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2005-07-20 23:30:30

Pentru o sanatate mai buna si o rasa superioara

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Citind aceste conditii din lecturile profetului E.Cayce, intelegem de ce slujba de la biserica si cititul Bibliei ne vindeca. Dupa cum rezulta din lecturile de mai jos, asta se intampla pentru ca ne aflam intr-o stare de relaxare, rugaciune si meditatie, si, in acest fel, fiecare atom al corpului nostru se acordeaza la Divinitate, realizand astfel echilibru, suntem vindecati. Totodata mai e necesar sa cautam sa ne pastram calmul in orice situatie (deci fara jigniri si invective la adresa altora); sa petrecem timp in natura si sa ne bucuram de simfonia de culori si sunete; sa fim buni pentru ceva, sa cautam sa-i ajutam si vindecam si pe altii, sa ne dedicam viata unor grupuri si cauze nobile.
Explicatiile date prin lecturile lui Cayce nu fac decat sa convinga si sa indrepte oamenii spre Biserica si Biblie. De aceea preotii ar trebui chiar ei sa recomande aceste lecturi pentru ca aduc un imens serviciu bisericii: explica ceea ce ei nu stiu sa explice omului modern, instruit, care refuza acestea pentruca nu inteleg la ce I-ar folosi. Daca unii din cei ce studiaza lecturile lui Cayce mai ratacesc inca si nu merg la slujbe, este pentru ca biserica desi nu poate explica totul, il refuza pe Cayce. El a trait ca un sfant si si-a dedicat viata vindecarii oamenilor fara a impune plata pentru serviciile aduse. De aceea ar trebui recunoscut ca atare si, in acest fel s-ar ajunge la o mai mare apropiere intre religii. Biserica Ortodoxa ar avea sansa sa devina "vioara-ntai" si ar fi o lucratura de maestru daca ar sti sa se foloseasca de aceasta ocazie, pentru ca este o prioritate si s-ar veni in intampinarea vointei lui Dumnezeu. Rolul Bisericii nu este sa faca teorie, ci SA MANIFESTE CREDINTA, CUM A FACUT SI IISUS CAND A VINDECAT, A INVIAT MORTI, A MULTIPLICAT HRANA, A TRANSFORMAT APA IN VIN SI A POTOLIT FURTUNA. FARA AJUTORUL LECTURILOR LUI CAYCE PUTINI PREOTI VOR PUTEA FACE ASTEA. Tocmai de-aia Dumnezeu ne-a mai trimis acest profet ca sa ne explice mai pe inteles. Se stie doar ca Iisus, dintr-o anumita ratiune, a vorbit in parabole si numai aposolilor le-a dat explicatii in plus. In acest fel s-ar crea "rasa superioara" visata de unii care au crezut ca o vor face prin eliminarea celor bolnavi sau rai, si s-ar rezolva multe probleme de sanatate.

"...all healing is from the Divine within, and not from medications. Medications only attune or accord a body for the proper reactions from the elemental forces of divinity within each corpuscle, each cell, each muscle, each activity of every atom of the body itself." Edgar Cayce reading 1173-6

"Rest as often as possible, and a period of whole rest would be well, for a week or ten days, where it is dry and where plenty of sunshine may be had..." Edgar Cayce reading 349-12

"...[keep] all well under the influence of the mental forces of self, knowing that all healing properties must come from within, and as the mental holds the relation to self, and to the I AM within, just so will the response of each applied force from without respond from within." Edgar Cayce reading 42-1
"…all strength, all healing of every nature is the changing of the vibrations from within, the attuning of the divine within the living tissue of a body to Creative Energies. This alone is healing. Whether it is accomplished by the use of drugs, the knife, or what-not, it is the attuning of the atomic structure of the living cellular force to its spiritual heritage."Reading 1967-1
"Healing others is healing self. For, to give out that which aids others in reaching that which creates the perfect vibration of life in their physical selves, through the mental attitudes and aptitudes of the body, brings to self better understanding." Edgar Cayce reading 281-18
"...overanxiety, anger, and conditions of any nature that work the body up to a state of exhaustion, produce a great deal of disturbance to the body..." Edgar Cayce reading 2102-1
"àBegin to plan as to what the body will do when and as the improvements come... Not only be good, be good for something! Hold to that which is of Truth!" Edgar Cayce reading 572-5
"Keep away from medicinal properties, but get close to nature and let the art side of life develop in the physical forces of the body through the closer association with nature." Edgar Cayce reading 259-3
"Emotions such as anger, fear, or worry can of themselves produce an acid condition in the body...An alkaline-forming diet becomes even more important under such conditions." From Nourishing the Body Temple: Edgar Cayce's Approach to Nutrition by Simone Gabbay.

"...all healing, all help must arise from constructive thinking, constructive application, and most and first of all constructive spiritual inspiration." Edgar Cayce reading 5289
"Go into silence, that is...begin with ten or fifteen minutes, then increase to an hour, sit well up in the chair with both hands on the knees and relieve the mind of everything." Edgar Cayce reading 599-1
"Prayer, that aids in creating in the very elements of the body itself, will aid materially in the condition. Faith, as founded on hope û and the hope in the Healer of all." Edgar Cayce reading 484-1
"...the quicker way, the greater response, physically and mentally, may be found by the perfect relaxation in meditation..." Edgar Cayce reading 257-92

"Take at least a little exercise each day in the sunshine, as much of this as practical. Walking or even sitting in the sunshine is well for the body." Edgar Cayce reading 2493-1

"Keep the mental attitude in those constructive influences of thought, and towards groups and individuals, and there will be much change in the general feeling of the body." Edgar Cayce reading 288-53
"...sounds, music and colors may have much to do with creating the proper vibrations about individuals that are mentally unbalanced, physically deficient or ill in body and mind..." Edgar Cayce reading 1334-1

2005-07-20 23:56:47

Banii sunt doar o parte a problemei

Trebuie inchise cel putin 300 de spitale sau scoase din finantarea CAS.
Trebuie definita clar , identificata si "rezolvata" problema conflictului de interese /concurenta neloiala in sistemul finantat de CAS. Asigurarile sociale nu isi pot permite in prezent sa contracteze servicii private , oricum performanta se face , in covirsitoarea majoritate a cazurilor in unitatile de stat.
Trebuie extins sistemul de ingrijiri la domiciliu care poate absorbi si o parte din forta de munca specializata din spitalele ce vor fi inchise.
Nu mai are rost sa continui , asteptam de atitia ani incit am inceput sa ne gindim la pensie.

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