeen, who are on the
> lookout, will have other words to say in your capitals."
> A statement issued in the name of the "Europe Division" of
> the same Al-Qaeda group claimed responsibility for the July 7
> bombings on London's public transport system that killed at least 56
> people and wounded some 700.
> The same group also claimed the 2004 train bombings in Madrid and the
> 2003 attacks in Istanbul.
> "After the laudable strikes that have shaken London and the
> cities of other Crusaders still present in Iraq, we have renewed the
> ultimatum that we had given," the statement said.
> "We give you all one month to reflect carefully on your policy
> towards Islam and Muslims.
> "We're giving you this deadline so that you stop running behind
> the United States and the Zionists, without paying attention to the
> blood that has been shed and continues to be shed in the land of
> Islam - in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine."
> The statement came amid intense debate in Britain over the role the
> 2003 invasion of Iraq played in spurring the four British suicide
> bombers to carry out the deadly attacks.
> In a Guardian/ICM poll published Tuesday, two-thirds of respondents
> said they saw a link, while three-quarters said they considered
> further attacks likely.
> But the government of Prime Minister Tony Blair has continued to deny
> that the war left Britain more vulnerable to terror attacks, despite
> a damning report from the respected think tank, the Royal Institute
> of International Affairs.
> The Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigades take their name from an Al-Qaeda
> commander killed during the US-led invasion of Afghanistan in October
> 2001.
> The group previously gave European countries an ultimatum to pull out
> of Iraq in April last year, a month after the Madrid attacks which
> killed 191 people and helped secure the election of a Socialist
> government committed to withdrawing Spanish troops.
> Following the expiry of a three-month deadline, the group issued a
> further statement in August threatening to strike those European
> countries that continued to "attack Muslims and interfere in
> their domestic affairs."
> [AFP]

2005-07-21 19:58:17

Re: Zen

Zen, citezi undeva cum ca: "On 9/11 they could not reveal the CCTV videos " si vreau sa contrazic acest 'fapt'.

Ata, seful celor 19, a fost aratat pe multe posturi nationale in SUA cand se afla in holul aeroportului din Boston, inainte de imbarcare. Nu stiu care e situatia cu celelalte locatii/atentate insa nu te astepta sa vezi ceva de la Londra pe termen scurt chiar daca ar exista.

Cum spunea cineva aici, anglo-saxonii mai intai incearca sa dea de fundul povestii si dupa aceea trag concluzii. Tu daca ai avea faptasii pe banda, ai arata banda imediat dupa atacuri?

Intr-o ordine de idei putin diferita, uite cum au relatat astia azi povestea cu Mutu si deconspirarea acestuia de un traficant de droguri. Daca ne-ai da si sursa citatului tau am putea gandi cu mintile noastre...

La 2005-07-21 19:16:50, Zen a scris:

> Enjoy:
> We see in the London bombing the Mossad and their assorted affiliates
> trying to correct a particular problem that occurred for them on 9/11
> and in Madrid. On 9/11 they could not reveal the CCTV videos because
> there were no hijackers taped. On 3/11 they could not reveal the CCTV
> videos because there were no bomb carrying passengers taped.
> The logistics of the London bombing, including the type of explosive,
> placement, timing, and detonation were like Madrid, so once again,
> the CCTV videos could not record passengers carrying bombs because
> there were none. What to do?
> If they followed the Madrid plan they would once again have to
> suppress the videos.
> Why do they need videos?
> They need videos to show "proof" of Muslim suicide
> bombers. Creating terror to blame on Muslims is the whole point. They
> could have used the same technique to blow the trains as they did in
> Madrid, but as they learned in Madrid, Muslims were not the first and
> only suspects. When you have more than one suspect it means
> investigation. Investigation is what you want to avoid.
> They could not trust to chance that even thousands of hours of London
> Underground video would reveal a Muslim carrying a suspicious pack,
> who had also conveniently disappeared in the blast – and
> multiplied by three? No chance. What to do?
> The initial idea was fairly simple: Get a video of four Muslims
> carrying packs. Place them in London a short time before the bombing,
> and then kill them all at the proper time.
> "Placing" in London does not necessarily have to
> be physical placement, just something that points to their having
> been there.
> Then it gets complicated and someone might have regretted going to
> such trouble just to implicate Muslims quickly and surely, but on the
> bright side there was a new opportunity presented in being able to
> make a bomb factory connection in Leeds. But every new angle brings
> with it new complexities.
> So Efraim Halevi spoke too soon. His operatives are not done yet. They
> run a great risk of exposing themselves and their operation as they
> scurry about trying to tie up loose ends, concoct new lies, cover
> their tracks, prevent real investigation, silence the media, and
> suppress real evidence.
> Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.
> The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
> The best lack all conviction, while the worst
> Are full of passionate intensity.

2005-07-21 19:59:39

Re: Pune mina pe biblie !

Te pui cu "te-ncurci". Istorii a la SMT, Judetzul Chicago.

La 2005-07-21 19:45:49, Sobru a scris:

> Aia din Biblie au plecat din Egipt, sa se intoarca in Egipt.
> Auzi la el ce argumente aduce, biblia!

2005-07-21 20:04:25

Re: sobru

Nu, pot sa-i inhate.
Aici se izbesc lucrurile de altceva, o alta hiba noua, si ea la fel de periculoasa: "corectitudinea politica".
In UK un antrenor de fotbal parca, a fost nevoit sa-si dea demisia in urma scandalului creat de faptul ca a spus ca "handicapatii probabil platesc pacate din vieti anterioare". Era o grava incalcare a dreptului la opinie, alt stalp al democratiei. Astea sint problemele, iar ele se leaga.

Mos Grigore
2005-07-21 20:18:20

He, He, He italienii aresteaza CIA-ul ca pe teroristi i-au terminat

Italy seeks arrests of 6 more CIA operatives

By John Crewdson Tribune senior correspondent
Thu Jul 21, 9:40 AM ET

Italian prosecutors again sought arrest warrants Wednesday for six additional CIA operatives who they say took part in the abduction two years ago of a radical Islamic cleric.

If granted, the prosecutors' request would bring to 19 the number of CIA personnel formally charged with the kidnapping in February 2003 of Osama Moustafa Hassan Nasr, better known as Abu Omar.

Milan's chief terrorism prosecutor, Armando Spataro, originally sought warrants for all 19, described in official documents as "a substantial group of persons belonging to the CIA of the United States or directly linked to it."

But an Italian judge declined to include 6 of the 19, observing that they left Milan shortly before the abduction and might not have known the ultimate purpose of the operation in which they were involved.

Appeal to 3 judges

Appealing that decision before a three-judge panel of Milan's Tribunale della Liberta, Spataro said the electronic trail left by their cell phones clearly showed that the six -- three men and three women -- were conducting surveillance of Abu Omar's apartment and monitoring his movements around Milan as a prelude to choosing the time and place of the abduction.

"These are persons who were in the street [where Abu Omar lived] almost a hundred times during the month preceding the event," Spataro wrote in his appeal, a copy of which was obtained by the Tribune.

As a consequence, Spataro said, "there can be no doubt" that the six operatives understood an abduction was in the offing. A decision is expected within a few days.

Most of the 19 are thought to have entered Italy under assumed names, although one of those for whom warrants were requested Wednesday evidently registered at a Milan hotel under his real name.

A source close to the investigation said the man, whose passport describes him as a 63-year-old native of Tennessee, is now posted to the U.S. Embassy in Tanzania.

Spataro has said he will ask the Bush administration to help him identify the operatives who used "cover names" under a mutual assistance treaty between the two countries.

The U.S. can refuse such a request by saying that national security is involved, according to international legal experts. But it cannot use national security as a bar to extraditing the operatives to stand trial in Milan, should they be identified from passport photographs or in some other way.

Spataro's appeal also includes the real names of two other persons who it maintains played key roles in the operation, which involved transporting Abu Omar from Milan to an Italian-U.S. air base at Aviano, Italy, from there to another air base in Germany and finally to Cairo.

An Egyptian by birth, Abu Omar had been granted political asylum in Italy and was given the opportunity of returning to Milan if he agreed to inform for the Egyptian intelligence service, according to Spataro's original warrant application.

By his own account in a later telephone conversation with another imam in Milan, Abu Omar refused the offer and was tortured by the Egyptians. According to his family and his Egyptian attorney, the 42-year-old Muslim cleric remains in an Egyptian prison, though he is not charged with a crime.

One of those named in Spataro's appeal, though not as a criminal suspect, is a U.S. Air Force colonel who was serving as "a senior United States official responsible for security at the Aviano base," and who allegedly helped arrange Abu Omar's departure from Aviano.

The other person identified, Robert Seldon Lady, now retired from the CIA, is among the 13 operatives accused of having deprived Abu Omar "of his personal liberty by means of abduction, forcibly immobilizing him and forcibly compelling him to enter a truck, in which he was transported first to the military airbase of Aviano . . . and subsequently to Egypt."

Lady, who retired from the CIA a few months after the abduction, owns a villa in the Asti wine country southwest of Milan. On June 23, the day the 13 arrest warrants were announced, police who arrived to search Lady's house found him gone.

In the garage, in what the appeal describes as "a box used as a rubbish-bin," police found a list of Milan hotels that offered special rates to U.S. government employees. The hotels included those where the CIA operatives stayed while preparing for the abduction, the appeal said, "confirming the role of Lady Seldon as the organizer of the operation."

Telephone tapped

Italian police were tapping the villa's telephone when, at the end of May, Lady called his wife from Honduras. Shortly afterward, according to the accounts of neighbors in the Italian press, she left on a lengthy trip to that country and returned to Italy shortly before the warrants were made public.

After the police left the villa carrying documents and the hard drives from several computers, Lady called his wife again, this time from a Honduran cell phone.

Evidently not suspecting the villa's phone was tapped, she told him she had been attempting to destroy the documents just as the police arrived.

Lady's current whereabouts are unknown.

The appeal describes the abduction as a "totally illegal episode" that "not only seriously violates Italian sovereignty but which has also been damaging and counterproductive for the purposes of anti-terrorist action."

Without the interference of the CIA, the appeal concludes, the police investigation "could reasonably have led to important results in terms of a knowledge of both new militants and of the programs and structures (including those operating abroad) of the terrorist association of which . . . Abu Omar was a part."



- - -

Case against CIA operatives heats up

An Italian prosecutor on Wednesday intensified his case against a group of CIA operatives who in 2003 allegedly kidnapped an Italian national suspected of ties to terrorism. The case has soured relations between the Italian and U.S. governments.


2003 (area map)

Feb. 17:

Leaving his Milan apartment to walk to a nearby mosque, Abu Omar is abducted and placed in a van, allegedly by CIA operatives.

He is driven to the joint U.S.-Italian air base in Aviano, Italy.

He is flown to Ramstein, Germany.

He is flown to Cairo, where he is imprisoned.



Late February: Local news reports indicate that Italian prosecutor Armando Spataro has demanded U.S. military records about flights in and out of the Aviano air base.

The reports also mention that at least 15 CIA operatives have been under investigation for several months.

June 23: An Italian judge issues arrest warrants for 13 Americans who allegedly took part in the abduction of Abu Omar. Five days later, Spataro announces he will seek to extradite the 13 Americans to Italy and will enlist Interpol to help apprehend the suspects.

June 30: The Italian prime minister's office announces that Italian agencies had nothing to do with the kidnapping, countering a Washington Post report that said high-level Italian government officials had approved the abduction.

The same day, Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi summons the U.S. ambassador to explain the abduction, demanding full respect for Italian sovereignty.

Wednesday: Spataro asks the Milan appeals court for warrants to arrest an additional six CIA operatives accused of being involved in the abduction.

Sources: Tribune and wire reports

Mos Grigore
2005-07-21 20:19:47

A inviat Cocoshul! Si e care credeam ca l-au pus cu cotet cu tot pe containerul de intors.

La 2005-07-21 19:07:28, Giuseppe Cocos a scris:

>  cred ca este timpul ca Englezii sa-si scoata staegurile de la
> naftalina si sa le fluture in stil patriotic ...

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